Session 34

General Summary


Sintyavr 26th

(6:00 PM)

Licking Wounds
  • The party is left in stunned silence for a few heartbeats as Strahd takes his leave.
  • Ireena rushes to Rumex and attempts to assist as everyone does their best to to patch themselves and their companions up.
  • Father Lucian fears that Strahd's powerful necromantic spell will require rest to fully recover from.
  • A discussion on where to go next: Wachterhaus, outside the walls, check out the staus of the merchants, the Reformation Center, the Burgomaster's mansion...
  • The decision ultimately made in favor of the Blue Water Inn to recharge and assess.
  Caw...Caw, Caw
  • Rumex limping on the way to the Inn, assissted by Ireena, notices some ravens near the entrance and decides to speak with one using some of his druidical powers
  • He manages to secure the following information from Dag, a curious raven with a reward of a shiny copper piece:
  • The ravens consider the Blue Water Inn a safe haven, a headquarters of sorts where they assisst Urwin Martikov in gathering information
  • The method of communication isn't entirely clear between the ravens and Urwin
  • They have been patrolling the skies and assissting during the Strahd sighting and vampire attacks
  • They spotted Rictavio taking his horse Drusilla, making his way over to Arasek Stockyard and leaving through the western gate of Vallaki with his Carnival of Wonders wagon (with tiger inside) in tow.
A Good Man
  • Urwin Martikov, vouched for as a good man by Dag, reveals that he does try to keep tabs as much as he can on the town to ensure peace.
  • His family is tending to the wounded here at the Inn.
  • He reveals the Burgomaster has postponed the festival until the following Thursday, albeit reluctantly. (Octyavr 5th)
  • Davian, his father, the proprietor of the family business in the Wizard of Wines, may be of some help in understanding what might be going on with Strahd, in relation to Vallaki. However, he has been a bit estranged as of late
  • This dovetails nicely with his request that you might help discover what has happened to the belated wine shipments.
  • He offers free use of the Inn to the adventurers for rest and sustenance, as they heal up and prepare for what may lie ahead
Light Reading
  • Vincenzo, with a little help from Hammer, has developed the ability to avoid sleeping! He hopes he can use this to stave off the nightmares that have prevented him from resting properly and realizing his full potential.
  • He decides to do some researching in the Tome along with some others who stayed awake
  • The chapters are proving a tad more difficult to decipher the deeper the adventurers delve, the trust they are beginning to develop amongst themselves is helping them to crack the code...
  • This is what they discovered: Chapter 3 - Brothers in Arms

Blue Water Inn

Vallaki Map

Report Date
14 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Urwin Martikov

Danika Dorikova