Pumat Sol's Invulnerable Vagrant

General Summary

An account of an infamous Shopping trip in the Vineyard.


Vincenzo Prizzi

Vincenzo Prizzi: I'm in for the helm of whispers and the ring of borrowed time. And a couple of those grab bags and i think the sacrificial dagger sounds like a great time. but I don't want to be greedo and shoot first.     Pumat Sol: "Ah, the Helm of Whispers! A fascinating piece, indeed. Crafted with ancient magics, it grants the wearer access to knowledge from some otherworldly source. While wearing it, you'll hear faint whispers. If you focus on them, they might reveal secrets or advice, quite handy for those tricky situations. It's a bit like having a wise old sage whispering in your ear—quite the advantage, wouldn't you say?   Now, a bit of caution—there's a bit of a catch with this artifact. The being tied to the helm isn't known for its kindness. If you listen to the whispers too often, it might try to... exert its will over you. Nothing too alarming, just a little test of resolve—a Charisma test, if you will. If you falter, the helm's spirit might take control for a bit. But, only if it chooses to, and it's mostly dormant unless something dire happens.   The helm has quite the history, once belonging to a great conqueror who seemed almost unnaturally insightful. Alas, he met a tragic end, driven mad by the very whispers that once guided him. So, enjoy the helm, but use it wisely!"   Pumat's tone remains upbeat and informative, maintaining a friendly and reassuring atmosphere.   For this unique helm, the price is 100 gold pieces. Now, regarding the grab bag items, you've picked some intriguing ones! The first is a chalice, which has a 50% chance of either doubling or nullifying the potency of any drink poured into it. A bit of a gamble, but it could prove quite useful. The second item is a curious dog's tail, not from an actual dog, mind you! It seems to have an odd effect on beasts, making them less trusting towards you.   So, for the helm and these two curios, your total comes to 120 gold pieces. A fine collection of items, I must say!"   "Ah, the Ring of Borrowed Time, you said as well? I'm well and truly sorry, I din't hear you at first. That's a fascinating artifact! This ring grants the wearer the ability to briefly turn back time, allowing you to correct a past mistake. It's a one-time-per-day use, where if things didn't go quite as planned, you can use the ring to try again. Quite handy in a pinch, wouldn't you agree?   Now, just like many powerful items, this ring comes with a bit of lore and legend. It was crafted by a dying wizard who sought to extend her life to escape a rapidly growing illness. Unfortunately, while she hoped to gain years, she only managed to buy herself a few fleeting seconds. The ring's power, you see, has its own... subtle demands. Time borrowed must eventually be repaid, though the manner of that repayment isn't quite clear.   It's a piece with quite a story, and one that requires a thoughtful owner. If you're interested, we can discuss it further! Of course this will add 100 gold pieces to your final bill."   Pumat, seeing you eye the Sacrificial Dagger.... "Ah, you've got an eye for the dark and mysterious, don't ya? This here is a sacrificial dagger, not just any old blade, mind you. It's said that any living, humanoid creature slain by this dagger rises again as a zombie thrall, loyal to its master. Quite the tool for someone looking to, say, bolster their ranks, if you catch my drift.   Now, this particular dagger has a storied past. It once belonged to the famous necromancer Wiz-jak, a fellow known for his... let's call it a unique approach to gathering followers. With enough time and, well, bodies, he could raise an entire army.   Just remember, powerful items often have a few quirks. This one's no different, so handle with care and be mindful of its... let's say, temperamental nature. But in the right hands, it's a formidable asset. And a right bargain at 200 gold pieces.   If you were to purchase all of these items you would end up with the delightful total of 420 gold pieces...but I would be remiss in my mercantile duties if I were not to remind you that once you have pulled an item from the grab-bag of curios curiosities, there are unfortunately no refunds on those little bits of fun. So you have already spent 20 gold."   Pumat hands over the Chalice and Dog's tail.   Vincenzo Prizzi: What does….temperamental nature mean,exactly?   Pumat: I'm sure I have no idea, unfortunately. It's all Dragomir said of this particular item when I questioned him about it myself. Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure he really knew.   Vincenzo Prizzi: I will pass on the dagger but i will take a couple more chances with the grab bag.   Pumat: You are most certainly welcome to more, my purple friend.   Pumat Sol continues with a warm smile, addressing Vincenzo's further inquiries: "Ah, the grab bag certainly offers some unique treasures, doesn't it? Let's see what else you've pulled out.   First, we have a musk spray. Quite an interesting item, this one. When used, it tends to make you a bit more persuasive, especially when speaking to the fairer gender. However, there's a little quirk—it also has a tendency to attract wolves. Not quite sure why, but perhaps it's something in the scent that they find appealing. A handy tool, but one to use with a bit of caution, I'd say!   The second item is this worn collar. Now, this one's a bit more mysterious. It seems to have a connection to the Shadowfell, and when worn, well, i don't rightly know. I guess there's only one way to find out!   So, for these additional curiosities, the price would be 20 more gold pieces, bringing the total to 240 gold pieces for the helm, ring, and 4 curios. Quite a collection you're putting together, Vincenzo! Each item with its own unique qualities and stories. If you have any other questions or need more information, I'm here to help!"    


Verce: My dear goatman, is the necklace of tongues still available?   Pumat Sol greets Vercinissistrix with his usual friendly demeanor, taking in the impressive sight of the Dragonborn:   "Well, if it isn't Vercinissistrix! You're lookin' quite formidable today, though still a bit shorter than me, huh?" He chuckles warmly. I couldn't help but notice you callin' me 'goatman,' just a moment ago...which, while creative, ain't quite accurate for a Firbolg like myself. How 'bout we go with something a bit more fitting, eh? You could call me Pumat, or maybe Big Blue, seeing as I stand a bit taller than most! Just a thought, but I'd surely appreciate it."   With a friendly chuckle, Pumat continues to assist his customers, making everyone feel welcome in his shop.   "What can I help you with? Ah, I see you've got your eye on the Necklace of Tongues. A fascinating piece, that one.   This necklace is crafted from a thin leather cord adorned with a variety of embalmed tongues. It grants the wearer the remarkable ability to speak any language of intelligent creatures. Quite the handy tool for a well-traveled Dragonborn like yourself, I'd reckon.   Now, as with many enchanted items, there's a bit of a... personality to it. The tongues, you see, come from each creature whose language you can now speak. There's a bit of unpredictability in the magic, though—sometimes things get a bit mixed up. Might find yourself saying something a tad off or misunderstood, if you catch my drift. But, overall, it's a powerful artifact for bridging communication gaps.   So, what do you think? Would you like to add this unique necklace to your collection for a bargain price of only 100 gold pieces?"   Verce: Big Blue you say? Do you have any quarterbacks for sale? I kid I kid. I’ll take the necklace and 2 pulls from your magic sack my friendly, filiform Firbolg.   Pumat Sol chuckles warmly at Vercinissistrix's playful response. "Quarterbacks, eh? That's a good one, my friend! I suppose if they threw magic instead of footballs, we might have a deal!" He then tallies up the cost with a nod. "Alrighty, the Necklace of Tongues is 100 gold pieces, and with two pulls from the magic sack, that’ll be an additional 20 gold pieces, bringing your total to 120 gold pieces. A fine choice, I must say!" Pumat hands Vercinissistrix the necklace and gestures towards the grab bag. "Okie dokie, my friendly filiform dragon guy... though I admit I’m not quite familiar with that term, it has a nice ring to it! Please, go ahead and select two items from the grab bag." He watches with a friendly smile, ready to assist Vercinissistrix with whatever he pulls out next.   Vercinissistrix reaches into the grab bag and pulls out two intriguing items. Pumat Sol describes them with his usual enthusiasm: "Ah, the Bloodstone Ring! This fine piece is quite fascinating. It has a unique connection to the life force around it, drawing energy from nearby beings. Quite the ring for someone looking to bolster their vitality during combat. And here we have the Shifting Sand Ring. This one is particularly intriguing, as it occasionally shifts the wearer through different moments in time for a few seconds. It's like getting brief glimpses into other times—could be quite the experience! Now, that brings your total to 120 gold pieces. Thank you for your patronage, Vercinissistrix! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, just let me know. I'm always here to help!"   Verce: And how much is the remove curse scroll? I reach around in my pockets, hey, where did that platinum end up?   Pumat Sol, with his characteristic warmth and professionalism, addresses the query about the Remove Curse scrolls: "Ah, I see you're interested in the Remove Curse scrolls. I must apologize for their rather steep price of 500 gold pieces each. You see, these scrolls are particularly difficult to craft here in Barovia. According to my colleague, Dragomir, the nature of curses in this land is quite tenacious—they stick around much longer than in other places and are notably harder to lift.   The components needed to create these scrolls are quite rare and challenging to source, which unfortunately drives up the cost. Dragomir does his best to keep them in stock, but they are limited in supply due to the immense effort and resources required for their creation.   I wish it could be easier and more affordable, but that's the nature of things in Barovia. If there's anything else you need or if you have more questions, I'm here to help!" [2:17 PM] "It's also a reason for why he can cheaply sell all of his wonderful artefacts. He supposes people who would be willing to deal with the drawbacks would love to have the benefits at a fraction of the cost. Stupendous business plan if you ask me, which you did."   Verce: Well, what are these ingredients precisely? Perhaps if I come across some, we can come to an alternative arrangement?   Pumat Sol nods thoughtfully at Vercinissistrix's suggestion, appreciating the initiative.   "Ah, that's a noble offer, Vercinissistrix. The ingredients for these Remove Curse scrolls are indeed quite specific and rare. Dragomir, I believe, often relies on the Vistani caravans to source them. These caravans travel far and wide, gathering the necessary components from all corners of Barovia and beyond.   From what I understand, the process is quite time-consuming and intricate. It involves rare herbs, enchanted inks, and even the essence of certain mystical creatures. The Vistani have the knowledge and means to find these ingredients, which is why Dragomir depends on them so heavily.   If you do happen to come across any rare and magical components on your travels, I'd be more than happy to discuss an arrangement. But do keep in mind, the creation of these scrolls isn't something that can be rushed. It takes time and a certain finesse that Dragomir has honed over many years.   I hope that helps clarify things a bit. And again, if you have any other questions or need anything else, I'm here to assist!"  


Rumex: Ahhhh. Hello, Hello. while we wait on my traveling compainion... I'm intrested in two items... A set of Gloves of Plifering and the Venom Quiver... and two grab bags would be fun...   Pumat Sol beams as Rumex Kocho approaches, noting his camouflaged attire and striking mustache. "Well, well, look who's here! Rumex Kocho! Love the mustache, by the way—quite distinguished. Now, what can I do for ya today?"   Rumex inquires about the Gloves of Pilfering and the Venom Quiver, and Pumat dives into his descriptions with enthusiasm:   "Ah, the Gloves of Pilfering. These fine leather gloves feel almost as soft as silk. They grant the wearer a certain finesse, making it easier to be nimble-fingered, if you know what I mean. There's a bit of a history to these gloves—they're imbued with the soul of a great thief. Now, the creator didn't quite anticipate the thief's enthusiasm for stealing, so every now and then, the gloves might behave a bit...unexpectedly. Quite a lively pair, these gloves!   As for the Venom Quiver, it's a fascinating piece. This magic quiver enchants any bolts or arrows stored inside, giving them a bit of extra poison punch. The original creator aimed for an endless supply of poison-tipped arrows but didn't quite get the balance right. Sometimes, if things don't go as planned, the quiver might surprise you. Adds a bit of unpredictability to your shots, I'd say.   So, for these two intriguing artifacts, the price would be 100 gold pieces each, making it a total of 200 gold pieces. And since you're feeling adventurous, how about two pulls from the Curiosities grab bag for an additional 20 gold pieces? You never know what unique items you might find in there!"   Pumat gestures to the grab bag with a playful grin, awaiting Rumex's decision.   Pumat Sol watches as Rumex Kocho reaches into the Curiosities grab bag and pulls out two items. With a smile, he describes them: "Ah, you've found yourself a black marble. This little gem lets you create shadow puppets that come to life. Mind you, they're always just shadows, but it can be quite a spectacle! Imagine the stories you could tell with living shadows at your command.   And this here black cloth... Now, this one's a bit of a mystery. I believe it might've come from an illusionist's cloak of some renown. It's said to hide something from prying eyes, though I'm not quite sure what. There's always something intriguing about the unknown, isn't there?   Twenty gold pieces, if you please"   Rumex: ok... 220gp. Also how big is the black cloth unfolded sir?   Pumat: "Well, I've never done it myself, but it appears to be quite small to the naked eye, like a hanky-sized thing, isn't it?"  


I'd look at the sword and cloak. Couple of grab bags too please.   Pumat Sol welcomes Ozan with a warm smile, noticing his distinctive Shadar-kai features and monochromatic appearance.    "Well, Ozan, it's always a pleasure to see such a striking figure in the shop! Your black and white style sure makes you stand out in a crowd. Now, let's see what you're interested in today."    He picks up the first item, the Cloak of Undeath, and begins his description: "This here is the Cloak of Undeath. A simple yet elegant black cloak, adorned with an emblem of a raven perched atop a skull. It offers its wearer some remarkable benefits, especially when it comes to withstanding the rigors of combat and the ravages of certain harmful magics. Interestingly, while wearing it, you'll find that the cloak halts the process of aging, though your body will still show signs of wear as time goes on, just as if you were still aging normally. This cloak comes in at 150 gold pieces."    Next, Pumat presents the Sword of Light & Shadow: "And here we have the Sword of Light & Shadow. This paradoxical weapon contains both divine and necrotic energies. When wielded with precision, it can deal a significant blow to your foes. Forged from the melted remains of a sword of darkness and a sword of light, a guild of ancient dwarves created it in the hopes of making a weapon that could stand against both fiends and celestials. They got the necrotic burst of energy right, however, they discovered that the radiant energy side of things could sometimes release an unexpected effect. This unique sword is priced at 200 gold pieces."   Pumat then gestures towards the bag of curiosities with a grin: "Now, if you're feeling adventurous, how about a couple of pulls from the grab bag for an additional 20 gold pieces? You never know what kind of interesting items you might find in there!"   He waits for Ozan's decision, ready to assist with any further inquiries or purchases.   Ozan: Thank you Pumat you old so and so.   Pumat Sol watches as Ozan reaches into the grab bag and pulls out two items. With a cheerful smile, he describes them:    "Ah, you've found yourself a Humming Crystal! This little gem emits a sound that's almost imperceptible to the ear, like a faint, soothing hum. It's said that the crystal has a certain allure, drawing attention in subtle ways. Quite an intriguing find, wouldn't you say?"    Next, Pumat examines the second item: "And here we have a Wolf's Claw. This artifact is quite the piece for those dealing with lycanthropes. It carries a potent energy that resonates strongly with werewolves. It's a powerful tool, but one should wield it with respect, as there's a certain... reciprocity in its nature." With a nod, Pumat adds, "That brings your total to 370 gold pieces for the cloak, the sword, and these two interesting curiosities.    If you have any more questions or need anything else, just let me know. Always a pleasure to assist!"

Helm of Whispers

Ring of Borrowed Time


Dog's Tail

Musk Spray

Worn Collar

Necklace of Tongues

Bloodstone Ring

Shifting Sand Ring

Gloves of Pilfering

Venom Quiver


Black Marble

Black Cloth


Cloak of Undeath


Sword of Light & Shadow


Humming Crystal


Wolf's Claw