Session 32 & 33

General Summary

Legendary Actions!

Syntyavr 26

(4:30 PM)

  A Merry Chase
  • The vampires split in two directions, North and West.
  • Verce and Vince follow the dark cloaked vampire to the south, losing sight of the soldier vampire
  • Ozan, Rumex, and Ilyson give chase to the mage and elven spaw
    Team South
  • Verce and Vince almost lose the dark cloaked vampire in the alleyways but enlist the help of a guard on the wall to help track him down
  • Vince misty steps up to the guard's position and can spot the vamp turning the corner down an alley
  • Verce high tails it down the alley in pursuit and spots the soldier vamp on a neighboring rooftop while spotting his quarry enter an herbalist's shop
  • Vince gets on the roof to deal with the soldier with help from the guard but this vamp seemed to just be a
    distraction and managed to slip away
  • Verce confronts the dark one inside the shop and makes short work of him, taking his head as a trophy
  • The Dragon Bros. regroup and make their way back to the main Svalich Road in the middle of town hoping to regroup with team West, seeing destruction, fires and murdered civilians along the way
Team West
  • Ozan, Rumex, and Ilyson see their two vamps slip into a dark narrow street to the north of Svalich Road
  • They squeeze into the space avoided debris left in the vamp's wake and pop out into a small plaza on the opposite end
  • The elven vampire spawn throws a poisoned dagger that embeds itself into Rumex who immediately begins to feel the negative effects of the poison
  • Ozan assissts with some divine counter-measures and Rumex plucks the blade from his flesh, earning himself a nice reward.
  • Both vampires turn a corner on the north side of the plaza and the party hears a commotion between their quarry and a group of guards involving some flames (possibly Izek)
  • The vamps double back and take to the rooftops pursued by the party, both sides taking potshots and sustaining hits along the way
  • A wild pack of dogs block the entrance to alley as the vamps return to the original alley and finally manage to give the party the slip.
  Following the Trail
  • The party fortuitously reunite in the Svalich Road just east of the town square and quickly brief each other on what happened
  • Vince sends Helena to assist Rumex in following the vampire spawn's trail and ascertain that they are headed for St. Andral's church on the west side of town
  • As the party makes their way towards the church to attempt to retrieve St. Andral's bones and reconsecrate the church they are witness to carnage in the streets as more victims of the spawn litter the streets and small fires have popped up in their wake
  • They spot Ireena ushering some of the orphans into the more readily fortified church
  • Meanwhile an ominous figure astride a flaming nightmare is seen streaking across the sky over the eastern section of the town a mile away...


Sanctuary for the Moment
  • The party makes it into the vestibule of the church and as they make their way up the oddly empty center aisle see some movement and hear someone speaking up near the altar
  • Rumex stealthily makes his way towards the nave, hiding amongst the pews while the rest of the party take defensive positions closer to the southern entrance
  • Verce stands sentry outside the church's massive oak doors where he bears witness to Urwin Martikov helping stragglers in the street as well as grouping of ravens harrying one of the vampire spawn who is still cutting a bloody swath through the town.
  • Ireena is kneeling next to Father Lucian, who appears to have suffered substantial injuries.
    Here Comes the Bride
  • A beautiful woman slowly spider climbs down the rear wall towards Ireena whilst speaking to her...
Ireena Kolyana, you foolish girl. Do you truly believe you can capture his attention? Strahd's desires are far beyond your comprehension, mere child. You prance around, flaunting your innocence, thinking that your fleeting beauty can ensnare the Lord of Barovia himself. How amusingly naive.   I have watched you from the shadows, seen how he gazes upon you with those hungry eyes. But let me enlighten you, little Ireena, for you seem to have forgotten your place. Strahd's affections are fickle, his heart as cold and unyielding as the very darkness that envelops this accursed land.   You, Ireena, are but a passing fancy, a diversion that has caught his attention for the moment. But mark my words, I will not be overshadowed by your feeble existence. I will prove to Strahd that I am the superior choice, the one who truly understands the depths of his power and darkness.
-Anastrasya Karelova, Vampire bride of Strahd
  Of Mice and Men
  • Before Anastrasya makes a final move towards Ireena, she spots a concealed Rumex yards away crouched amongst the pews.
  • She makes a disparaging remark comparing Rumex to vermin and then summons rats to attack which begin to spill out from underneath the side entrances to the nave.
  • Ireena uses Rumex' unintended distraction to attempt to drag Father Lucian to safety near Yeska in an opened doorway.
  • Anastrasya, in the blink of an eye pounces upo Ireena, grabbing her by the neck..."You see, I was once in your shoes. A noblewoman of Vallaki, hosting grand soirées in his name, believing that my beauty and charm would be enough to win his favor. Oh, how I yearned to catch a mere glimpse of him, to feel his presence grace my existence,"
  • She then flings Ireena over the pews towards Rumex who deftly avoids being struck , hurting her in the Ireena lands near Yeska.
  Church Fight!
  • Hearing what is happening further inside the church the rest of the party springs into action, led by Ozan who placed Ireena under the protection of a sanctuary spell allowing her to regain her footing and bring father Lucian to safety with Yeska in the adjacent room.
  • She wanted to return to the fray and assist after stabilizing the priest but was persuaded to stay out of the way.
  • Verce raced forward while Rumex attempted to light up the surging, biting rats with a fireshot and a flask of oil and released a radiant burst of his breath weapon, immolating the entire swarm.
  • Vince sent waves of eldritch blasts into the fray, striking the alluring vampiress with sickly purplish arcsl of energy
  • Enraged with bloodlust, Anastrasya licks the blood from her fingers and charges into Verce, biting him and terribly debilitating the big dragon as he felt his life force literally being drained...he pushes her back into the wall with a telekinetic shove, reacting through almost feral instincts of self preservation
  Fi Fi Fo Fum
  • Ilyson invokes the might of the Giant's he has studied and grows to almost 12 feet tall as he rushes ahead, laying a nauseauting fart in Vince's general direction
  • He grabs Anastrasya in a crippling bear hug and holds strong as she attempts to push herself free and then mercilessly claws him, greivously injuring the big man.
  • A secondary swarm of rats sweep across the floor from underneath the eastern doors of the nave, seeking to cut the giant down to size, but are enduced into a magical slumber from Ozan's timely spell.
  • Ilyson raises his prisoner high into the air, where Rumex strikes true with an arrow that seems to damage her but not shake her confidence. Rumex is dialed in, he shouts "Maurezhi!" almost as a war cry with each shot, Anastrasya seems to recognize the word, his companions do not.
  • At a signal from Verce, the giant tosses her into the air, where Verce sprouts angelic spectral wings catches her in the air, slams her to the ground and lands atop her slashing at her with his sword
  • Vincenzo sweeps into the fray continuing to pepper Anastrasya with his warlock abilities
  A War of Attrition
  • The battle rages on with some incredible defining moments...Anastrasya spiderclimbing around, at times moving with incredible speeds to plunge her teeth into her victims, Verce taking to the air with Vincenzo in a weird Draconic Angels and Demons Totem Pole manuever, Rumex sniping devastating shots, powerful swings by Ilyson the Giant, and protective services provided by Ozan and his twilight abilities granted by Ilmater somehow.
  • Heroes and Villains alike trading blows when Anastrays looks at the charging 12-foot Ilyson and whispers, "Grovel."
  • The giant cannot resist and falls to his knees as the screams outside grow louder and time begins to feel unnaturally slow.
  Upon a Pale Horse He Rides (okay, a Flaming Black Horse)
  • Outside the church doors something lands heavily. A brutish steed with an oily slick midnight coat, flames replacing its mane and tail as well as billowing from around the feathering scruff of its formidable hooves, smoke rising in tendrils from its nostrils. Yet this is not what strikes the most fear into the companion's hearts...
  • A tall, elegant figure with aristocratic features at first glance appears in the door frame. Long jet black hair cascading past his shoulders, his eyes a piercing crimson color. His attire is regal and formal, reflecting his noble heritage.
  • This striking appearance is layered upon a truly haunting and imposing presence and reality itself seems to unravel as time slows down at his approach.
  • Ilyson rises from his ass-up groveling stance and turns to face the lord of Barovia.
  An Etiquette Lesson
  • Continuing down the central aisle Strahd Von Zarovich discorporates into a cloud of mist that billows out along the floor and almost instantly reforms itself into the vampire lord standing upon the altar, Anastrasya frozen in place, "marionetted" to join him at his side.
  • At a word and a wave of his hand, a shimmering wall of force appeared before him, separating the party from the vampires.
  • He gently chastises her for this attack, assured the party this was not his plan and dismissed her.
  • As she walked, entranced, towards the eastern exit, the sleeping rats woke and followed suit, passing by Rumex, who spat on her and called her "Maurezhi" once more.
  • Strahd seems intrigued that the wood elf knew this word but decided that this act was too rude to let slide
  • He stretched his hand outward unleashing ethereal, black and red spike-tipped chains that embedded themselves into Rumex's chest, withering him to within an inch of his life almost instantly.
An Offer
  • Ireena rushes out from the room Father Lucian was imploring her to stay hidden within and begs Strahd to stop.
My dearest Ireena, a delightful surprise to see you here, surrounded by this valiant group of warriors. You are as beautiful as ever, my love, and they seem eager to protect you. How fortunate for you to be in their company, under their “protection.”   I must say, you've been difficult to reach. No amount of danger in this land has swayed you to reason, has it? You know for truth my affections for you are genuine, and I want you to come to me willingly, with your heart as your guide.
  • Ireena calls him a liar, you see fear in her eyes.
Oh, do not mistake my words for threats or attempts to frighten you. No, my intentions are far from that. I merely wish to express my sincere admiration for your beauty and strength of spirit. You have captivated me like no other, one day, you will come to realize the depth of my love for you.   Imagine it…ruling by my side in the grandeur of Castle Ravenloft. I will be a considerate and attentive companion, showering you with gifts and luxuries befitting a queen. And fear not, your friends here need not concern themselves. They shall be treated with respect and courtesy as my esteemed guests.   I understand that you may feel hesitant now, perhaps even repulsed by the darkness that surrounds me. But time has a way of altering perceptions, and I am willing to wait, to give you the chance to see the man behind the monster. I am patient, I know love cannot be rushed or forced. It must bloom naturally, like a delicate flower in the moonlight.   So, Ireena, take this as an invitation, not a demand. Join me in my castle and we shall spend eternity together, ruling over this land, perhaps even leaving it behind, destined for greatness. Should you decline, know that my love for you will remain steadfast, for you are the one who has awakened something in me, something I thought…long lost.
  • Ireena appears to consider this, but it is unclear whether or not she is doing this as a true choice, or if she is being controlled by something, or perhaps she is acting out of protection of the adventurers...the only thing for certain is that she is afraid yet brave enough to attempt to save the most amount of lives
  • Verce notices for an almost imperceptable second, Strahd's vision lingering over the party as he said "Join me in my castle and we shall spend eternity together, ruling over this land, perhaps even leaving it behind, destined for greatness." Verce believes that Strahd wants out and the reason this disparate group of adventurers are even here is as a sort of 'trial of worthiness' for a successor.
You must know that the only true safety in this world or any other is with me. Only I can protect you in the way you deserve…not with your family that wilted under insignificant pressure, not with these misguided heroes who cannot even put their own houses in order...addicts, capitulators, deluded fools.   And absolutely not some moldering old bones that are so easily misplaced.
    Sanctuary Lost  
  • As the last words leave Strahd's lips, the towering stained glass windows depicting the Morninglord and St. Andral are blown inwards and in steps three of the remaining vampire spawn...the soldier, the mage, and the elven ranger.
  • The mage hands over the sack which contained the remains of St. Andral which Strahd then holds aloft...
  • and crushes them in his hand reducing them to dust in an instant.
  • He calls out the spawn by name...Keyvan...Milton...Stuart...and takes his leave with them.
  • The Nightmare outside vanishes in a cloud of sulphuric vapor
  • the party is left to deal with the aftermath.



Vallaki Burning

St. Andral's Church

Urwin Martikov


Anastrasya Karelova

Strahd Von Zarovich

Nightmare Steed

Ireena Kolyana

Lucian Petrovich


Rat Swarm
