Town of Vallaki

Located close to the shores of Lake Zarovich, the town of Vallaki (pronounced vah-lah-key) seems like a safe haven against the evils of the Svalich Woods, if not Strahd himself.    The town lies beyond the sight of Castle Ravenloft and doesn’t, at first blush, seem as depressed (or oppressed) as the village of Barovia farther east. Characters who spend time in Vallaki, however, quickly realize that there is no happiness here.   Vallaki was founded not long after Strahd’s armies conquered the valley by an ancestor of the town’s current burgomaster, Baron Vargas Vallakovich. The burgomaster thinks that the town will somehow escape Strahd’s grasp and return to the forgotten world whence it came. He stages one festival after another to bolster the spirits of the townsfolk, but there is a contingent of Vallakians who consider these festivals to be pointless, meaningless affairs more likely to incur Strahd’s wrath than to provide any hope for the future.   In the last festival, Baron Vallakovich had townsfolk parade through the streets with the severed heads of wolves on pikes. His next event, which the burgomaster has dubbed the Festival of the Blazing Sun, is soon to get under way. Weatherworn garlands from previous festivals still hang from the eaves of Vallaki’s buildings, and work has begun on a large wicker sun, to be set ablaze in the town square on the day of the festival. In the days leading up to the festival, Baron Vallakovich has begun arresting local malcontents and throwing them in the stocks so that his efforts aren’t ruined by “those of little hope or faith.”
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