4.2 Ardrest's Jail

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:


The Heroes of Adrest


10 Ches, 1491, Morning


Continued from 4.1 The Next Day 

Rini and Randal arrive first to speak with Ansil
Rini, Randal, you make your way north to the town center, finding the jail attached to the town hall. The head of the town guard, and de facto sheriff, Ansil, is in there as always looking frazzled and in need of sleep. He does smile when he catches notice of you over a virtual mountain of paperwork.   RANDAL: (friendly) "to Ansil: "Looks like work's keepin' ye busy, Ansil" *(he pats the stack of papers)* "I hope ye have th' time t' be gettin' this halfling mess cleared up."
(serious) "*(Randal leans in closely)* He seems t' be in deep with some sort o' conspiracy t' do with th' missin' children in Ardrest. Deeper than we thought, anyways"   The dwarven man looks tiredly over to the small set of cells where the halfling man is curled in a ball in the corner.   ANSIL: (disgusted) "Deputy Goodson locked him up last night... It is hard to believe one of our own would stop to the slave trade. The Blacksashes were thugs and bullies... but this right under our noses."
(tired) "I'll need more than my deputy's word to get rid of the lot for good... but thanks to you lot taking care of them... and the goblins. Maybe things will go back to normal..."
(worried) "Conspiracy?"   RANDAL: (serious) "Sorry, Ansil. It doesn't look like we'll be seein' th' end of this yet. When we were through with 'im, we found some files 'e had that suggested somethin' deeper afoot. He's somehow gotten hold of th' details of just 'bout every wierd thing that's been goin' on fer th' last hundred years or so. Somethin's causin it, and it's linked t' th' Fortyear Festival."   ANSIL: (tense) "Ah, damn it all, it ain't ever easy. Well I'd certainly like to see any of these files... You can ask Kelvin if you like, *he says jerking a thumb at the captive halfling,* but he ain't said much sensible all day."   RANDAL: *(Randal lays the timeline out on any available space on Ansil’s desk)* “Looks like whoever scrawled it was a little out of their wits, if ye ask me. Whether it was th’ halfling, maybe we should ask him.”   RINI: "There was also this ledger of people he has sold into slavery."
"Also. If we speak to the halfling I can *suggest* he speak the plain and simple through to us."   ANSIL: (disgusted) "*Ansil's eye widen as he looks through the ledger.* Damn it all... all this right under my nose... I'll see that Kelvin gets what's coming to him."
(sad) "Real shame... I hear he was a hero once... now look how far he's fallen. Your welcome to ask him anything, but don't do nothing iffy; we do have laws here still."  
Saleek joins after his excursion in 4.1.2 Saleek 
SALEEK: Saleek lands outside of the jailhouse, and entering in he would find Randal and Rini already inside discussing with Ansil. Varian quietly enters from a back door. In one of the cells is the halfling man from the previous night.
"What have we got..."   RANDAL: "We looked through his files and found a map pointin' t' all th' weird things that've been happenin' here in Ardrest: two-headed cows, crop failures; th' likes. Apparently, missin' children isn't a new event either. Two girls... Lendi and Malda, disappeared some time ago - and th' upcomin' fortyear festival has somethin' t' do with it." *(Randal places his finger on Greenvalley)* "A lot o' that weirdness happened 'round 'ere. Maybe we should head up and see what we can find."   SALEEK: "I overheard a conversation some time ago, talking about the curse of ardrest..."
"Something about forest spirits..."
"We we're fortunate to have come across admoira, her skills in nature will come in handy."   Saleek, you recall a local ghost story about the Greenvalleys, which you had with the Tavern owner just before you left Ardrest to track the goblins to their lair a few days ago:
MENDRA: "Aye, that family is a bit of a local ghost story, lads! I reckon it all started about 30 years back, young girl, Malda, pretty as can be, was madly in love with one if you adventuring types. They said the two go into the woods and pledge their love before the spirits there. Then he goes off to find fame and here's the worst part she up and marries another man! Now the fae they don't take kindly to oath breakers. So the fairies take Malda's baby in the middle of the night."
"But now it gets worse! Cause whatever deal they made with the spirits to get the baby back had a price! Some folks say that when that little baby- Lendi I think was her name - came of age... poof! The whole family up and vanishes. Taken to the faewild to pay for their crimes. Aye, aye, sir paladin! That's what we tell the children! she leans in a little now cause I know you lot are the type to like the juiciest bits, Flyndak Greenvalley just happens to be cousin to the family on the husband's side and one of the local deputies."
Also Malda and Lendi were some of the halfling man under Ardrest's "last words."  
Admoira enters the jail after meeting with Letitia in 4.1.1 Meeting Letitia
As you are all talking you see the large fired form of your druid companion enter into the jailhouse. Admoira, the party and Ansil are huddled over a collection of papers on the man's desk.   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "I hope I am not intruding..."   SALEEK: (pensive) "That name, malda, and lendi, I've heard it before..."
(pensive) "We need to speak to the halfling man we've brought in for questioning."   RINI: Rini calmly walks over to the halfling in the cell.
"Listen little man. We will be asking you some questions and while we do I *suggest* you speak the plain truth to us."
I cast suggestion. DC 14 wisdom save   Kelvin "Vlinek" Underbarrel rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=17+0=17   The small man is huddled in the back of the cell, his knees pulled up to his chest. Someone has bandaged his wounds from the night before, even so he slowly turns his head to meet the party. He has a despondent look in his eyes, whatever madness you had seen previously might be there, but the fight seems to have drained from the small man.   KELVIN “VLINEK” UNDERBARREL: (sad) "What good are lies now? You've bested me assassins... and I've failed them... failed them all. My... family... they knew none of this... if there is any compassion in you don't let them have my son."   ADMOIRA: Admoira walks over to the cell, peering down at the halfling with a sad frown on her face.   SALEEK: (serious) "Tell us everything."   KELVIN: (sad) "They'll hang me for sure you know, but they'll never see what I did for them... I was willing to do what needs to be done. Not that it matters now. I couldn't stop them. I was so close."   ADMOIRA: Admoira's eyes flick nervously to Saleek, seeing if he understands anything the Halfling is babbling about.   SALEEK: "Kelvin... That's your name right?...we want to help, but you've got to tell us what's going on. I've heard the stories, with the fairies. Help us fill in the blanks."   KELVIN: (haughty) "Fairies!? Pah, local superstition by local fools. They're just stop looking and say fairies! They don't know what's really going on! They're clever but not as clever as me. Always there! Always in the shadows!"
(passionate) "They take her... every festival... except when they don't take her... but they took my Lendi... she was so beautiful. I should have been there! It's my fault! They want revenge on me and have been plotting it for generations!"   ANSIL: (remorseful) "Lendi... Aye, I know that name. Lendi Greenvalley, pretty young halfling girl. She had just turned 13 when she and her whole family just vanished in one night. Was my first real case in this town."   RANDAL: (baffled) "They take her... every festival? So she comes back in th’ end?"   ADMOIRA: (apologetic) "Sorry, but **what** festival are you referring to? I haven't been in this town before. What is the significance of the festival?"   RANDAL: to Admoira: “Its th’ Fort-year festival. Fer some reason, weird stuff always seems t’ happen around there: two-headed calf’s, crop failures and th’ likes. Fer some reason, young’uns ‘ve been disappearin’ around th’ same time. We need t’ know why.”   SALEEK: "Ok...how do we get her back Kelvin. Help us understand."   KELVIN: (disappointed) "to Randal *The man favors you with a look as if he thinks you are an idiot.* No she doesn't come back! If she came back Lendi would be here! They take a different girl... every 14 years. Except they took Lendi early! She was only 13! Just trying to throw me off their trail!"
(detached) "Save them? Ha, what do you think I was doing? Yes, had to get the girls away, better to work for some rich man than whatever **they** would do to them! But then they sent you! Are you here to keep me alive and watch my failures!?"   ANSIL: (baffled) "*Ansil rummages around in stacks of paper for a moment, before pulling out a thick set bound with twine.* Lendi Greenvalley she was reported missing just before the solstice at age 13. We investigated the Greenvalley farm, but there was nothing. No signs of violence, no bodies, it was just empty. Ahhh... here I noted it. Lendi also went missing at age 1, just ... just before the Fortyear festival 28 years ago... How did I miss this? B- but it says she was found just after the festival..."   ADMOIRA: (curious) "Does it say where she was found?"   KELVIN: (amused) "Malda always said she came right back to her crib! The smart girl! Ferren must have done it... hidden her in the woods. He was never good enough for Malda, oh no! Ferren must have been one of them! It's all his fault. I should never have left her..."   ADMOIRA: (confused) "Ferren?"
Admoira gives the others a questioning look.   ANSIL: (doubtful) "*The dwarf looks up from his notes, with a skeptical look.* Ferren was the father of Lendi and husband of Malda. Also missing. I wouldn't put too much stock in what he says, he's off his rocker."   ADMOIRA: Admoira pulls her shawl down and wraps herself in it, staring sadly at the Halfling again. She looks to the others.
(pensive) "Are we sure he is, though?"   Give me an insight roll Admoira.   Admoira tries feeling out Kelvin's intent: [[1d20+Insight (Wis)]]=10+5=15   RINI: "to Ansil: Jandi's husband left her as well. And now her daughter is missing. And all around the same time of year. Seems more than a coincidence, no?"   Admoira, although the man seems clearly deranged in such a way that would caution you against believing his every word, he does seems highly intelligent and thoroughly convinced he is in the right and telling the truth   KELVIN: (amused) "Fourteen years! Fourteen years! Who will be the girl they take this year, *the halfling asks in a sing-song voice.* They must be close so much for the map this year. Yes, yes!"   ADMOIRA: (sad) "Crazy or not, he believes what he says is true."
(curious) "Perhaps you might share with me what you have recovered? I might be of use in this matter..."   ANSIL: (baffled) "Jandi's husband died of the fever in the winter. No conspiracy, just one in a string of tragedies. Kelvin seems to think this repeats every 14 years, but there was no missing infant at the last festival... that I know of."   RANDAL: (pensive) *(Randal clasps his hands thoughtfully and rests his head upon them)* “”Ye kidnapped them all... so they couldn’t be kidnapped.”   KELVIN: (impressed) "Yes. Yes. You understand! They come at night! The dreams tell me so. Always in threes! Too late now. Can't save them. Their blood will be on your hands! *He begins to rock back and forth maniacally.*"  
Kenris enters the scene
  Kenris enters the small jail just as Kelvin begins to rock. The halfling raises a crooked finger at the paladin.   KELVIN: (scared) "You! So bright, but you've see it too! The mark is upon you. They come at night! I failed... failed them all!"   ADMOIRA: Admoira looks at Kenris, eyes wide.
(anxious) "Do you know what he speaks of?"   KENRIS: "Who comes at night? Who is this you speak of. You better not lie \"Halfling\" you have seen what we can do."
Do i see a physical mark on him? Can i roll for this ?   SALEEK: "Kenris...you mind clearing this up, his riddles confuse me."   KENRIS: "I do not yet know of what he speaks. A mark and someone coming ?"   SALEEK: "Kelvin, speak plainly."   Kenris, sure, give me a perception check. Or is anyone trying something more than just looking?   KELVIN: (mocking) "*The halfling continues to laugh maniacally.* Oh, I can tell she's set her sights on you! If you haven't seen them yet... they come for you in your dreams! The only way to be safe is never to sleep!"
(suffering) "*The man's eyes roll back in his head for a moments, but seem to clear when he looks forward again.* They took my Malda and my Lendi. Just vanished into the air... but I know they took them. Every Fortyear they take a girl! There was no time left! Had to take the girls, it was the only way! T- they'll kill me... you can't let them take me! I'm a hero to this town!"   RINI: (annoyed) "I am beginning to think this man is as crazy as he is small. There may not be anything left he can offer us."   Kenris rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=16-1=15
Saleek rolls ***is*** this just an act? Or does he believe what he's selling? Wonders saleek to himself. [[1d20+Insight (Wis)]]=10+2=12   RANDAL: (sad) *(Randal shakes his head sadly)* “In his deranged mind, it’s we who’s th’ crazy ones.”
(angry) "*(his temper suddenly gets the better of him)* “Yer damn right ye failed ‘em! Ye didn’t save th’ kids ye kidnapped, ye doomed th’ ones ye missed t’ take their place! Alma Underhill, ye missed her! Now she’s been taken too early, just like Lendi was!”   KENRIS: (condescending) "to Randal: Can you not see that this man has already lost everything, his family and his mind. lets not take anymore from him."
(tired) "We need to end this circle, this violence this suffering. and may haps we can gather something for this all."   Saleek, to the best of your ability to tell, he seems totally truthful, at least in his own mind.
Kenris, looking closely at the caged man, you can see heavy bags under his sunken eyes, and his gaunt figure. As if he has not been sleeping or eating properly for some time. You do notice what you once took for a scar on his neck seems too designed, the lines far to clear. It looks almost like a rune, similar to the one you found in the black sludge that the woman vomited up.   KELVIN: (disappointed) "*The man cower back into his celling, looking small and pathetic.* Underhill... but... but that girl is too young. It s- should be a teen! Come back next festival, oh yes! It doesn't make any sense... Something... something even I didn't see... it's all wrong."   DM WHISPER TO KENRIS: You feel a sudden flash of memory. That symbol burned into the man's neck, and a woman, with long dark claws, bathed in blood. You feel as if they were parts of your nightmares last night.
Anyone who wants to can make a general intelligence check.   KENRIS: Kenris rolls [[1d20]] + Intelligence=20-1=19
Kenris shudders at what may be a recollection of an event. you see him shake his head. A scowl on his face.   DM WHISPER TO KENRIS: You are not typically one for complex thoughts but something Kelvin just said strikes a nerve. "Come back next festival." Separately there are too many people going missing, but if you look at it as a child being abducted on festival and again just before the next... while you haven't heard of a teen vanishing in the last year, the documents do indicate a sudden increase in negative events in the last year.
You are also reminded of the unpleasantness of your divine sense in the tavern earlier.   KENRIS: "Something about this festival bothers me"
"Friends there is something i must mention. The server in the tavern marti think her name was she gave off a sense of malice l. Something that triggered my sense of the divine"   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Letitia mentioned the woman torturing her wasn't acting like herself, and now this barmaid is acting strange as well? Perhaps it is related?"   SALEEK: (alarmed) "Marti ! What do you mean kenris..."   DM WHISPER TO KENRIS: I will say that evil usually registers as a stench for you. While you can detect a hint of it here if you try, it would be equivalent to someone brushing up against or stepping in something unpleasant. Though you were distracted being stabbed by the mad woman in the hideout, there might have been a similar smell. In the tavern it was much much stronger.   KENRIS: "It is hard to explain it is a sense I’ve grown over the years in service. I can smell foulness coming of a person or place. It is like a lovely person smelling like a sulfur pit. I had this experience with this marti. I expect she is not of this plane"   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Back home, we had an ancient tree that had begun to rot. It was harming the soil and its neighboring plants. It turned out to have been infested with foul parasites. We cleansed them, restoring health to the tree and bringing the area back into balance. I was reminded of this when the woman spat up the black worms, of some sickness that corrupts. Perhaps this place **is** cursed, and Mr. Underbarrel is correct..."   SALEEK: "Kenris, if we can take marti someplace else, do you think you can exercise whatever is in her?"   If Kenris knows how to perform an exorcism he can certainly try on any of the townsfolk.
Admoira, once it is pointed out, you can see the rune scarred into Kelvin's neck as well. Much like the piece of metal the woman in the hideout spit up, the rune seems almost druidic, but very wrong somehow.   ANSIL IRONFIST: (confused) "*Hearing you speak, Ansil chimes in.* Marti? The tavern girl? That's not possible, she's been here since she was a baby. Mendra found the poor thing abandoned on her doorstep one morning and took the girl in. It was... it was a week or two after the festival 14 years ago... *he trails off with a look of worry on his face.*"   SALEEK: "Ansil, you have my word. We *will* get to the bottom of this, but you have to trust us."
After speaking with ansil, saleek nods over to kenris and gestures off to the side.
(curious) "to Kenris: /In whispered tones/ Whatever you did to Marti, are you able to do it to ansil too...?"   ADMOIRA: Admoira stares at the rune on Kelvin's neck for a long moment while the others talk among themselves. She approaches the cell door and kneels to get closer to the Halfling.
(kind) "The marking on your neck, where is it from?"   Kenris, passively your divine sense would indicate the presence of strong evil (or good) in the immediate area, you might be getting a general feeling that evil has been in the area, or touched individuals in the town, but right now you are not getting that immediate danger sort of sense that would come from a evil creature.
Admoira, Kelvin gives you a confused "mark? what mark?" sort of look. He does not seem to know about it. Give me an intelligence check, Admoira.   Admoira attempts an INT check [[1d20+0]]=11+0=11   Admoira, it having been the second time in as many days you've seen a rune like this, you are slightly more prepared for it. It appears like a druidic rune, but subtly wrong somehow, as if it was written backwards and upside down. It takes you a moment but you think it symbolizes something akin to "fear." The markings themselves seem to be raised from underneath the skin like a boil or something similar.   ADMOIRA: Admoira is quiet for a moment, studying the rune. She finally nods, and stands. She nods politely to Kelvin.
(apologetic) "Ah, my mistake, thank you, Mister Underbarrel."
She walks back over to the others, leaning in for a moment.
ADMOIRA WHISPER TO PARTY: (tense) "He doesn't seem to notice it, but I see what appears to be a perverted Druidic rune branded on him, almost as a boil. It looks to be "fear", or something akin to it. I know not what it means or who did it to him, but it might be prudent to discuss this with Letitia or her mistress..."   ANSIL: (disappointed) "Aye... Well I won't lie you lot have done more in a few days than me and my men have been able to accomplish in... much longer. Wherever you need to go you have my support. I can get deputy Greenvalley to take you to the Greenvalley farm... though I don't know if much is left of it by now... Or Jandi's place too... maybe you'll find something we didn't.
(apologetic) "At the very least... I did promise you all a reward for our missing children, and I'm a dwarf of my word. *He'll proceed to rummage around for sometime, finally pulling out a large, bag of golden coins.* That's 300, I'm afraid we don't have much else to give at this point... I'm sorry.   ADMOIRA: (friendly) "I thank you, Sir Dwarf. I require not money, but my companions have earned what was promised them. We would appreciate being allowed to see these buildings, as well as talk with Mr. Underbarrel a bit more."   SALEEK: "hold on to that gold ansil, were not done yet..."
saleek turns back to his team.
"jandis or greenvalley farm...where do we think to go next?"   RANDAL: *(after brooding for a while over Kenris’ rebuke, Randal regains the confidence to speak)* “I’m all fer Greenvalley. Them strange events have a source, and I think we might find it there.”
(apologetic) @Kenris#35862 “I’m sorry ‘bout that, Kenris. I didn’t mean t’ snap.”   KENRIS: "Randal let me tell you about anger, and what helped me use it instead of fighting against it."
"Let me tell you a story about anger. I once was a foolhardy youth that only had 1 thing in mind, glory. But after about the 2nd or 3rd campaign for a mercenary group, it no longer was about glory. It was about basic and ruthless slaughter, and finding out if I lived another day. Rage filled my life, and after a really vicious battle I sat down with a friend of arms. He was known to rage into battle with not a thought about his own safety. But after the battle was done he reverted to his normal calm demeanor. He told me the following: Rage is like a barrel of ale, when you Smash the lid of that barrel it all comes out in a great flood. You are unable to pour it into a mug or goblet, even though the barrel still has its uses, it cant be used to pour drinks. When using a spigot one can control the flow of the ale and keep on using the barrel after it has been emptied. In short, when you use your anger or rage constantly you will be burned out fast, when using it when needed you can achieve great things. See it as nothing more than a different energy source."
"So do not be sorry for something small."   RANDAL: (impressed) *(Randal stands, wide-eyed, at Kenris as he recounts this, then smiles)* “I’m glad t’ say I can relate t’ a barrel of ale.”   KENRIS: "Or wine or whatever has your fancy"   ANSIL: (brooding) "to Kenris: Aye, those are wise words friend. Whatever you want to do in town... please try and do so discreetly. This town is on an edge already. Once they find out fully about Kelvin here, I'll be lucky to not have a mob on my hand. Whatever you are planning with Marti or Miss Kelsey try not to throw fuel on the fire."
Although he clearly looks like he would love to take the gold back, he is a dwarf of his word and leaves the sack on the table.   RINI: "Wise words indeed Kenris. There are still many mysteries to unlock and we should all keep our heads clear. Let us move to the Greenvalley farm. It seems to have seen it's fair share of tragedy."   ANSIL: "If you're heading out to the old Greenvalley farm then, I'll have my deputy guide you."   Ansil steps outside for a moment, leaving you all alone with Kelvin and the piles of paper that fill the man's office. It will probably take him a few moments to locate his Halfling deputy, if there is anything you would like to do in the meantime.   ADMOIRA: Admoira lowers her voice to speak to her team
(anxious) "{I worry that we may want to get our questions in now of Mister Underbarrel. This could indeed end up with mob violence robbing us of asking him more later}"   KENRIS: "You are right"   ADMOIRA: (tense) "{He has definitely been marked, perhaps all of this is not his fault. Sadly I do not know what it could possibly be, but it is a perversion of a Druidic rune, so I feel personally responsible to solve this.}"   SALEEK: "my connection to nature has been...stifled, to say the least, so you would know better than i. but i would agree that green valley farm is the best place to start."   KENRIS: "So let's not wait any longer. I will keep my senses out and warn you if i feel anything"   SALEEK: "On your lead kenris..."   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods, grabbing her belongings and slinging them on her back.   If there is nothing else you want inside, you wait a few minutes longer for Ansil to return. Following him is the halfling woman you first met when you returned from the Goblin caves. She has close cropped hair, a crossbow across her back, and a look of not taking shit from anyone. She'd tell you that her cousin's old farm is a few hours to the north, and you should be able to make it there and back before nightfall if everything goes according to plan.   RANDAL: “Let’s not be wastin’ any time then. Lead th’ way, Miss Greenvalley.”   FLYNDAK: (annoyed) "Aye, I don't reckon you'll be findin' much on my ol' cousin's place... they all been dead since I was lil. But Ansil thinks you're on ta something and are gonna save this town if you don't get ate... Just try and keep up, *she mockingly says to folks twice her size.*"  


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