Anastrasya Karelova

Anastrasya was a noblewoman of Vallaki that hosted parties in honor of Strahd. She was ruthless with any that she thought were traitorous to the Lord of Barovia, even though she had never seen him and knew of his terrible reputation. She was a woman of extraordinary beauty and had no doubt that if she could only meet the count, he would deem her worthy as a bride, not realizing he was truly a vampire.   At one of her grand parties, she met a beautiful black skinned woman named Ludmilla, who claimed to be an agent of the count. She informed Anastrasya that the count wanted to dine with her at Castle Ravenloft, an invitation she hastily accepted.   Once at the castle, Ludmilla gave Anastrasya a tour, gaining some pleasure in the prospect that the beautiful noblewoman would be terrified by the sights of Castle Ravenloft. Much to her surprise, Anastrasya was enamored with the macabre and evil displays of Strahd’s power.   Strahd took to her immediately, and even though it meant his waning interest in Ludmilla faded even faster, he appreciated his elder bride’s foresight to find him such a beautiful new consort.   Anastrasya is the most powerful at the vampiric arts, wielding the ability to charm others and summon swarms of bats or rats despite being technically a vampire spawn.
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