BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Quiet Year

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    Week 01
    Era beginning/end

    Spring 2: “There’s a giant, man-made structure on the map. Where is it? Why is it abandoned?” A giant metallic crater/bowl on the side of the mountains.   Start a Project: gather lumber, 4 weeks

    Metallic Crater
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    Week 02
    Discovery, Scientific

    Spring 8: "An old piece of machinery is discovered, broken but perhaps repairable. What is it? What would it be useful for?" Large scale desalination machine is discovered but it is broken. MIGHT be able to repair it.   Start a Project: Revive the Artesian Long haired mountain Camel Cheese farms from the distant past founders of the town. 6 weeks

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    Week 03
    Civil action

    Spring 4: "What important and basic tools does the community lack" Boats   Discover Something New: Discover Giant Scorpions in the desert to the north.

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    Week 04
    Religious event

    Spring Q: "What’s the most beautiful thing in this area?" A white marble, almost pearlescent chapel to Pelor within the village.   Hold a Discussion: What do we do about the Elf?

    Temple of Pelor
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    Week 05
    Discovery, Exploration

    Spring 7: "What natural predators roam this area? Are you safe?" giant fish monsters, safe unless in the water then not safe.   Start a Project: Build boats

    Sanctuary Docks
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    Week 06
    Life, Identity

    Spring 7: "How old are the eldest members of the community? What special needs do they have?" The Elf Jeffandrew the Veteran He needs isolation away from the rabble and assurance he isn't spoken of to outsiders. Discover Something New: The rear half of an ancient sea ship in the side of the mountain off the coastal edge

    Barret Mountains
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    Week 07
    Life, Supernatural

    Spring 5: "There is a disquieting legend about this place. What is it?" The crater lake is rarely visited because of odd sightings. Some say yeti, other claim ghost and still more say sexy angel.   Start a Project: Build a distillery for an alternative way to store sorghum after last years storage debacle. 6 weeks

    Metallic Crater
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    Week 08
    Discovery, Exploration

    Spring K: "A young boy starts digging in the ground, and discovers something unexpected. What is it?" Whale Skeleton.   Discover Something New: A disabled Warforge

    Whale skeleton
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    Week 09
    Life, Relocation

    Spring 3: "Someone new arrives. Who?" Mike   Hold a Discussion: Jerry: Aren't we worried about property values dropping with all of these ... new residents?

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    Week 10
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Spring J: "You see a good...bad omen. What is it?" While investigating the encroaching desert sands from the west in the cool evening of the spring. the moon starts glowing Gold and then stops as abruptly as it began.   Start a Project: Growing crops along desert edge to reduce sand progression

    Golden Spire
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    Week 11
    Life, Organisation Association

    Spring 10: "There’s another community somewhere on the map. Where are they? What sets them apart from you?" Nomads living in the desert. they are mishappen barely human.   Hold a Discussion: What's with the moon?

    Nomad Camp
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    Week 12
    Life, Identity

    Spring A: "Are there distinct family units in the community? If so, what family structures are common?" Communal Matriarchal Groups.   Discover Something New: Some kids got lost and went upstream of the town and found green crystals at the base of the mountain where a very old landslide had broken off a chunk.

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    Week 13
    Life, Relocation

    Spring 9: "A charismatic young girl convinces many to help her with an elaborate scheme. What is it? Who joins her endeavors? Start a project to reflect." or... "A charismatic young girl tries to tempt many into sinful or dangerous activity. Why does she do this? How does the community respond?"

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    Week 14
    Life, Milestone

    Summer K: Summer is fleeting. Discard the top two cards of the top of the deck and take two actions this week.   The First Week of Summer

    Sanctuary Docks
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    Week 15

    Summer 3: Summer is a time for production and tending to the earth. Start a project related to food production.

    The Olde Camel
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    Week 16

    Summer A: A contingent within the community demand to be heard. Who are they? What are they asking for?

    Sandoch Farm
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    Week 17

    Summer 10: A scarcity goes unaddressed for too long What is it and what are the impacts: Metal stores have exhausted: A party of scavengers have gone into the mountains to find more metal resources   Discovery: An ancient sink hole with scattered gold coins in it.

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    Week 18
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Summer J: you are carless, someone goes missing. The elf.

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    Week 19
    Cultural event

    Summer 8: a headstrong community member decides to put one of their ideas in motion. START A GOOLISH PROJECT. Discovery: Something crazy happens when Reynard starts putting clothes on the gnome statue. It's starting to turn fleshy.

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    Week 20

    Summer 9: A project Fails, Which one? Why? or Something goes foul and supplies are ruined. The metal search project fails The party comes back empty handed. The Desalination machine needs quarterly quarterly upkeep.

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    Week 21
    Life, Relocation

    Summer 6: Outsiders arrive in the area. How many? How are they greeted? Two. JeffAndrew and an unamed female Elf. Surprisingly, they're greated with some measure of relief at the ultimate safe return of JeffAndrew, and some....fascination with the female Elf....especially from the male population. Discovery: The aluminium is gone from the impact crater, but another mystery material has been discovered. Also metallic, but more scarce, and ... glowy orange.

    Metallic Crater
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    Week 22
    Discovery, Exploration

    Summer 5: The weather is nice and people can feel the potential all around them. Start a new project

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    Week 23
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Summer 7 : Introduce a mystery on the edge of the map. A golden spire appears near the edge of the bay in the ocean

    Golden Spire
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    Week 24

    Summer 2: Someone new arrives. Who? Why are they in distress? A human woman that briefly introduces herself as Ursula before passing out. After removing her armor she is bleeding from several deep lacerations.

    Temple of Pelor
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    Week 25
    Life, Publicity

    Summer Q: Boredom leads to a quarrel. A fight breaks out between 2 ppl. What is it about?

    The Olde Camel
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    Week 26
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Summer 4: The eldest among you dies> What caused the death? or... The eldest among you is very ill caring for them and searching for a cure requires the help of the whole community Greta the old has passed rocking chair accident

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    Week 27
    Construction beginning/end

    Autumn 9: The community works constantly, and as a result a project finishes early. Fall festival planning is completed

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    Week 28
    Life, Publicity

    Autumn 3: Someone leaves the community after issuing a dire warning. Who? What is the warning?   Project: construct smokehouses to preserve meat from small game A party arrives to the emerald vein and discovers empty eggs with the emeralds. large, dog sized emerald eggs

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    Week 29
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Autumn A: A Good omen appears, What is it? Advance a project an extra step. A Golden Moon Arrives again. This time During a full moon.   Project: Expedition to the Glowing metal 4 weeks

    Golden Spire
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    Week 30
    Plague / Epidemic

    Autumn Q: Disease spreads through the community. a type of blister phage. it causes a painful and hideous outbreak of facial tumors and a sickening deterioration of the skin across the entire body, and also works on the minds of some, slowly driving them insane. health and fertility are scarcity. mike starts a project of weeks to find a cure for the disease

    Temple of Pelor
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    Week 31
    Population Migration / Travel

    Autumn 2: Someone returns to the community. Who? Where were they?   Start a project: Build a pheasant pharm

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    Week 32
    Discovery, Exploration

    Autumn A: project finishes early.Which one? Why? The unknown metal is retrieved and tested sooner than expected. now to wait for results.

    Metallic Crater
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    Week 33
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Autumn 10: Harvest is here and plentiful. Add an abundance. VEGETABLES. Discovery: Angel in mountains is very much an angel. Mike: speaks in Celestial Angel: speaks in Celestial Both: laugh Mike: Yep. He's an angel all right. Goes back to reading

    Metallic Crater
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    Week 34
    Disaster / Destruction

    Autumn K: A natural disaster strikes the area. You focus on getting everyone to safety.   A project fails: pheasant pharm- The fire catches the pheasant farm and burns it to the ground. Surprisingly the eggs appear unharmed.

    Sandoch Farm
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    Week 35
    Discovery, Exploration

    Autumn 5: The Perish Arrives: an expedition from the nomads in the desert arrive. these warm skinned people are in search of some basic supplies. they carry no weapons and only speak in soft tones. a discovery: An egg hatches from the pheasent pharm. it's a twisted chicken lizard looking creature.

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    Week 36
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Autumn 7: Something goes foul and supplies are ruined. the emeralds disapear and nobody has heard from the miners in days. emeralds are now scarce.

    Arborist Lodge
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    Week 37
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Autumn 6: Introduce a dark mystery among the members of the community. ONE OF THE STATUES IS GONE!

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    Week 38
    Life, Death

    Autumn 4 The strongest among you dies. What caused the death? or... The weakest among you dies. Who's to blame for their death? Tate a child in the town dies after falling into the cold water of the river.

    Hydro Dam
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    Week 39
    Life, Crime

    Autumn 8: Someone is caught trying to sabotage the efforts of the community. How does the community respond. It's Jerry. He's been hiding and surreptitiously setting fire to the sorghum fields. This is the last straw, he is sentenced to be bait for the Coelacanth.

    Temple of Pelor
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    Week 40
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Winter J: An infected individual : Jerry shows back up with a strange infection. his veins are shining gold. he carries with him gems claiming he brought these for the community "Despite the elf"   For a third time the moon shines during the day as bright as the sun in a brilliant amber gold.

    Community Center
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    Week 41
    Life, Wealth

    Winter Q: You spot a good omen: A patch of 4 leaf clovers, all one plant, never been seen before.   Discovery: A family group in town realizes that one of their children is actually the gnome statue come to life. His name is Reynard Reynolds, and he's been a big help to meemaw so they are going to keep him. Although they are going to quit trying to potty train him.

    Wellford Farm
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    Week 42
    Discovery, Exploration

    Winter 7: What is winter like in this area? How do community memeber react to the weather? Lake Effect Snow. People are pretty much used to the weather in the area. Discovery: Black Bears in the region

    Arborist Lodge
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    Week 43
    Construction beginning/end

    Winter 10: Built an ice house and reaching fermenting methods for Sorghum

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    Week 44
    Geological / environmental event

    Winter 6: As winter begins, people around town start to notice the local birds migrating across the cove back and forth. They seem confused as to whether it is time to migrate or time to nest. To the north on the other coast along the other shore large gysers of steam can be seen rising from the ground. Project: Investigate underground steam gysers.

    The Olde Camel
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    Week 45
    Life, Death

    Winter 4: A great Atrocity is revealed. 7 villagers are found murdered in their homes. the crime was revealed when a child was crying in the village center.

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    Week 46
    Geological / environmental event

    Winter 5: Winter elements leave everyone cold. tired and miserable. life slows down and it becomes hard to finish projects   Mag the camelherd has found her great great great grandmam's recipie for caramel camel custard and wants to adapt it to make a frozen dessert. She's calling it Camel Moose.

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    Week 47
    Construction beginning/end

    Winter 3: Someone comes up with an ingenious solution to a big problem, and as a result a project finishes early? What was their idea? Repairing the dam and levies   Discovery: Fish oil

    Hydro Dam
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    Week 48
    Artistic creation

    Winter A: The Camel Creams project fails because of an unfortunate bacterial bloom in the Camel Caramel ... but it turned out to form a sweet, caramelized camel milk cheese - Cameltost

    Mag's Camel Farm
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    Week 49
    Military action

    Winter 8: Declare war on someone or something. This counts as starting a project. “We need an escape route. The great war of our generation begins. We must clear out the coelacanth menace” Project: Desalination maintenance

    Sanctuary Docks
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    Week 50
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Winter 9: someone goes missing in the cold weather. the elven vet goes missing, never to be heard from again

    Community Center
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    Week 51
    Political event

    Winter 2: A headstrong community member tries to take control of the community. How are they prevented from doing this? Jerry The Jerkass with Germs tries to take control of the town (from his jail cell) He keeps yelling about feeding the naughty children to The Cause. He's prevented from doing this by the fact that he is incarcerated and not great at swaying people to his murdery and frankly, vague cause.

    Temple of Pelor
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    Week 52
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The lunar new year event is held and all are in attendance when at the stroke of midnight a thundurs boom rips through the air leaving a glimmer of gold suspended in flakes like the snow that was recently falling. the stars have stopped glimering

    Community Center