4.1.2 Saleek

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest


10 Ches, 1491, Morning

  From the air it is trivial to locate the village smith. You land outside the forge, there is a well muscled dwarven man there. Though he does not seem to be working right now.   SALEEK: Do I know the dwarves name?   If you do, I forgot it too... we'll say it is Brunor   SALEEK: (friendly) "Brunor, how goes it."   BURNER, THE SMITH: "Yah, Master Saleek. How are ya? What can I be doin' for ya?"   SALEEK: (friendly) "Im looking for studded leather, and a couple of arrows, got anything for me?"   BURNER: "Aye, you done right by me and my kin. My niece was one of the ones you saved from the goblins, so I figure we can work something out. With the fittin' and all... say 20 gold at the local heroes rate?"   SALEEK: "That's mighty kind of you. **Saleek takes out 30 gold and hands it to the dwarf** I'll take 40 arrows as well, if you have them. Additionally, would you be interested in a trade? These leathers I'll have no use for, as well as two shortswords, for a scimitar.   BURNER: "Hmmm, well I personally don't have much of a market for used adventurin' gear around here, but the metal's still good... how about 10 gold for the lot?"
He hands you back 10 gold and your quiver of arrows.   SALEEK: "That's agreeable, how much would a scimitar run me?"   For the sake of ease, I'll say he can get or has a few martial weapons, though it is not really his specialty. With the discount he's willing to give you he'll say 20 gold.   SALEEK: "Saleek nods, and thanks the dwarf before flying off to find Varian."
So I have the studded leather, 40 arrows and scimitar and am out 40 gold, yes?   That math works in my head.   SALEEK: Sounds good, I've adjusted my sheet.   Varian, after returning the missing girls to Ardrest last night we will say is generally helping Ansil figure out the particulars of what is going on. So you can head to the jailhouse.   SALEEK: "Ansil, Varian. Have we gathered anymore information..."
Saleek lands after greeting his friends.  
Continued in 4.2 Ardrest's Jail


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