4.4 Flyndak's Very Bad Day

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

10 Ches, 1491. Afternoon

SALEEK: Saleek bends down and investigates one of the corpses.
Saleek marvel's at the makeshift humanoids [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=15+3=18   Saleek lands near one of the shattered effigies, examining the wreckage of the once hostile being. In the center of its body you find the picked clean bones of what was likely a halfling. Someone or something then used leather, twigs, other bones and so on, to lash to the bones, layer after layer until it built up to the monstrosity you just fought. There are numerous runes of the type you have been seeing recently written about the debris making up the creature.
Rini and Admoria, between the two of you, you have some familiarity with the writing at this point. It is definitely some sort of old magic tangential to druidism, but much darker. It is akin to the type of magic that Rini might have heard about in his books talked about with both fear and skepticism: "Folk magic." Though clearly this was much more effective then putting a line of dirt in a doorway so evil spirits cannot enter.
Fyndak, the halfling woman, lifts up the blackened skull of the figure that Rini had incinerated. She turns it in her hand, her face going pale as it faces her. She looks as if she is about to be sick. She holds up the skull, showing two small copper teeth.   FLYNDAK: (disgusted) "I could never forget... my Auntie... she always had these two shinny metal teeth in her smile. Aunt Malda... what happened here?"   KENRIS: "to Flyndak: if you want we can take the remains and give her a proper sendoff. But I'm sorry for your loss"   FLYNDAK: (disgusted) "*The woman holds her bleeding shoulder tightly, leaning on her crossbow.* She's been dead to us all since I was a child... but this... it ain't right. Who does this to someone's body? They made her into... something?"   KENRIS: I would like to examine the remains more closely if they hold some last bit of power.   Kenris, you feel like whatever dark magic animated the bones has faded. Clearly they have been used in some sort of dark ritual. The writing on the bones appears to have been carved or written in blood. Your divine sense would tell you this is a distinctly unpleasant sort of magic, but it does not resemble the fiendish sense you've felt lately. Still evil, but a different sort of evil.   KENRIS: "This animation of these remains are different in its evilness than what i experienced in the tavern"   ADMOIRA: Admoira, now back to her Firbolg form, shuffles uncomfortably and leans over Saleek to see the bones he is examining.
(anxious) "I wish to take some of these remains to the Druids, see what they can determine from them. I promised to return them so they can be buried properly afterwards."   RINI: (curious) "Admoira, is there anything you are not telling us about these symbols?"   ADMOIRA: Admoira shakes her big, fluffy head.
(anxious) "No, I do not know what they mean. They seem to be perversions of runes we use, which might
mean whoever is doing this may have ties to our order."   The best way to describe it would be: to Admoira it would be like some who uses English print looking at Spanish cursive; there are resemblances to what she knows, but meaning is tough to be certain.   FLYNDAK: (disgusted) "Well, it looks like black magic and witchcraft to me! Everyone always talks about witches in small towns... but... I didn't think it was real. And my aunt!?"   KENRIS: "Why naturally witches? a lot more creatures and fiends lie in the darkness that can do this."   ADMOIRA: (sad) "We will find out who is responsible and avenge your aunt and whoever was used for the other effigy, I promise you."   KENRIS: "to Rini, *in a whispered voice* this power it does handy things, do you know of it?"   RINI: "to Kenris, I have only read of such things. Most of which I wrote off as being superstition or simple folk mistaking it for real arcane magic or that of the divine."
Pulling out a leather bound notebook Rini copies down some of the runes used and a quick sketch of the effigies before they were destroyed.
"to Kenris, I fear this power may be too evil to dabble in myself, however this will be a good addition to the libraries in [Belde]."   FLYNDAK: to Kenris: the halfling woman gives a shrug, as if to say "what do you want from small town gossip?"
"At a guess... I'm guessing this is why no one ever found the Greenvalley's bodies. That means that other one was either Ferren or Lendi... and Lendi was only a child when she went missing. *She points to the other skull which appears full-halfling sized.* Knowing that and 15 gold will buy us a mule though."   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Full grown skull, so probably Ferren and Malda. Was the doll representative of Lendi, something to bind the effigies here to protect the house? Why are they here at all? Perhaps there is something important about this place?"   FLYDAK: (pensive) "*The halfling woman has a seat, while she thinks.* I think I had a doll like that... but mine was... different. I think... I think that was Lendi's doll when we were little!"   ADMOIRA: Admoira shuffles, then turns towards the others.
(anxious) "Do one of you have the doll? If so, may I see it momentarily?"   Flyndak was holding it when the attack occurred. She will had it back over to Admoira, it is a simple thing made of old cloth, and from the feel rags for stuffing. A child's doll with yellow hair, a stitched face, and button eyes. It feels old and musty.   RANDAL: “We’d best make sure this doesn’t fall into th’ hands of whoever did this. If they somehow used
Lendi’s t’ do this, maybe they could do it again.”   ADMOIRA: There is something about the doll... rolls [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=13+0=13   Admoira, you turn the doll over several times in your large hands. Seemingly there is nothing magical about it, it is only a well worn child's doll, but it feels somehow significant to you. You somehow feel emotions not fully your own as you handle the doll. This doll clearly once meant a lot to a little girl, and you can almost feel happier times radiating off it. But that gives way to an almost unreasoning anger, a seething hatred of all things good and happy.   ADMOIRA: Admoira shivers and quickly walks over to the table, placing the doll upon it. She takes a few steps back and makes a nervous warding gesture with her hand, then tucks her hands back into her sleeves. She looks sadly at the others.
(anxious) "There is much anger around this doll. I wonder if it is a totem now, some sort of focus for evil energies."   RANDAL: “D’ ye think it’s safe t’ keep hold of?”   The doll has no magical aura inherent to itself. Touching the doll was the first time the party saw any reaction from the golem creatures, as if they were guarding it.   KENRIS: I will use my divine sense on the doll and let you know what is wrong with it.   Using his mystic sense of good and evil, Kenris focuses on the small object. It is different but along the same lines as the feeling you got looking at Kelvin in the jail: this object has been touched and handled by an evil, but it is not evil in itself. Aso there is a different sort of unpleasant odor about it, rather than brimstone, it is more the rot of wood, plants, and animals.   RINI: Are there any other passage ways or doors out of this cavern?   The outer walls of the cavern seem to go right into the water around the edge; you do not see any tunnels other than the one you entered through.   RINI: "Well. If there is nothing left for us here, where is our next point of inquiry?"
"to Flyndak: is there somewhere in the woods you and Lendi would play. Maybe somewhere you were not supposed to go?"   FLYNDAK: "Hmmmm... Lendi always did like to catch frogs and swim in the pond. Said it made her feel right and she could hold her breath real long... I sure never knew there was a whole cave here..."   SALEEK: (curious) "Perhaps someone should submerge and see what's underneath..."   RANDAL: (amused) “We wouldn’t want ye gettin yer feathers wet.” *(Randal removes his backpack)* “I’ll need someone t’ keep a’hold o’ this fer me.”   SALEEK: Saleek chuckles
(amused) "I didn't know humans *could* see in the dark, Randal."   ADMOIRA: "Admoira looks to the frogs, then walks over by then, keeping her hands in her sleeves."
(kind) "Would one of you froggies be so kind as to show us where the exit is to this place? I have some dried meat for the one who shows us."   RANDAL: to Saleek: ”I’ll admit I don’t have us covered on that front, but I can light up th’ water as well as I can th’ air.”   SALEEK: (confident) "I'm just busting your chops, I trust you."   Admoira rolls [[1d20+Insight (Wis)]]=1+5=6   The large pale frog only croaks loudly, watching you with its black, amphibian eyes.
((Randal you are planning to dive under the water to find additional chambers in this cave, correct?))     RANDAL: Yes, that or any trinkets that don't fit in with the rest of the water's contents. Since I have plenty of spell slots, I'll cast *faerie fire* to brighten it up.   ((Faerie fire, now that's a clever use!))   RANDAL: ((Thanks!))
Randal takes a deep breath, and casts *faerie fire* towards the bottom of the lake, before submerging himself and looking around in the now illuminated depths.   Randal dives into the murky, cold water and examines the area lit by his spell for any strange objects. As you all watch him disappear, the frogs watch too.   Randal rolls CON check [[1d20+2]]=20+2=22 and perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=6+1=7   RANDAL: ((Well, better than seeing something but drowning in the process.))   SALEEK: ((True.))   Randal, the water is chilly and bracing, actually mildly refreshing once you are used to it. The glowing of your spell makes a garish light show under the water as it outlines every object, and it certainly appears that someone, or something, has been using this cave to hoard bits and pieces of things that most any normal person would consider pure trash.
You do find a small side tunnel partially covered in debris, and after a truly herculean effort of holding your breath and working at a plank under the cold water, you manage to pry it loose. There is a small avalanche of junk, that throws up murky clouds in the water, but you do believe you've made a path that the rest of the party could swim to.   RANDAL: *(Randal resurfaces and wipes the grimy water from his face)* "There's some sort of a tunnel. Probably hasn't been used lately - it was filled wit' debris."   SALEEK: (friendly) "Didn't doubt you for a minute. ...couple seconds, maybe."   DM roll [[2d20k1+6]]=19,17+6=25   Randal is wet and cold, but no worse for the wear. After a moment the waters again return to stillness and the cavern grows quiet.   RINI: "Anyone brave enough to find out how far this tunnel goes? If we take an hour, I could possibly change my familiar's form into that if an octopus. I will have to see if I have enough components left to do so however."   SALEEK: "I dont want to go in there blind...we have to see how far that tunnel goes."   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Would I be able to fit in this tunnel?"   RINI: Rini begins looking through his components pouch for 10 gp worth of Charcoal, incense and herbs…
((DM’s discretion whether I have these components. I can subtract 10 gp from my coin or if you’d rather me go shopping for it, we can do it that way as well.))   ((You're looking for a cast of find familiar? I'll say you have enough in your spell casting kit for a cast.))   RANDAL: (doubtful) to Admoira: ”I think ye could, though it may be a squeeze gettin’ through the first gap. I had t’ open it up a bit t’ be wide enough fer any of us.”   The tunnel is definitely submerged, but you do believe it to be large enough to fit even someone of Admoira's size. You could not see far into the tunnel, but thanks to your fairy fire, do feel like it was headed in a generally upward direction.   RINI: "to Randal, what is your call? If I change Aspen into an octopus, she may be stuck that way for a while."   RANDAL: (doubtful) "*(Randal looks slightly surprised that he was nominated to make the call)* “Well, er... We don’t know what’s down there fer starts. It could be useful, but it could also be nothin’ at all. And Aspen’s usual form’s been plenty useful in th’ past. I wouldn’t want t’ see her confined to a water-bound one. Me? I wouldn’t want t’ risk it.”     KENRIS: "is there enough space for me ? or is there a possibility that there is another entrance?"   With the collapse of the debris blocking it the tunnel could fit the party, Kenris, in his heavy armor, would have more of a struggle getting through the flooded tunnel, should still be able to pass.   FLYNDAK: (worried) "I dunno if it matters to ya, but I'd put my vote in for not going down the creepy monster tunnel and getting killed. But if you're going, I definitely ain't gonna stand out here waiting for more thing to come and eat me, *the halfling woman says, gripping her wounded shoulder.*"   KENRIS: "Mayhaps we do the following.. those able to get through go through and create another more passable route for those of larger stature"   RANDAL: “I’m more concerned ‘bout th’ drownin’ part, really. If it’s a dead end, I wouldn’t have th’ time t’ turn back round before I’m out o’ breath.”
“Though I can’t comment on th’ swimming abilities of th’ rest of ye.”   SALEEK: (serious) "We don't even know if there's a cavern on the other side of that tunnel...we *need* to see on the other side of that tunnel. Randal, we *need* Aspen."   RINI: Rini moves toward the table at the center of the island, clears some room and begins pulling out some charcoal, incense and some fragrant herbs from his components pouch. He lays them out very neatly on the table and looks towards the group.
"This will take me a while, so now would be a good time to tend to your wounds and rest. Maybe keep an eye out for any unwanted Intruders as well."
Begrudgingly, Rini pops Aspen an onto the center of the table, whispers something into her ear and then closes his eyes as he begins to mutter his incantations as he burns his components into wispy white smoke.
((It'll take 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete the spell.))   SALEEK: ((While he does that, I'll use my Primeval awareness.))   If you're all waiting for him, feel free to use any short rest mechanics. Flyndak will use it to bandage her wounds.
((Saleek, you're using primeval awareness to see if there are humanoids within 5 miles?))   DM rolls [[1d10]]=8 DM rolls [[1d10]]=6   RANDAL: ((I’m going to forgo the short rest, having full hit points.))   ADMOIRA: ((Admoira will rest to recover uses of her Wildshape.))   SALEEK: ((Yeah, trying to focus deeper in the cavern.))   Saleek, you extend your senses out, within five miles of you there are a half dozen humanoids. Three of them seem to be within the cave structure you are in. They seem to be standing perfectly still, waiting for something perhaps. The other 3 are separate and further out, over a mile away.
You all take a brief rest to catch your breath as Aspen's form is altered, the creature popping into existence in it's new shape. The cave itself is quiet, the local frog popular seeming to have lost interest in you or moved on.   RINI: "I will try to get you back to your avian form as soon as I can Aspen. But for now, can you investigate down that tunnel?"
With a couple of quick snaps of his fingers, the octopus disappears from the table and then reappears in the water near the hidden tunnel and looks through Aspen's eyes.   KENRIS: "Remind me to give you some coin for your help here Rini"   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods from where she is sitting, idly fidgeting with her hands while staring at the remains of the golems and the doll.
(anxious) "Indeed, any coin I receive for my help can go to you three. I've no need for it."   SALEEK: (tense) "Everyone, make sure and keep an eye out. Rini is vulnerable while connected to Aspen."   ADMOIRA: Admoira stands and guards the meditating man.   RINI: Octo-Aspen swims through the tunnel keeping a careful eye out for any dangers ahead of her and looking for the end of the underwater passage.
((What does Aspen/Rini see on the other end of the tunnel above the water?))   With her new aquatic body, it is a simple swim for Aspen. The passage is dark, roughly 30 yards long, and unpleasantly cluttered, but having passed through once before it should be a relatively easy passage for all of you. You'll have to swim of course.
Rini, give me a perception check for Aspen.   RINI: Aspen perception check: rolls [[1d20+2]]=6+2=8
((Damn already missing my owl familiar haha))   ((Fun story octopuses are deaf, but smell and taste with their tentacles.))   RINI: ((I worked at an aquarium for over 10 years and didn't know they were deaf!))   ((Well that is what one page of GM googling says... it's on the internet must be true))   ADMOIRA: ((I thought they could hear through their statocysts? I just watched a video about octopuses listening to music the other day))   Aspen surfaces in a small, seemingly naturally made tunnel, the walls are made of dirt and have a gradual upward slope. Off to one side it widens into an area perhaps 20 feet by 30 feet. The tunnel is quiet and still, but the air is full of muck, rot, and decay. There are more bones scattered around the ground, though most here appear animal in origin.
If she can hear or not, there is no noise other than what one would expect in a damp underground tunnel.   RINI: "It is a fairly short swim to the other side. But it will be a tight fit. Perhaps we do this one at a time. Aspen can lead the way and notify my if anyone gets in trouble."   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods, shuffling uncomfortably   SALEEK: "I'll go first, make sure everything is well on the other side."
Saleek takes out a shortsword, and dives into the water.   We'll say its a CON save for each of you swimming through the water. Aspen having navigated the way makes it relatively easy for you all.   SWIMMING
Saleek rolls [[1d20+CON Save]]=3+3=6
Kenris rolls [[1d20+CON Save]]=19+2=21
Rini rolls [[1d20+CON Save]]=3+3=6
Admoira rolls [[1d20+CON Save]]=1+1=2
Randal rolls [[1d20+CON Save]]=20+2=22   RANDAL: ((Apparently Randal is a really good swimmer, because I think that’s the second twenty on his con save.))   KENRIS: I’ll use Light on my shield as i swim through the waters   As Saleek dives under the water, it is cold and unpleasant and clings to his feathers. He emerges on the other side, like a soaking wet angry bird.   DM rolls [[1d4]]=1   That's 1 point of will to fight damage.
On the other hand, Kenris, though weighed down by his heavy armor, manages to hold his breath and drag his way through the bottom of the flooded tunnel. Rising out of the water, dripping but unharmed.
((Collectively the party just seems really done with this cave and all the wet cold water. It's 1 point of pride damage to Admoira and Rini.))   KENRIS: ((that is the worst kind of damage))
Uses his shield to shed some light into this part of the cavern   Rini as well will emerge from the water, cold and annoyed, complaining about the possible damage to his supplies that an underwater tunnel might do.
With the aid of Kenris's light you are able to see more. You are in a roughly made, semi natural tunnel. The walls are damp earth. It appears to be at least partially dug out though not by a skilled excavation process.
Along one side of the tunnel walls have been widened, several large flat rocks, rotting boxes, and other flat surfaces have been placed here. They are covered in gore, bits of bone, scraps of hide. On a rock close to you is a humanoid leg, with pale flesh and webbed toes. Crude tools (sharpened bone knives, needles, axes and so on) lie seemingly discarded or stuck into the earthen walls at random.   KENRIS: ((Can i check if i recognize the foot / leg?))
Examine the leg, rolls [[1d20+Nature (Int)]]=7-1=6   ADMOIRA: Admoira emerges from the water, her hair and dress hanging heavily. Bits of debris hang to both, and her hair covers her eyes completely. She makes a very annoyed sound, then slowly and deliberately parts her hair to see again.
(annoyed) "I pray there is another exit to this place, for I would rather rot here than swim through there again..."   Kenris, it is clearly not anyone you know. It is not from anything human, short, maybe dwarven sized, with webbed toes. The leg looks to have been crudely severed, and is bloodless, but not fully rotting yet.   RINI: Rini is desperately trying to dry off his books before further damage is done. He looks at Admoira with a face of complete agreement.   ADMOIRA: Admoira tries to maintain some form of dignity as she walks over to the others, but there is only so much a waterlogged fuzzy giant can do in that regard…   The party stands in some sort of workshop, though a particularly crude and foul one. Animal bones, wicker, severed limbs, all the basics to make more of the golems you fought before are scattered about, though none seem complete at the moment.   RINI: "Shall we continue down this tunnel?"   RANDAL: "What about these 'alf-baked effigies? We could destroy 'em, t' spite whoever's makin' 'em, but then they might know we were 'ere."   RINI: "I am hoping we can solve the question of who or what is making these. Then we do not have to worry about these cursed things."   RANDAL: “In that case, I’m ready t’ continue.”
Randal lifts himself from the water and attempts to dry himself off using *prestidigitation*   Now effectively dried off, Randal leads the way up the tunnel. The tunnel slopes upward, becoming gradually less damp as it does. In small hollowed out niches in the walls lie various parts of this strange golem maker's work. You travel perhaps another 50 feet before the tunnel forks again, one path leading up where you can smell some sense of fresher air. The other leads back down into darkness.   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Should we head up and see where this exits to before heading deeper?"   RANDAL: "Sounds good t’ me. Might be useful if we need t’ leave in a hurry later."   SALEEK: "Agreed."   You all make your way up the tunnel, sure enough it leads upward and slowly towards fresher air. The tunnel narrows and though by the end you are crawling, you all emerge into a small cave set in a small rise overlooking the fetid Moors to the North of the Greenvalley farm. There is a narrow path leading between two large pools of black water that lead up to the mouth of this cave.   RINI: "Hmm... It looks like we have found our exit. Flyndak, is there anything we should know about this area?"   FLYNDAK: "*The halfling woman looks to the north from just inside the cave.* It's a damn swamp. People say it's spreading, which I guess is true cause my distant family didn't used to live in a half sunk house with a basement full of monsters. Probably plenty of nasty dangerous stuff in there."   RINI: (pressing) "So two unpleasant options to return back to town. Well, we can fret about that later. For now I am curious to find out what is the cause of all this terribleness."   RANDAL: "Yep. Back down it is."
Randal turns back towards the cave entrance.   Though you cannot see it from the cave, you would assume the farmhouse you entered from is behind you to the south.
You can give me all a perception check as you do.   PERCEPTION
Saleek rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=20+4=24
Kenris rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=9-1=8
Rini rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=7+0=7
Admoira rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=6+5=11
Randal rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=20+1=21   Saleek, Randal, as you are about to turn back to the tunnel, you both feel the sudden rising of the hair/feathers of the back of your neck. You are acutely aware that you are being watched. Your eyes are drawn to the dark pools just outside the entrance to the cave, and within you somehow catch the reflection of dark eyes staring back at you. As you watch the head of a pale frog emerges from the water, its skin slimy and white, its eyes dark and empty. It is like the frogs you had seen below, only this one is larger, much larger. Four more heads rise as you watch.
Roll for initiative.   INITIATIVE
DM rolls initiative [[2d20k1+Initiative]]=9,1+0=9
DM rolls [[1d20+2]]=2+2=4
DM rolls [[1d20+1]]=15+1=16
Randal rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] for initiative=6+2=8
Randal rolls initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=12+2=14
Kenris rolls initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=2+0=2
Flyndak rolls initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=18+3=21
Rini rolls initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=12+1=13
Admoira rolls initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=1+2=3
Saleek rolls initiative [[2d20k1+Initiative]]=15,4+6=21   Saleek you are standing within the mouth of a cave, to the north of you, outside, are 3 pools of water from which 5 sets of amphibian eyes watch you; you can see the heads of two very large frogs and 3 frog heads of roughly human scale. On Saleek and Randal will be able to react this round. The combat order will be: Saleek and Flyndak, then Monsters A, then Rini and Randal, then monsters B, and lastly Kenris and Admoira.
Saleek, you are up.   SALEEK: Saleek stares down the large frog-like creature, and he feels that familiar vibration in the back of his head, when his hunters mark has been transferred over, he quickly notches two arrows...
...and releases them in quick succession. [[2d20D1+8]]=10,11+8=19 [[2d20D1+8]]=17,9+8=25 dealing [[1d8+1d6+4]]=5+4+4=13 & [[1d8+1d8+1d6+4]]=1+7+3+4=15 damage on a hit   DM rolls [[1d20+4]]=3+4=7   Saleek's arrow fly true, piercing into the massive frog's hide even despite it being partially submerged. With a massive croak and explosion of water the frog leaps into the air and lands at the cave entrance, just before Saleek. The creature is at least as tall as a person and snaps its wide amphibian jaws at Saleek, though he manages to dodge out of the way just in time.
Flyndak is not so lucky, as a second frog emerges from another pool. It easily grasps the small halfling woman in its massive mouth, lifting her off the ground as her legs kick wildly in the air. A thick green slime drools out of the frog's mouth around the struggling halfling.
Randal, you have a turn now. There are two giant frogs in the cave just ahead of you, and 3 other froglike creatures further out past the entrance.   DM rolls [[1d10+2]]=8+2=10 DM rolls [[1d10]]=6   RANDAL: (panicked) *(He shouts to Flydnak)* “Don’t worry yerself, lass!”
He arcs his dagger upwards, cutting by the frog’s ‘throat’, while driving his shortsword into its belly - in an attempt to make it spit out.
Dual attaaaaack!: rolls [[1d20+4]]=1+4=5 to hit with the dagger, dealing [[1d4+2]]=3+2=5 on a hit, and [[1d20+4]]=12+4=16 to hit with his shortsword, dealing [[1d6+2]]=1+2=3 on a hit   DM rolls [[1d6]]=2   The frog's skin is thick, rubbery, tough, and coated in frog slime, and your dagger just slides across the slick surface. Your short sword does dig into frog's stomach, but does not seem to penetrate very deep into the monster's gut.
With another series of splashes, more figures emerge from the pools of water. These three are smaller than the frog you are currently facing, though they clear the water in just as impressive leaps. They are roughly human-sized bipedal frog men, covered in mismatched hides and aiming crude spears and shields in your direction as they charge into the fray.   Bullywug Muckdweller attacks: [[1d20+3]]=7+3=10, [[1d20+3]]=2+3=5
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks: [[1d20+3]]=1+3=4, [[1d20+3]]=7+3=10   Two of the frogmen run up attempting to stab Randal and Admoira with their short spears, perhaps the exertion of leaping from the water and running is too much for the pale frog-creatures because their attacks are far too slow to be of any real threat to either of you.
That will end the "surprise" round. We'll go back up to the start of the order, so Saleek and Flyndak will start us off. Then the frogs, then Randal and Rini, then the bullywugs, then Kenris and Admoira.     SALEEK: ((I'm in melee with one of them?))   ((Yes the Giant frog with your arrows sticking out of it.))   SALEEK: As the frog leaps into the air, saleek doffs his bow, and brandishes his orcish shortsword and scimitar.
He stabs and slices the beast to the best of his ability [[1d20+7]]=3+7=10 [[1d20+6]]=3+6=9 dealing [[1d6+1d6+5]]=3+2=5 & [[1d6+1d6]]=6+4=10 on a hit   Saleek hacks at the wounded beast, but his blades can't seem to cut the thick, slimy hide.   Flyndak rolls to escape [[1d20+Acrobatics (Dex)]]=9+5=14   The halfling woman manages to squirm her way free of the giant frog's muzzle, she coughs out ooze as she falls to the ground, covered in a thick green slime.  
“Flyndak’s Very Bad Day”   Giant frog rolls attack: [[1d20+4]]=19+4=23
Giant frog rolls attack: [[1d20+4]]=13+4=17
Giant Frog rolls [[2d10+2]]=7+2=9
Giant Frog rolls [[2d10+2]]=11+2=13   Saleek, the frogs, continue their assault. Then as your blade skids off the slick hide, you look up in time to see the massive frog's mouth open wide. Frogs this large have surprisingly sharp teeth. They cut into you for 8 points of piercing damage. The wounds instantly flair in pain for another point of poison damage (9 total). You are restrained within the creature's jaws.
Looking over to the slime covered halfling woman and the other frog, you all see it's massive mouth engulf her upper body one more time. Her legs kick several times in panic as she is lifted into the air again. Then her struggling stops and she hangs limply from the beast's mouth.
Randal, Rini, that brings you two up you can now act as normal. There are 5 visible enemies. 2 frogs in melee, 2 bullywugs there as well. 1 Bullywug is still further back outside the cave entrance.
(( Kenris or Admoira, if you want to describe your actions in advance feel free, you'll go right after the bullywugs.))   RINI: ((So Flyndak is still in the frog's mouth? Kind of half in, half out?))   ((Rini, yes, both she and Saleek count as restrained. She appears unconscious.))   RINI: ((Okay, so according to my Sculpt Spells feature: "When you cast an evocation spell that affects other creatures that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save." However, because they're literally in the creatures' mouth I'm not sure if that would still be applicable.))   SALEEK: ((I think the flavor is that you're literally creating the spell around the people you don't want it to affect.))   RANDAL: ((Being unconscious means that Flyndak automatically fails her strength and dexterity saves, but if she automatically succeeds them as well, then I have no idea what happens.))
(annoyed) “Damn it, it’s hide is tough as nails!”
Randal ditches his attempt to cut the amphibian’s hide and instead swings wide, aiming for its vocal sac.
((I think that’s the name of the weird bubble beneath a frog’s mouth.))
Randal uses his inspiration die, rolling [[2d20k1+4]]=3,16+4=20 to hit with his shortsword and dealing [[1d6+2]]=5+2=7 damage, then [[1d20+4]]=9+4=13 with his dagger, dealing [[1d4+2]]=2+2=4 damage.   Randal, this time you have more luck, your blades finding the meaty part of the massive frog as they both dig in. Thick black blood seeps from the creature's wounds.   ((Rini, I'll let you curve the spell around her if you want to hit the frog with it, that's fine.))
((Oh and mechanically, Flyndak is at 0 hit points, unconscious, and dying, if I was vague on that.))   RINI: Rini reaches out his hand as three glowing darts are produced and simultaneously hit the frog creature hold Flyndak in its mouth.
Rini causes [[3d4+3]]=2+2+1+3=8 force damage
((Went with the safer route. I could protect two people, but I figure a thunderwave spell might be a bit tricky in this tight corner))   The glowing darts streak out from Rini's fingertips, striking the massive frog in it oversized head. More black blood seeps from the wounds, but the frog continues to regard the party in an emotionless amphibian way.

Bullywug Muckdweller rolls to attack [[1d20+3]]=8+3=11, [[1d20+3]]=17+3=20
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls to attack [[1d20+3]]=7+3=10, [[1d20+3]]=7+3=10
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d4+1]]=4+1=5   The frog man menacing Admoira stabs at her with it's crude spear, which she is able to bat aside, but that leave her just open enough for the frogman to bite at her with its wide amphibian jaws. The one facing Randal is unable to land a blow on the nimble bard.
5 points of piercing damage to our druid. The 3rd frogman is still trying to close the distance to the group. That will bring up Kenris and Admoira for your turn.   ADMOIRA: Admoira cries out as she is bitten, staggering back. She snarls and leaps at the frog, her form blurring into a large she-wolf again as she tries biting the frogman back.
Admoira bites at the frog: [[1d20+5]]=8+5=13, possibly dealing [[2d6+3]]=1+4+3=8 damage and forcing a DC 13 STR save or fall prone.
((Is there another party member adjacent to the frog for Admoira to get her Pack Tactics?))   ((Admoira, yes, you'd get pack tatics, were you trying to bite the Giant Frog biting Saleek or the Bullywug that bit you?))   ADMOIRA: ((One that bit me))   Admoira rolls another die for her attack: [[1d20+5]]=11+5=16   Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d20+STR Save]]=12+1=13   Admoira leaps at the frogman, her jaws snapping down on the creature's leg as she tries to pull it out from under him. The frog somehow manages to resist. Instead, what Admoira gets is a mouthful of the strange slime that coats the bullywug's body. It tastes beyond foul. Give me a charisma saving throw please, Admoira.
Kenris, you're the last one up for this turn ((I'll take the turn for you come next morning if you are busy. I hope that RL is going well!))   Admoira rolls Frog Slime: [[1d20+CHA Save]]=20+1=21   Through sheer force of will, Admoira shakes off whatever the effect of the strange slime might have been. ((Just to keep things moving I'll take Kenris's turn for him.))   Kenris rolls [[1d20+5]]=6+5=11
Kenris rolls [[1d8+3]]=6+3=9
Kenris rolls [[1d6]]=6   Kenris charges into the fray, channeling the magic in his hammer into his attack. The hammer flares white hot as it smashes into the frog trying to chew on Saleek. (He hits with an 11, and does 9 weapon damage and an extra 6 fire).
The frog's slime fails to stop the oversized amphibian from being consumed in flames. With one mighty croak the creature falls flat, releasing Saleek from its grip.   FLYNDAK: Death saving throw [[1d20>10]]=3, FAILURE   Flynndak is not looking well as she hangs limply in the remaining frog's mouth. Saleek you are up and free as the frog attacking you lies smoldering from Kenris's hammer   SALEEK: Hurt and bleeding, saleek grips his shortswords, and transfers his hunters mark to a new target, he rushes his enemy.
Saleek leaps and stabs the frog with a backwards grip [[1d20+7]]=7+7=14 dealing [[1d6+1d6+5]]=4+2+5=11   Saleek's blade cuts into the frog, leaving a nasty gash bleeding black blood, but the giant frog continues to regard Saleek with its cold black eyes.   Giant Frog attempts to chew the unconscious halfling. [[2d20k1+4]]=9,4+4=13   ((That is a lucky NPC...))   SALEEK: ((Lol.))   The large frog tips its head back, lifting Flyndak back into the air. Somehow, despite the bite-sized morsel not being able to resist, the frog cannot quite manage to get the woman to fit properly into its mouth.
Rini, Randal, you are both up. One giant frog remains in the melee and is bleeding rather badly. There are also two bullywugs in the fray. A third bullywug is further back, and will likely reach the party soon.   RINI: ((to Randal: what are your thoughts on hold Flyndak's legs while I try to blow the frog back with a thunderwave?))     RANDAL: ((to Rini: Sounds good, if you can avoid damaging her (though my strength *does* suck). Someone’s gonna have to heal her as well, since she’s dying and all. Funnily enough, the frogs ended up choosing a pretty tactical move, since they’re occupying time which could otherwise be spent stabbing them.))
Sheathing his weapons once more, Randal approaches the frog, grabbing Flyndak’s protruding legs and digging his heels into the ground.
Randal rolls [[1d20+Athletics (Str)]]=20+0=20 to hold on to Flyndak
"Usually it’s the frog that’s stuck in *your* throat"
((Looks like the strength isn’t going to be a problem.))   SALEEK: ((Nice!))   (( (amused) Normally my policy is to reward natural 20's... but that pun... lol))   Flyndak is really only the size of a child, but the frog, for whatever reason, seems to be having trouble swallowing her body. Randal grabs her slime coated legs with his hands and yanks, soon his arms are filled with the small, unconscious woman.
Randal, you would look very heroic if she were awake and you both weren't covered in frog slime now.   SALEEK: ((Lmao))   Rini, you can do whatever magic you like, Randal and Flyndak are clear of the giant frog, and 3 bullywugs remain on the field, one close to Randal, one close to Admoira and one running to catch up.   RINI: Rini moves towards the large frog creature, slams his staff into the ground in front of him and a thunderous wave of force explodes out from him.
((It's a 15 foot cube con saving DC 14. Half damage on a successful save. On a fail they take full damage and get pushed back 10 feet. I'd like to get as many creatures as I can))
Thunder damage [[2d8]]=5+4=9   ((Rini, so you can hit a bullywug and the frog, or 2 wugs and the frog if you move and take an attack of opportunity. Up to you.))   RINI: ((I'll go for a bullywug and frog))   Giant frog rolls [[1d20+STR Save]]=3+2=5
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d20+STR Save]]=11+1=12
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6]]=2   Rini slams staff into the ground and there is a thunderous explosion, in the distance birds scatter out of the moors in sudden surprise, while within the mouth of the cave the echo effect is enough to leave your ears ringing. Both of the creatures try to stand their ground but are blown back by the explosion. The frog is knocked back out of the entrance of the cavern, the frogman, unfortunately for him, is between Rini and a solid rock wall. He is slammed into it for additional damage. The frog in particular seems to be suffering greatly.
The bullywugs move forward, their spears, really little more than sharpened sticks, at the ready.   Bullywug Muckdweller attacks! [[1d20+3]]=15+3=18,[[1d20+3]]=13+3=16
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks! [[1d20+3]]=1+3=4,[[1d20+3]]=1+3=4
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks! [[1d20+3]]=15+3=18,[[1d20+3]]=13+3=16
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1d4+2]]=3+4+2=9
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1d4+2]]=4+3+2=9   The bullywug near Admoria peels itself off the wall stabbing at the large wolf with it's tiny spear, in a mad frenzy the frogman also bites into the wolf for a total of 9 piercing damage.
Randal is similarly engaged and falls prey to almost the exact same practiced maneuver from the frog man, also taking 9 piercing.
The other bullywug runs up to Rini shouting in broken common, but stumbles horribly, slipping in the mud and knocking itself prone.   BULLYWUG MUCKDWELLER: (angry) "Dey kill Gurwup! Misssstresss like dat one b- bur- best! Kill or misssstressss kills us, ribbet!"   Kenris, Admoira, you are both up, there are 3 bullywugs and 1 giant frog remaining.   ADMOIRA: The wolf rears back and snaps at the frog that attacked her again, keeping close to her ally to throw the frog's defenses off.
Admoira bites at the frog: [[2d20k1+5]]=18,8+5=23, possibly dealing [[2d6+3]]=2+3+3=8 piercing damage and forcing a DC 13 STR check or the froggy goes prone.   Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d20+1]]=13+1=14   Admoira bites deeply into the frogman, her canine mouth again tasting the foul slime that coats the creatures body. Again despite her best attempts the frogman manages to remain standing as it wrestles with the giant wolf.   CHA Save: Admoira gets a mouthful of frog slime: [[1d20+CHA Save>13]]=18+1=19, SUCCESS   ADMOIRA: ((Oh, does this affect each time, not a save and immune for 24 hours sort of deal?))   ((It's actually a reaction ability, if you're really interested. So far you're the only one who triggered it and just shrugged it off each time))   Kenris makes an attack [[1d20+5]]=2+5=7   Kenris will move forward to the mouth of the cave and place himself between the charging Bullywug and the rest of the party. He swings with his hammer but the attack goes very wide. That will be the end of this round of combat.
At the start of the 3rd round there is one giant frog left, which has been pushed back out of the fight, and 3 armed frog men fighting you all. The first one up will be Saleek followed by the giant frog, then the rest of the party.   Flyndak rolls death save: [[1d20>10]]=16, SUCCESS   Your wounded halfling guide breathes shallowly, but does not slip and closer to death.   SALEEK: ((Is there enough to for me to fly? How far is flyndak from me?)) Flyndak is about 10 feet from you. You are still inside the mouth of the cave where flying would be rather difficult, but you could move outside to get airborne if you like.   SALEEK: Saleek moves towards flyndak, attempting to stabilize their guide [[1d20+Medicine (Wis)]]=19+2=21
After which he attempts to move the body someplace one of the frogs can't reach them.   Saleek, using your survival skills, you bandage and stabilize the wounded halfling. You can drag her to the back corner of the cave as out of the way as possible.
The giant frog, being still an animal and having no strong reason to fight to the death, squats down on its powerful legs, hopping into the air and out of the entrance of the cave. Randal and Rini it will be your turn.   RINI: (condescending) "There does not need to be anymore blood shed today bullywugs. Even that large frog creature is smart enough to know when a fight is over."
(threatening) "Tell us who you are so afraid of, our enemy may be one of the same. Otherwise you will meet death all the same."
Rini points the crystal on the end of his staff towards one of the bullywugs and prepares a firebolt if he doesn't like their answer.   Okay, give me a persuasion roll.   Rini rolls [[1d20+Persuasion (Cha)]]=9-2=7   RINI: ((Ooof... Yeah figured that wouldn't work))   BULLYWUG MUCKDWELLER: The largest of the frog men looks at Rini then at the rest of its fellows. A long pink tongue extends out and licks it featureless eye.
(angry) "Wut? You use big words jus cos you think better den me!?"   RINI: "Do not say I did not warn you..."
Rini releases his fire bolt towards the frog man sticking out his tongue. [[1d20+6]]7+6=13 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=6 fire damage
((Not rolling the best today it seems...))   The bolt of flame flies from Rini's hand, but impacts on the twisted and warped wooden shield of the bullywug.
Randal, you still have a turn this round.   RANDAL: Randal engages the Frog-man in combat, rolling [[1d20+4]]=12+4=16 to hit with his rapier, and dealing [[1d6+2]]=3+2=5 on a hit, then attacking with his dagger: [[1d20+4]]=2+4=6 to hit, dealing [[1d4+2]]=2+2=4 on a hit.   Randal closes in on the nearby bullywug, hit rapier slips just by the creature's defenses stabbing into the pale frog. The frog however twists out of the second attack making Randal's dagger finding one of the warty growths on the frog's skin which explodes a foul smelling slime when pierced. Randal, I need you to make a charisma save.   In the meantime, the bullywugs are going to take their attacks.
Bullywug Muckdweller stabs and tries to bite Kenris: [[1d20+1>19]]=14+1=15, FAILURE, [[1d20+1>19]]=7+1=8, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller stabs and tries to bite Randal : [[1d20+1>13]]=17+1=18, SUCCESS, [[1d20+1>13]]=18+1=19, SUCCESS
Bullywug Muckdweller stabs and tries to bite Rini : [[1d20+1>11]]=14+1=15, SUCCESS, [[1d20+1>11]]=3+1=4, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1d4+2]]=3+4+2=9
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1]]=5+1=6   The bullywug's crude spear cannot pierce Kenris's thick armor, but Randal's defenses prove less sound, and he will take 9 points of piercing damage. The third frogman, reeling from Rini's magic slamming him into the wall wheels on the mage and catches him with the tip of the spear for 6 piercing damage. That will bring up Kenris and Admoira, unless Rini and Randal have any tricks up their sleeves.   Randal rolls [[1d20 +CHA Save]]=5+5=10   That is not enough, unfortunately. Randal you are confused and unable to take reactions until the end of your next turn.
Kenris, Admoira, you two are up, each of you have a bullywug in range, a third is fighting Randal, who is looking strange. The giant frog is farther away and appears headed for the swamp   RANDAL: ((Is confused a condition? I don’t have it in my copy of the PHB.))   ((Not an official condition per say. Mechanically it is like a minor version of the confusion spell that these frogs can do as a reaction.))   To keep things moving: Kenris and Admoira will take their attacks at the enemies closest to them.   Kenris rolls [[1d20+5]]=1+5=6
Admoira rolls [[[[1d20+5]]=6+5=11   Both of them struggle to land a significant blow on the frogmen. That will bring us to the top of the 4th round, Saleek will be up first. There are 3 remaining bullywugs and 1 giant frog that seems intent to flee.   SALEEK: Takes a knee over his fallen comrade, he notches an arrow and looks at one of the bullywugs, the back of his head buzzes for a moment as that familiar feeling fills his senses, a new mark for his hunt. [[1d20+8]]=18+8=26 dealing [[1d8+1d6+4]]=6+4+4=14 on a hit.   ((Saleek, which are you aiming at? One is near Admoria, Randal or Kenris?))   SALEEK: ((Let's go with Randal.))   The arrow strikes the frogman dead center in the chest. A sad ribbit escapes the amphibian's lips. There is a corresponding splash of slime as the bullywug is struck, but it lands harmlessly in the dirt. The giant frog continues to hop away, diving into the murky water and vanishing.
Now Rini you are up. Randal roll a 1d8 for me.   RINI: ((I'm in melee with a bullywug?))   ((Rini, yes, the same one near Admoria.))   RINI: Rini will disengage from the frogman and move behind the front line putting some space between them.   Confusion effect: Randal rolls [[1d8]]=4   Randal, there is an explosion of odd colors and shapes in your vision. It is beautiful and distracting, but ultimately harmless as you wipe the frog slime from your eyes. It does take your action however.   RANDAL: ((Oh man, they completely took me out of combat for a round. That’s probably worse than the damage.))   ((Randal, that was the result of the confusion effect. Status effects in 5e can be mean. You are free of it though.))   Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Kenris: [[1d20+3>19]]=19+3=12, SUCCESS, [[1d20+3>19]]=11+3=14, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Admoira: [[1d20+3>14]]=14+3=17, SUCCESS, [[1d20+3>14]]=12+3=15, SUCCESS
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Randal: [[1d20+3>13]]=3+3=6, FAILURE [[1d20+3>13]]=8+3=11, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1]]=2+1=3
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+1d4+2]]=5+1+2=8   As Rini backs away from the fight, the frogmen savagely attack the party members closest to them. Kenris will take a blow from a spear for 3 piercing damage. The frogman continues to attack the wolf, dealing a total of 8 piercing between its spear and teeth. Randal on the otherhand, is just nimble enough to avoid the worst of the monster's attacks.
The three bullywugs remain in the fight, seeming intent on finishing the party. Kenris and Admoira both of you have your turn.   KENRIS: Kenris attacks the nearest bullywug: [[1d20+5]]=18+5=23 for up to [[1d8+3]]=3+3=6 damage.   Admoira bites the nearest bullywug: [[1d20+5]]=2+5=7 for up to [[2d6+3]]=2+5+3=10 damage.   Kenris raises his hammer high, bringing it down hard on the frog's bulbous head. Slime explodes out of the disgusting frog body. The large wolf on the other hand, continues to try and savage the frogman, but her jaws cannot quite close on the rubbery frog flesh.   ADMOIRA: The large she-wolf growls at the frogmen menacingly.   That will bring us up to the 5th round, Saleek, Randal, and Rini you can all take your turns. There are 3 bullywugs left around the entrance to the cave, the one fighting with the Admoira is looking pretty badly hurt.   SALEEK: Takes a deep breath and aims at one of the less damaged bullywugs [[1d20+8]]=7+8=15 dealing [[1d8+1d6+4]]=2+5+4=11   Saleek notches his arrow and fires it at the oversized head of the frogman, the arrow flies true, but the bullywug manages to raise his shield at the last moment, the arrow making a sickening crunch as it embeds itself into the worn wood and leather disk.   Kenris rolls [[1d20+CHA Save]]=9+5=14   RINI: Rini points his staff towards the bullywug engaged with Admoira and releases a steak off fire towards it. Rini casts firebolt. [[1d20+6]]=1+6=7 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=8 fire damage.   The slime makes a mess of Kenris's armor but seems to have no effect on the paladin. Rini Daargen's firebolt, unfortunately just sizzles against the frogman's slimy hide.
Randal, You are still up. After that the bullywugs will attack followed by Kenris and Admoira.   RANDAL: Randal lets loose a string of psychically damaging words, casting *vicious mockery* to throw off its attacks while he shakes his head free of the clarity reducing effects of its confusion effect.
“If ye mess with me head like that again, it’ll only *spawn* more violence”
Randal deals [[1d4+3]]=2+3=5 damage to the Frog-man if it fails a DC13 wisdom save
((It also has disadvantage on attacks if it fails.))   BULLYWUG MUCKDWELLER: Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=19+0=19
The frogman looks at Randal with is black eyes.
(amused) "Heh, it not spawn season. By then mistress Grrendi make Gurpwug strong king! Take all longest leg females."
He seems unaffected by the magic.   Bullywug Muckdweller makes two attacks against Randal: [[1d20+3>13]]=14+3=17, SUCCESS, [[1d20+3>13]]=20+3=23, CRITICAL
Bullywug Muckdweller makes two attacks against Kenris: [[1d20+3>19]]=13+3=16, FAILURE, [[1d20+3>19]]=7+3=10, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller makes two attacks against the shapeshifted Admoira: [[1d20+3>14]]=5+3=8, FAILURE, [[1d20+3>14]]=19+3=22, SUCCESS
Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d6+2d4+2]]=6+4+3+2=15   The bullywug closest to Randal seems to use its own amusement and Randal annoyance at his spell being shrugged off to go in for an opening. The spear tip catches Randal's shoulder, giving the frog man just enough time to slip past the defenses and bite down hard on Randal's neck; the pain is intense (15 total damage) for a moment before your vision swims and blackness takes you. You're knocked unconscious with 0 hp.   BULLYWUG MUCKDWELLER: (proud) "Gurrrip! They not tough! Bring them all to Mistress! Good tribute!" Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d4]]=1+1=2   The other bully, slightly smaller than the rest, seems to be struggling much more as it batters in effectively at Kenris's shield and thick armor. On the far opposite side of the cave, the most wounded frogman is locked in a life and death struggle with a direwolf; it cannot seem to use its spear, but does manage to sink its teeth into the thick hide for some minor damage (2).
Kenris, Admoira, you two can both take your turns for this round. There are 3 bullywugs left, 1 near the now unconscious Randal, 1 near you Kenris, and 1 near you, Admoira.   ADMOIRA: The large dire wolf growls in rage as another ally falls, flinging herself at the bullywug with renewed intensity.
Admoira attacks the frog: [[1d20+5]]=4+5=9, possibly dealing [[2d6+3]]=6+2+3=11 piercing damage and forcing a DC 13 STR save or froggy is prone.
((Dang it, dice. I said **renewed intensity**...))
((I'll try to healing word you as soon as I get this frog off me, Randal))   ((As a reminder some of you do still have inspiration on the board. Also because the bullywug took Randal to exactly 0, I'll rule it that he appears unconscious but not dying at the moment.))   ADMOIRA: ((I'm a little hazy on inspiration. Is it advantage on a roll as long as you can justify how you are inspired?))   ((Dm inspiration is basically a free advantage on a role that I give out when you do good character things. I'm bad at giving it out, but I have no problem if you guys wanted to use it on any of your rolls.))   ADMOIRA: ((I'll use it for my last attack, see if I can get this frog.))
Admoira rolls an additional [[1d20+5]]=10+5=15   15 is just enough to hit. The two beasts struggle to bite into each other. Victory in this case goes to the one with the sharper fangs. Admoira's fangs find the fleshy part of the frogman's throat, sinking in and tearing; she is rewarded by the warm flow of amphibian blood. It tastes much better than the slime. The frogman collapses to the ground, its leg still twitching as it bleeds out.   ADMOIRA: ((Is it a bonus action or a free action to drop wild shape?))   RANDAL: ((Man, I should have been watching my hit point total. That said, they did do a lot of damage in that one round.))   SALEEK: ((Yeah, thought you were going to be good for another round or two. :( ))   ((It had a crit on that bite that's what got you. Admoira, it is a bonus action to drop wildshape.))   ADMOIRA: Admoira uses her bonus action to drop her wild shape. The large giantess turns to look at the remaining bullywugs, still coated in blood and with a crazed, angry look on her face.   Kenris attacks via GM fiat: [[1d20+5]]=9+5=14 for [[1d8+3]]=2+3=5 damage.   Kenris swings his hammer but cannot manage to pierce the frogman's defenses long enough for a solid blow. That will end the turn, bringing us to the top of the 6th round. Saleek and Rini you are up. Randal you are unconscious, you cannot fight but there is **no need** to make death saving throws.   RINI: Frustrated with his last two attempts, Rini gives it one more try aiming his staff towards the bullywug standing over Randal
Rini casts firebolt. [[1d20+6]]=4+6=10 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=7 fire damage
((Sorry, I'm gonna use my dm inspiration cause that's just ridiculous lol))
Rini rerolls [[1d20+6]]=9+6=15
((OMG I think that just hits?))   Rini, yes, 15 just hits. Fire launches from Rini's fingertips, striking the frog man standing over Randal. The creature's pale skin sizzles and cracks, but it remains standing.
Saleek you still have your go before the remaining bullywugs.   SALEEK: Moves his hunters mark and takes another shot [[1d20+8]]=4+8=12 dealing [[1d8+1d6+4]]=2+4+4=10   The shot goes wide unfortunately. The bullywugs for their part seem much less confident with their numbers reduced by one. The one nearest Kenris continues to struggle with the heavily armored paladin, while the other, steps over the unconscious Randal and charges at Saleek, his spear raised.   Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Kenris [[1d20+3>=19]]=7+3=10, FAILURE, [[1d20+3>=19]]=1+3=4, FAILURE
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Saleek [[1d20+3>=16]]=7+3=10, FAILURE, [[1d20+3>=16]]=15+3=18, SUCCESS
Bullywug Muckdweller [[1d4+1]]=1+1=2   Saleek easily brushes the frogman's spear away with his bow, but it leads him open to the follow up bite. Frogs have many sharp teeth, but they are more a surprise than anything else as they snap shut on Saleek. (2 piercing damage).
Kenris, Admoira, that brings you up to finish off the round.   ADMOIRA: Admoira hisses something in Druidic under her breath, and small flowers bloom around the prone Randal. Their scent fills him with vigor, rousing him. [Admoira uses her bonus action to cast Healing Word]
Admoira heals Randal for [[1d4+3]]=2+3=5   Randal, you find yourself suddenly awake, feeling like you can go on, and smelling quite nice and floral.   Kenris makes a GM directed attack: [[1d20+5]]=13+5=18
Kenris rolls [[1d8+3]]=5+3=8   Kenris's hammer impacts solidly with frogman's skull, with a resounding, echoing wack. Frog slime flies everywhere, splattering Kenris in the process. But he is has far too much conviction to let mere frog slime deter him.   Kenris rolls [[1d20+CHA Save]]=17+5=22   That brings us to the top of the 7th round, there are 2 bullywugs left, attempting to take down Saleek and Kenris with crude spears and teeth. Saleek, Rini, Randal, you will all have the first move.   RINI: Rini will continue his aim at the bullywug and lets loose another bolt of fire.
Rini casts firebolt. [[1d20+6]]=12+6=18 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=10 fire damage   RANDAL: “Ughhh”
Randal’s eyes slowly open and his chest heaves as he hears Admoira’s *healing word*
“Thanks fer th’ aid”
Randal sits up giddily, letting his own healing magic flow through his hands as he casts *cure wounds* on himself.
Randal rolls [[1d8+3]]=6+3=9 fer health regained   Rini, the bullywug nearest you, now menacing Saleek, is wearing the tattered scraps of the hides of various animals, all of them seem half rotted, and rather than being maintained or repaired the frog man elected to throw more hides on top. This becomes important because while the slimy skin of the frogman is rather hard to burn, these hides are much less so. The humanoid has a moment to scream out as its body is roasted by its very armor, before slumping down to the ground. The smell of roast bullywug is very far from pleasant.   SALEEK: Hunters mark+shortsword+offhand shortsword: Draws his shortswords and stand the bullywugs in front of him [[1d20+7]]=9+7=16 [[1d20+6]]=7+6=13 dealing [[1d6+1d6+5]]=3+5+5=13 [[1d6+1d6]]=3+1=4   The bullywug in front of you just got blasted by Rini, but you can easily move up and stab the remaining frogman. The magic blade slices cleanly through the creature's skin, while other blade the frogman manages to deflect with his spear. The frogman looks pretty badly wounded as blood and ooze sprays from the deep gash and onto Saleek's face. Give me a CHA save, Saleek.
The remaining bullywug looks at the party, then back to the swamp, then back to the party.   BULLYWUG MUCKDWELLER: (scared) "Griibbit... You strong but you gonna die! Mistress kill you real dead... grripbt!"
Bullywug Muckdweller attacks Kenris again: [[1d20+3]]=1+3=4, [[1d20+3]]=7+3=10   The frogman's attacks are weak and ineffectual. Admoira and Kenris are up to finish off the round, there is one remaining, wounded bullywug.   Saleek rolls [[1d20+CHA Save]]=12+0=12   Saleek the thick noxious slime coats your feathers and beak, the smell of it is horrendous and it makes your eyes water. You are confused and cannot take reactions this round.   ADMOIRA: Admoira draws her scimitar with a flourish, stepping forward and swiping at the last frogman.
Admoira swipes at the frog man with her scimitar: [[1d20+4]]=2+4=6, possibly dealing [[1d6+2]]=6+2=8 slashing damage.   Kenris makes a GM attack: [[1d20 +5]]=4+5=9 for [[1d8+3]]=8+3=11   The final bullywug, perhaps out of a heightened sense of fear, is especially wary of attacks and despite the best attempts of your fellows you cannot quite get past its shield.
Top of the 8th round: Saleek, Rini, and Randal go first. There is one remaining bullywug.   SALEEK: Breathes ragged as he transfers his hunters mark, his hands shaky, he takes a breath and everything centers. He notches an arrow and exhales, releasing the arrow when doing so.
[[1d20+8]]=16+8=24 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]]=6+1+6=13
Saleek rolls Confusion effect: [[1d8]]=8   Saleek, you wipe the frog slime from your watering eyes and take a step backwards, raising your bow, only to find through the haze that the bullywug is not quite where you expected it to be. You adjust your aim again, focus your magic, and release the arrow. Roll a d6 for me.   Saleek rolls [[1d6]]=3   Saleek you watch your arrow fly true, striking the bullywug who somehow seems to have moved a good 20 feet without you noticing, there is a yelp of pain, a distinctly human sort of yelp. You blink and clear your eyes, seeing one of your arrows protruding from Randal's shoulder. Randal takes 13 damage from a confused ranger.
((That d8 was not the one to roll high on, unfortunately. I used your attack and damage roll. On the plus side, everyone's still alive and you're not confused any longer.))   SALEEK: ((Sorry Randal!))   RANDAL: ((Darn it, I’m almost out of spells!))   RINI: focuses his attention on the remaining bullywug. He aims his staff towards it as he speaks his magic words and casts firebolt towards the frog creature. [[1d20+6]]=9+6=15 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=5 fire damage.   Rini's magical flames fly out, strike the frogman in its oversized head. It leaves a considerable burn mark, and the creature ribbits in pain. He is looking badly hurt.   RANDAL: “Gah!“
Randal winces from the projectile now sticking out of his shoulder as he doubles his healing attempts, casting *cure woulds* at second level
Randal rolls [[2d8+3]]=4+4+3=11 to heal   SALEEK: ((It seems were down to the last one. I think a rest is needed after this.))   The last remaining bullywug, looking badly injured and noticing the party looking comparatively strong, wildly attacks the armored man before it as it tries to back away in fear towards the open swamp outside the cave.   Bullywug Muckdweller makes a desperate attack at Kenris [[1d20+3]]=12+3=15, [[1d20+3]]=5+3=8   Both the attacks fail to do anything meaningful through Kenris's thick armor. The frogman will attempt to move away, Kenris gets an attack of opportunity.   Kenris swings his hammer [[1d20+5]]=8+5=13 for [[1d8+3]]=1+3=4   The hammer blow unfortunately slides off the frogman's slimy hide as it moves about 20 feet to the north. Kenris and Admoira are both up to finish the round.   SALEEK: ((to Darian: your cleric is coming in at a clutch time.))   DARIAN: ((The cleric has been doing some snooping around town. I anxious to meet the party))   SALEEK: ((Soon, I hope.))   ((You guys demolished 2 CR 2 golems, but those CR 1 frogs are dangerous, hehe.))   SALEEK: ((Luck of the dice. In a game I run, I have my players up against gazers, they're baby beholders basically, they weak physically, but those ray attacks are pretty spot on, and my players have not had a good run.))   Kenris swings his hammer [[1d20+5]]=2+5=7 for [[1d8+3]]=3+3=6   RINI: ((We just can't hit shit in this combat lol))   Admoira I'll still give you a few more to take your turn (largely cause you're harder to NPC then Kenris who can just try and hit things)   Admoira rolls to hit [[1d20+4]]=3+4=7 for [[1d6+2]]=2+2=4 slashing.   And Admoira cannot land a blow on the frog either. That brings us up to the top of the round, Saleek, Randal, Rini, go ahead and try and finish us off. There is one bullywug left and it appears badly hurt.   SALEEK: Saleek positions himself near the creature, holding his *action* until kenris can get the drop on him, and then he will **help** him out.   RINI: In the meantime, Rini fires another firebolt towards the frog man.
Rini casts firebolt. [[1d20+6]]=12+6=18 to hit; dealing [[1d10]]=2 fire damage.   RANDAL: Now that he’s no longer on the verge of death, Randal takes a moment to weave a series of distracting words to throw off the Bullywug’s attacks (assuming that he remains standing).
"Ye’ve bugged us fer long enough! Now it’s time t’ croak ye!"
Randal deals [[1d4+3]]=3+3=6 damage and causes disadvantage on the Bullywug’s next attack roll if it fails a DC13 WIS save   Bullywug Muckdweller rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=4+0=4   The final bullywug is hit with a bolt of flame from the party's mage, his ragged clothes begin to smolder. The frogman makes some attempt to get the burning material off, but then it hears Randal's words. The frogman looks up at Randal and seems to visibly deflate. With a sad sounding croak it sits on the muddy ground, gives up, and lets the flames consume it.
With the last enemy mocked to death, you are out of initiative, bruised and beaten but alive. The party's guide, Flyndak, is alive as well, though unconscious.   SALEEK: Saleek limps his way to flyndak ,and falls on his rear.
(tired) "Flyndak has the right idea..."   ADMOIRA: Admoira pants, then turns to look at Randal
(amused) "to Randal: Now it is time to croak you?"
She smirks, then starts giggling.   RINI: (worried) "Is anyone else worried about what may lie deeper in this cave? Those bullywugs sure did put up a fight and possibly thought we were the easier fight..."   SALEEK: (tired) "Yes, I agree....we have to formulate a plan...I'm all ears if anyones got one."   Before this fight Saleek had used his primal sense to find there were three humanoids within the cave complex. You feel confident that those 3 have been accounted for. There was only one passage that you had not explored. Something about the cave is oddly disconcerting and you do not relish the thought of spending any extended period of time within. You can tell, looking out over the swamp to the north, that it is mid to late afternoon.   ADMOIRA: (tired) "Perhaps we should rest for the night and start anew tomorrow? These frogmen were more effective than I had anticipated..."   SALEEK: (tired) "I don't feel right about resting here...but I wouldn't be any good in another fight like that."   RINI: "We should also get Flyndak to safety to recover. Give me ten minutes and we can carry Flyndak on my floating disc back to town and rest."
And Rini will sit down to start the ritual casting Tenser's floating disk.   SALEEK: Saleek stands, grunting as he does.
(suffering) "While you do that, let me see about getting a bird's eye view."
Saleek stretches his wings and takes flight.   Saleek, you take wing, to the north of you lies miles and miles of bogs and moors, you can see sparse crooked trees that grow on the irregular patches of land. With the sun starting to set, you can see the beginnings of mist rising off the more shadowed places. The swamp does not look inviting. To the south of you, about 100 yards lies the slumped Greenvalley farmhouse. You can make out Ardrest, just visible on the horizon south of you.
Give me a perception check.   Saleek rolls [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=19+4=23   RANDAL: "to Admoira: It worked, didn’t it?"
Randal drops unceremoniously onto the floor and investigates his wounds, gauging the extent of the damage.
"I’m feelin’ more than a little drained meself. I’ll see how I feel after we’ve taken a break, but I’m not in any rush t’ get back down there."   Saleek, from the air your keen avian eyes pick out no movement in the area at all, even the swamp to the north of you seems quiet and devoid of life. To the south of you and more towards Ardrest you can make out birds, and game or farm animals behaving more normally. You detect no further movement in the area of the cave.   SALEEK: Saleek makes his way back and reports to his team.   ADMOIRA: Admoira waits to head out while cleaning mud and froggy slime from her dress and hair.   RINI: After completing the ritual, a 3 foot diameter disc floats above the ground. Rini picks up Flyndak and places the halfling onto it and asks Saleek:
"So, the way seems clear. This will only last for another hour, but I can create it again if need be."   ADMOIRA: (detached) "I can become a horse to carry her as well. We should be well enough equipped to return to Ardrest."   SALEEK: (tired) "We still have the other tunnel to explore...but I do agree we should get some rest."   Then you are heading back to town?   SALEEK: ((At least to get flyndak to someplace safe.))   ADMOIRA: ((Yeah, figure we can explore the other after that.))   Given Saleek's scouting, you feel that leaving her a short distance from the entrance should be okay just as long as you all are not gone too long.   RINI: ((Is it after a short or long rest till someone regains a hit point?))   SALEEK: ((Short rest you can roll hit die, as many as you want/ have. Some features come back on a short rest.))   RINI: ((I meant for Flyndak whose unconscious right now.))
"If we wish to leave Flyndak nearby a short test might be wise if we wish to enter that cave again tonight."   SALEEK: ((DM has to roll a d4 and see how many hours till he wakes up, and he will awaken with 1 Hp, then he can take a proper long rest to regain everything.))
((That's assuming no one has a wayward spell slot and a healing spell.))   For the sake of convenience, I'll say now that you are out of combat, you can half rouse the wounded Flyndak. She appears alive, at least. Her hair is matted, her entire body slick with slime, and she seems in no shape to stand, let alone fight, but she is semi-coherent. She turns weakly towards Randal.   FLYNDAK: (shy) "You... saved me?"
(disgusted) "G- go ahead... I won't... die here. J- just don't be long... Ohhhh... gods... there's f- frog slime... everywhere!"   RANDAL: "to Flyndak: “Yeah, we got ye outta there all right. They gave us a ruddy hard time of it though. We’re not in any hurry t’ go back into th’ caves. Not after we got so roughed up by them frog-men.”   ADMOIRA: ((If you guys want to push in I can short rest to get my wildshape back but I'm out of spells completely.))
Admoira nods, still trying to clean the frog slime from her clothing.   SALEEK: ((Yeah, I'm sure my hunters mark is nearing it's end, too.))
((Maybe we camp here?))   The halfling woman looks away, specifically avoiding looking at Randal.   FLYNDAK: (embarrassed) "I could have gotten away... but... ahhh... thanks..."   Looking around you, the only even remotely defensible position in the area would be the cave or the ruined farmhouse itself. You get the feeling you are safe for now, but it would make for a very tense night if you tried to sleep here. You are fairly confident you could make it back to Ardrest in the south within a few hours walk.   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "What say you all? Take Flyndak back and rest? I am spent, both physically and mentally, but will continue on if you think it necessary."   RINI: "A short test would get me back to 80 precent. My curiosity urges me to push on and I do not want to lose our mark."   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods at Rini, then looks at the others.   SALEEK: (confident) "No. We rest, we take shifts. Kenris and I will take the first shift, were less dependent on our spells. We make sure we're at full power and then we move on. I don't want to loose our footing."   ADMOIRA: (serious) "to Saleek: Very well, where shall we make camp?"   SALEEK: "lets make our way back the farmhouse...at least well have some cover there, should anything try and attack us."   RINI: (brooding) "I must insist we do so over land. I am not going through that in under water tunnel again."   SALEEK: "i agree. how high up can that floating disc travel? how much weight can it carry?"   So the plan is to make it back to the farmhouse and take a short or long rest?   SALEEK: ((Farmhouse, and long rest methinks.))   RINI: "It can only float at this height three feet off the ground but can carry up to 500 pounds."   SALEEK: "Let's put our most injured on there and head out."   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods and helps get Flyndak onto the floating disc. She follows behind as the party makes their way to the farmhouse.   RINI: "Lead the way Saleek. Unfortunately Aspen will be of little help in her octopus form."   SALEEK: Saleek nods and takes to the skies, staying visible, but up high, should anything try and sneak up on them.  


Author's Notes

Originally, this was meant to be little more than a lore location giving the party greater insight into the story of Malda, Kelvin, and Lendi, but was expanded to give Darian's adventures in chapter 5 time to complete. The combat here turned out to be more deadly than anticipated.   In one iteration, the doll was meant to be a weakness of Lendi's allowing the party to defeat her more easily. This never came up.

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