BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Week 30

Plague / Epidemic


Autumn Q: Disease spreads through the community. a type of blister phage. it causes a painful and hideous outbreak of facial tumors and a sickening deterioration of the skin across the entire body, and also works on the minds of some, slowly driving them insane. health and fertility are scarcity. mike starts a project of weeks to find a cure for the disease

A sinister whisper of disease crept, stealing the jovial smiles and replacing them with pained grimaces. A blister phage, a harbinger of agony and deterioration, twisted the faces of the townsfolk into grotesque masks and gnawed at their sanity. Fertility and health became coveted treasures, and a pall of desperation cloaked the town. Clarence, the half-orc cleric of Pelor, beheld the suffering, his spirit ablaze with a holy resolve. With prayers on his lips and the light of Pelor in his eyes, he embarked on a sacred project to vanquish the vile affliction.   Bartholomew, son of Dave the Blacksmith, found himself amidst the twisted dance of disease and hope. His strong hands, usually manipulating metal and fire, were now entangled in a battle of a different kind. “Let’s put an end to this nightmare,” he muttered, a steel resolve lining his voice.   The adult twins, Andy and Gloria Burtick, were shadows of their lively selves, the phage stealing their laughter and leaving anguish in its place. But the flame of hope still flickered in their hearts, their bond stronger than the corrosive grasp of the disease.   And then there was Mike, the Aasimar Oracle, a being from another realm who yearned for solace and tranquility. The chaotic dance of pain and despair around him was a cacophony he wished to silence. “This isn’t the peace I sought, but peace I shall bring,” he whispered, his celestial essence shimmering softly.   Clarence, his hands bathed in divine light, worked tirelessly, his prayers a continuous melody in the air, seeking Pelor's guidance to unlock the heavenly cure. The light touched the corrupted, whispering promises of relief and redemption.   Bartholomew, his hands usually creating instruments of war, now crafted vessels of healing, forging sacred artifacts designed to channel the divine light into the plagued. His sweat mixed with the holy aura, a symphony of metal and grace enveloping him.   Andy and Gloria, their spirits intertwined, lent their strength and will to the endeavor, their love and unity a beacon for the lost souls around them. Their harmonious whispers soothed the maddened minds, weaving a tapestry of hope and resilience.   Mike, the otherworldly Oracle, was the silent architect of celestial harmonies, his essence merging with the celestial energies, weaving the strands of peace and solace into the fabric of the town. His silent wishes were whispers of light in the shadows of torment.   The celestial dance reached its crescendo, the divine light intertwining with earthly resolve and otherworldly wishes, creating a radiant symphony of healing and redemption. The twisted masks of pain slowly melted away, revealing the true faces underneath, the whispers of insanity replaced by murmurs of hope.   Clarence, his voice a soft echo of divine grace, whispered his thanks to Pelor, the divine light caressing his being. Bartholomew, his hands now creators of salvation, looked at his creations with a newfound reverence. Andy and Gloria, their spirits unbroken, smiled, their laughter a sweet melody in the air.   And Mike, the silent seeker of peace, felt a tranquil warmth enveloping him, the celestial harmonies whispering promises of serene eternities.   Sanctuary, once a harbor of pain and despair, was now a bastion of hope and tranquility, the celestial symphony a guardian against the shadows, and the once tormented souls whispers of light in the everlasting dance of existence.

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