4.3 A Valley Not So Green

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

10 Ches, 1491. Midmorning to afternoon


Continued from 4.2 Ardrest's Jail

Flyndak's attitude seems to be one of perpetual annoyance as she leads you out of town and to the north. It is not a hard walk by any means; you travel over a few small hills and rolling farmlands. You are perhaps 5 miles from Ardrest when the land around you begins to shift, where once you had gentle hills where crop fields lay waiting for the year's planting, now the scrub grows thick and twisted. Small depressions in the ground hold pools of murky stagnant water. You spot one or two abandoned fields along the way before Flyndak finally leads you to the edge of a 3 foot high wooden fence, most of it fallen and rotted from neglect. Beyond that is a similarly neglected farm house.
The farmhouse was two stories tall, though, as you can tell even at a distance, it was built to halfling proportions, so that does not mean that much. It seems that the western side of the house's stone foundation has slumped heavily into the soft wet ground, giving the house sort of leering crooked grin. A few large black birds are poking at something in the yard, but other then that the area seems abandoned.

  ADMOIRA: Admoira looks at the black birds, then retrieves some seeds and bread from her bag. (anxious) "Do you want to check the farmhouse? I wish to ask these birds a couple questions, though I know not if they are in a helpful mood."   Give me an animal handling check.  

Admoira goes to speak with the birdies: [[1d20+Animal Handling (Wis)]]=12+3=15

The birds are a group of 3 crows, they are idly picking at the ground and the corpse of dried out fish. None of that strikes you as particularly strange, there is water around, though the fish is dozens of feet from it. The birds look up as you approach but don't immediately fly away.

ADMOIRA: Admoira halts a little ways from the birds, placing some of the bread and seeds on the ground. She backs away, sitting and smiling at them.
(affectionate) "Go ahead, little ones. I offer this to you, and there is more if you if I might ask you some questions about this farm."
She gestures to the farmhouse.

Crows are known to be quite intelligent and quite hungry. They caw appreciatively at the food and peck at the ground.
(The only speak with animals you are using is your Firbolg one right?)

  ADMOIRA: That is correct, I haven't had a chance to swap out spells yet.
After watching them eat, she takes two pieces of bread, holding them in each hand.
(affectionate) "If you would be so kind, this bread is "Yes" (She shakes her right hand) and the other (she shakes her left) is "No". Whichever you eat from, I shall take as your answer. And worry not, all my bread is yours when we finish speaking."

The crows seem clever or hungry enough to follow.

ADMOIRA: "Without looking back at the others, Admoira calls to them."
(confident) "Do not approach to close, but these kind ones may be able to answer any questions we have of recent happenings here. Do you wish me to ask them something?"

RANDAL: “How long d’ crows live? They can’t have been round long enough t’ have seen what went on ‘ere, could they?”

ADMOIRA: (serious) "No, but they might have seen something recent. I'm not able to ask more than that of them, sadly."

RANDAL: “Perhaps there are lingerin’ effects of whatever happened here. Ye could ask if there are any local landmarks which behave unusually.”


Funny story, I actually looked up crow life spans before you even asked, the oldest wild crow died at 30, captivity died at 59. 5-7 average, up to 20 is common.
KENRIS: I did not expect that wow
ADMOIRA: I didn't know that either, and I adore corvids
"The more you know"

DM rolls [[1d20+1d10]]=7+1=8
DM rolls [[1d20+1d10]]=3+8=11
DM rolls [[1d20+1d10]]=9+6+15

Admoira, Saleek, using your knowledge of the wild and birds and such you would say that these crows look like adult and experienced birds.

ADMOIRA: (curious) "Has anyone visited the farm recently? Within the last season?"

The largest of the crows pecks at the "yes" bread.

SALEEK: "Saleek approaches admoira, although hesitantly. He kneels down and as he does so whispers an incantation, and with a flick of his wrist he ***speaks*** with the crows.
(friendly, aarakocra) "Hello there my friends, I am saleek, would it be ok for me to ask you a couple of questions?"
Cast speak with animals.


DM: For the sake of it birds don't speak Arakocran, but it works to only have Saleek understand it I guess.
SALEEK: Lol I wasn't sure how hard you wanted me to go on RP.
DM: It works.

CROWS: (curious, aarakocra) "Caw! Caw! Big one give bread foods. You give foods for answers too? Caw!"

SALEEK: (amused, aarakocra) "How about, she gives you food, you answer my questions, and then afterwards, I give you food too."

CROWS: (excited, aarakocra) "Food! Food! Yes, yes. Ask questions, murder answers!"

SALEEK: Saleek turns back to the party.
"What do we want to know, our friends here can answer all of our questions."

DM WHISPER TO ADMOIRA: (I liked your idea better, sorry he trumped you! I'd give you inspiration if you didn't already have it)
ADMOIRA WHISPER TO DM: ((LOL, thanks! ^^))

ADMOIRA: Admoira smiles and places her bread on the ground, as promised. She backs up, looking to the others.
(friendly) "I came into the investigation later than the rest of you, so I shall let you ask the questions."

The crows hop about, eyeing the bread with their dark eyes before hoping over and beginning to peck the loaf to pieces.[/p

SALEEK: (aarakocra) "Tell me my friends, has anyone been to this farm recently."
What else do we want to ask them guys?

CROW: (aarakocra) "to Saleek: Caw! Man things stay away. Only food things move above, Caw! Stay away from still waters you man bird thing. Caw!"
(cheerful, aarakocra) "Bad things in water! Bad to touch! If they kill you come back out under sky! We will eat! Caw!"

RANDAL: "Have they seen any wondrous incidents? Anythin' out of th' ordinary?"

ADMOIRA: (curious) "Are they aware of anything unnatural in the surrounding area, which might be scaring them or their neighbors?"

For efficiency assuming Saleek relays the questions:

CROWS: (Aarakocra) "Bad things in human cave! Snatch if not careful. Big crash many seasons ago, now good nests in top of old human cave. Caw! Bad things below in dark and wet. Shiny, but bad. Birds go below never come back."

SALEEK: "They say to stay away from still waters, they say there are bad things in there. There are some sort of evil entities in a *"human"* cave, there was a crash there some seasons ago, there's bad things below, in the dark and wet, shiny, but bad. They say birds that go below, never come back."

The crows bob their heads and caw, as if to say "of course that is what we said."

ADMOIRA: (curious) "Where is this "human cave"?"


Strangely enough every game I run with a ranger involves me trying to think about how birds perceive the world...

Saleek would relay the question, and the largest of the crow cocks it head towards the dilapidated farm house.

ADMOIRA: Admoira tucks her hands into her sleeves and regards the building with a frown.
(anxious) "Should we check it out, then?"


SALEEK: Saleek stands up, and faces the building.
He turns back to the crow and takes out a linen wrapped package, it's filled with dried nuts and berries, he leaves a day's worth of rations on the road for the crows to enjoy.
(aarakocra) "There's more where that came from if you wait for us."


CROWS: (excited, aarakocra) "Caw! Caw! You good human-bird! If you die we eat you first!"

  SALEEK: chuckles heartily.
(friendly, Aarakocra) "I expect no less."   RINI: Rini finished his note taking from the interesting interactions between the aarakocra and the crows and looks up at the group.
"So. To the farm house then. I'll have Aspen scout ahead of us in the air in case there is anything to be on the lookout for."
The owl pops into existence on Rini's hand.
"to Saleek: perhaps you can assure these crows my owl is of no threat to them?"   SALEEK: (Aarakocra) "my friends, one last thing, this owl is of no threat to you, if you can communicate to your brethren as such, it would be appreciated."   The crows seem content not to start some sort of inter-avian violence.
The farmhouse ahead is a 2 story, slightly sloped and crooked affair. You can see the front door from where you are standing but you assume there are other entrances. How are you approaching this?   KENRIS: Love the term inter-avian!   RINI: Aspen will do a quick circle around the building to see if there are any other entrances.   It is still early afternoon, so Aspen can easily make out that there is a large hole in the room where part of it collapsed some time ago. There is a back door which has partial rotted off its hinges. As well as the front door, which from this distance looks like a door.   SALEEK: (pensive) "Rini, what did Aspen find?"   RINI: "There are two points of entry on the ground and a collapse in the roof if you wanted to enter from above. We should be careful of our steps. It appears this place could collapse on us at any moment."   KENRIS: "if it is in such a poor state, why use it as a shelter?"   SALEEK: "Usually people who use things like that as shelter, aren't the kind of people who want to associate, with the likes of us. I'll come in from up top, let's try and keep whatever is in there from escaping."   ADMOIRA: Admoira nods, then begins walking towards the building.   You are able to move unchallenged up to the building, there is no sound save for the crows picking at the food you've given them (and ignoring the dead fish).   SALEEK: Saleek takes to the skies, and flies towards the house, bow and arrow in hand.   RINI: "For us more grounded folks...shall we?"
Rini gestures to the front door and snaps his fingers to dismiss his familiar into her pocket dimension.   ADMOIRA: Admoira waits by the door for the other two to arrive. She motions to the door, then tucks her hands back in her pockets.
(anxious) "Do you think it might be trapped?"   RINI: "Could not hurt to check."
Rini will have a closer inspection of the entrance.
Rini rolls investigation [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=17+6=23
Unless Varian is with us…  

It's been months since Varian was active. I'm probably going to free up his space soon... So let's assume he's in town still.

ADMOIRA: Admoira steps away from the door and allows Rini to inspect it.

The front door of the house is on a small porch area. The left half of the porch and the house behind it tilts sharply downward. The door was once of solid wooden construction but now the wood is old and faded, overgrown with moss in places. It does not appear locked. Rini is able to make out several deep rents in the wood as if something with 5 very long claws had clawed at the door. These marks also appear old and faded. From beyond the door comes the musty smell of a building long abandoned and neglected. The air here is cool and moist.

ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Anything?"
Do I see the scar on the door? If so, could I try a nature check on the claw marks?

Saleek looks for a good place to land in the house from above. [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=17+4=21

RINI: "Does not appear to be any traps. However, there may be other dangers nearby. Let us stay on alert."

Saleek, it is not hard to spot the open part of the roof where it appears to have collapsed inward. From the debris around the opening it appears to be natural, and there are signs that several creatures have been nesting in the top story of this building over the years.
Admoira, they are not terribly hard to make out, sets for 5 long jagged scratches, cut fairly deep into the wood. Size-wise you could tell it had to be a very large creature, human-sized or larger.

ADMOIRA: (fascinated) "This is troubling, the creature that made these must be as tall as a man. Well, a **Human** man, anyways..."

SALEEK: Saleek circles the structure and slowly descends, eventually touching down as the group enters.

ADMOIRA: Admoira follows Rini inside, carefully leaning down so as not to damage the ceiling and cause the structure to fall over.

The door to the farmhouse swings on stiff hinges. The first floor of the structure is only large room, there is a large, solidly built wooden table opposite the entrance, several dishes remain in place on top of it. The air is cool and wet within the house. Moss and weeds have grown up in several places inside the house, where sun light makes it way in through the cracks. There is a staircase in one corner and a door set into the side of the stairs.
Saleek, you land on the second floor, the wood creaking under your weight. You are in a small hallway down the middle of the house, the doors to other rooms are visible on either side of you and there is a staircase at the end of the hall. The house is small enough that each of you is pretty much able to figure out where the other is by listening.

Saleek takes the time to investigate the floor he is on [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=2+3=5 SALEEK: Nothing to see here guys!

Saleek, there are precisely two doors in the hall. You are reasonably certain they lead to rooms beyond.
You feel you are alone on this level.

SALEEK: Saleek goes into one of the doors.

RINI: Rini speaks some arcane words and makes a simple gesture with his hand to produce a spectral floating hand in front of him. It floats towards the door set into the side of the stairs and opens it.

Rini, it takes the hand a little working since the door is apparently not lock, but stuck, but it does manage to open the door with a loud creaking sound. What emerges in a foul scent of wet, stagnant water. The passage under the stairs is completely dark.
Saleek, you find yourself in what a decade and a half ago might have been a fairly nice bedroom. There is a small bed against either wall, their straw mattresses ripped apart and scattered across the floor. Faded children's drawings have been stuck to the walls in places.

RANDAL: Randal takes a candle and shields it with his hand, casting *prestidigitation* to light it.

Randal, with an actual light source inside the house, you can now see dust motes floating through the air. The whole place gives you an air of forgotten.

FLYNDAK: (relieved) "Aye, this is my old cousin's house... Good to see there ain't no ghosts or beasties waitin' for us. I was only a child last time I was here... To hear tell, they just up and vanished one night. No one ever found any bodies or nothin'"

RANDAL: (curious) “Did ye come back ere... after they disappeared? Or is this yer first time?”

FLYNDAK: (brooding) "I was only 8 when Lendi vanished... we may be a small town, but we're not using kids for murder investigations or nothin'."

Saleek looks around the room, taking his time to investigate. [[1d20+Investigation (Int) ]]=11+3=14

ADMOIRA: (curious) "Was the claw marks on the door there when they disappeared? Or are those new?"

Admoira, given the state of the wood and moss, you would guess they are from around the date the place was abandoned. Flyndak was too young to be there so she wouldn't know for sure.
Saleek, the room has been left to rot for so long that there is not much of value left. You do notice that there are some strange tracks stained into the wood, they look like large muddy footprints from webbed feet. You would guess they were a month or two old at max

RINI: Rini will wave his hand to produce four globes of light and send them further into the passage under the stairs to have a better look.

Saleek goes and inspects the other room. [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=16+3=19

Rini, with the light you can see into the stair case, it is made of rough hewn stone that drip with condensation, mold sticks to the stone surfaces in places. The staircase leads downward, into what might have once been a basement, but now is a silent and stagnant. A slow, irregular drip of water into water can be heard below.
Saleek, the other room is a simple peasant bedroom, there is a simple, but large bed and a crib. Clothes are still folds on top of surfaces. The place looks like it was abandoned suddenly and without damage. You rummage through a small writing desk, most of the papers crumble with age, but you do find, partial concealed at the bottom of a drawer, a wood etching of a young halfling couple, the man appears as much younger version of the man currently held in the town jail.

SALEEK: Saleek pockets the picture and heads down to find the others.


RINI: Is the basement filled with water?

Looking down into the darkness, you can see that the basement slopes downward, following the partial sunken foundation of the house. Looking at some of the debris down there, you can see it is partial flooded, perhaps 1 to 2 feet deep in places.

RINI: "to Saleek: we have found a flooded basement down here. Could be something worth investigating. Anything from upstairs?"

SALEEK: "to Rini: Just this wood etching. *Saleek shows rini the wood etching* Is anyone any good at swimming?"

ADMOIRA: "Admoira shakes her head, peering down into the basement."
(anxious) "I am not the best swimmer, but the water seems quite shallow."

SALEEK: "To be quite honest, if I submerge myself, flying becomes challenging...admoira, are you able to transform into a creature adept at swimming?"

ADMOIRA: (apologetic) "Sadly, I'm not that advanced yet. Aquatic forms are still a mystery to me, though I've been wanting to study them more to assume their shapes."
One more level and I can turn into swimming stuff

  SALEEK: Gotcha.   The water, while dark, does appear easily waded.   RINI: "Any takers to lead the way?"   RANDAL: “I don’t know ‘bout leading it, but I can light it” *(he steps forwards and holds up his candle, placing his foot into the murky water)*   ADMOIRA: Admoira hikes up her skirt, tying it to keep it out of the water. She then follows him into the water, stepping carefully so her bare feet won't find an errant nail or shard of glass in the murky water.   The water is cold, murky and distinctly unpleasant to be in. The ceiling of the basement is low, and the slumping of the house does not help the matter. Rotting shelves line the walls, with what appears to have once been foodstuff on them. You guess this was once some sort of root cellar/pantry.
Admoira, as you enter the water, you look over to the shelf to your side, and come face to face with a large, pale frog. It croaks loudly at you before diving into the water and swims off deeper into the sunken basement.   RINI: "to Admoira: what do you find down there?"   ADMOIRA: Admoira squeaks in surprise at the frog, then watches it swim off before walking back over to look up at the others.
(anxious) "It looks to be a normal food cellar, there was a large frog down here. It swam off, making me wonder if there is a way outside down here."   KENRIS: "Did that frog make you jump? But your are right there could be another entry"   Sure enough you all follow the direction Admoira is pointing and thanks to magical light you can make out where part of the back wall has collapsed, creating a small, roughly hewn tunnel with about a foot clearance above the surface of the water.   ADMOIRA: (anxious) "Might get a little cramped in there, if we are planning on going in. Could I ride on someone's shoulder?"   SALEEK: Saleek nods admoira over.   ADMOIRA: Admoira puts a large hand on Saleeks shoulder, then blurs until she is a small spider. She clings onto Saleek and raises a small arm to wave that she is ready.  

SALEEK: Saleek Wades into the water, looking ahead.
What do I see in the tunnel? [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=5+4=9

RANDAL: *(Randal looks around at the food and sniffs)* "Rotten. More signs that there haven't been any new inhabitants since whatever happened here."

RINI: Rini follows from behind the group, holding his books above his head protecting them from the water.

ADMOIRA: As the water gets deeper the little spider climbs on top of Saleek's head.

Saleek, you see a great deal of dark still water, and a muddy tunnel. You also feel a large spider crawling over your head.
The tunnel is indeed a tight awkward thing, you are wading through cold black water, sometimes up to your waist, sometimes nearly up to your shoulders. The tunnel itself does not seem to be natural, but was clearly not built with the care and reinforcements normal to human construction. The water slows your movements and is cold enough to make you shiver, fortunately you only need to go through about 100 yards of tunnel before it opens out into a larger cave.
You all find yourself in a natural domed cavern, perhaps 40 to 50 feet across. Water drips off of the stone of the ceiling above. In the center of it is a large pile of debris, forming a rough island out of the water. The "island" is about 10 feet ahead of you and about 10 feet tall at the highest point. At the top of the isle there appears to be some sort wooden of desk or shrine.

FLYNDAK: (brooding) "*The quite soaked halfing woman speaks in a low voice,* I don't think I need ta be sayin' it, but I do not remember this part of the house from my childhood..."

SALEEK: (tense) "Keep your eyes peeled, everyone."

RINI: Rini pops his owl back out to about out the "island"

The island itself is a pile of loose wood, stones, dirt, bones, and hides, as if this was one a maiden though you can see no way that garbage could be conveniently dumped into this cave. The bones seem to be from all manner of species, mostly fish and snakes though there are some disturbingly humanoid ones. Most of the bones have been picked clean, but some still have long discarded bits of flesh clinging to them as well as signs of gnawing.
As Aspen nears the pinnacle of the island, she sees a very odd sight. Two large figures appear to be sitting at either end of a wooden truck. Some sort of once brightly colored cloth, now covered in many stains has been laid over the box and a table set with mismatched, chipped, and cracked dishes. On a larger plate in the middle of the scene is a child's doll. The table is set for 3 and there are 2 figures.
Give me a perception check for Aspen, and Randal, is your candle still lit?

RANDAL: "Though Randal does not extinguish his candle, he cups his hand in front of it to make them harder to pick out from afar."


SALEEK: How far are they from us?
DM: Say 15 feet ahead, 10 feet above. It is darkness thanks to the sheltered candle. I believe only Aspen, Kenris, and Saleek can see clearly in darkness.
ADMOIRA: Spider has 30' Darkvision
Well there we go. For a tiny spider, 30 feet is really impressive. I figured they'd get blindsense web or something. You're all free to perception check, disadvantage if you're not blessed with dark-vision.

Randal rolls perception with disadvantage [[2d20kl1+Perception (Wis)]]2,2+1=3
RANDAL: The figures! They disappeared!
Rini rolls perception for Aspen: [[2d20k1+3]]=8,4+3=11
Admoira looks with her spider eyes: [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=19+5=24

Admoira, the very observant spider is the first to notice that there is something wrong about the two figures sitting at the rough "table." They are absolutely still. In fact when she takes a closer look at them, they are not so much human figures, but crude humanoid effigies built of wood, twigs, bones, animal hides, and so on.
She also notices the large pale frog from before sitting on a bit of driftwood. It looks back with dark eyes and a loud croak, which seems to be taken up by other, unseen, frogs throughout the cavern.

ADMOIRA: Admoira pokes at Saleek's forehead and then gestures towards the frogs, bringing them to his attention.

SALEEK: Saleek palms a dart in his hand, and aims for the driftwood the frog is on.
Saleek swiftly throws the dart, taking care not to hit the frog [[1d20+8]]=13+8=21
He gauges the frogs reaction.

The frog was, up until this point, having a very pleasant sort of day living in a cave, watching these strange people with its 30 feet of darkvision. It croaks a startled but accepting sort of croak, and hops off the log into the water disappearing beneath the waters that line the outer edge of the cavern. After a moment, the croaking resumes but more distant.

RINI: "Hmm... Interesting. Shall we have a closer look? This scene is quite unnerving, however, it intrigues me so."

SALEEK: Saleek pushes forward, his new shortsword, firmly in his grip.

ADMOIRA: On his head, the tiny spider nervously rubs her front legs together.

You can all make your way up to the center of the hill of debris if you like. It is an awkward sort of climb, but the pile is stable under your feet as if you are not the first to have climbed over it. You all approach the scene set before you. The table cloth was once some sort of child's blanket, faded, rotted animal shapes had been sewn into it. The two effigies at the table are human sized, made mostly of wood and bones lashed together with bits of leather and string. Each wears a crudely stitched leather hood, inside of which a bone-white human skull stares eyelessly out at you all.
Located in the center of the table is a simple doll made of stuffed cloth. It has blonde hair made of yellow cloth and wooden buttons for eyes. It appears as old and worn as the rest of the display, but shows signs of more recent repair, where a leg was stitched back on with thick leather cord.


Saleek investigates the immediate area, [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=3+3=6
Saleek takes a better look with inspiration [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=9+3=12


Saleek leans in to investigate the effigies. They are certainly creepy, you are pretty sure the bones come from a variety of sources. Also you feel like you've seen something like them before…
The effigies remind you of the ones you saw outside and in the bottom of the goblin cave, though these are more complete imitations of the humanoid form. As you watch a large centipede crawls out of one of the figures eye sockets and drops down onto the table before scurrying off.
There is something about the way the doll is placed as well, you feel as if it is more of a centerpiece than a mock dinner.

SALEEK: Saleek stretches out his wings, trying to get see if he's flight capable.

ADMOIRA: Sensing what is going on, the tiny spider latches on tightly to Saleek's head.

RANDAL: (tense) "This is an eerie scene. D' ye think it'll have some response if we disturb it?"

Saleek, your feathers are wet from the tunnel and this is a cave with no sorts of updrafts, give me an acrobatics check.

Saleek [[1d20+Acrobatics (Dex)]]=11+4=15

It takes some shaking and fluttering your wings to get the water off, but yes you're pretty certain you can fly, Saleek.

SALEEK: (suspicious) "I'm going to take a look around the perimeter. Rini, send Aspen too will ya, I've got a bad feeling about this."
Saleek flies around, taking in his surroundings...* "is something else in here with us"* he thinks to himself [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=14+4=18

RINI: Aspen plays wingman to Saleek scanning the area of any incoming threats.
In the meantime can I inspect the table of any possible traps linked to any of the objects on the table, or the table itself?

Saleek takes to the air, making circuits around the edge of the room. The "island" is roughly circular, surrounded by deeper water to the edge of the cavern. Frogs continue to croak as Saleek makes his airborne rounds. There is no movement in the cavern beyond the large pale frogs. (Large for frogs, not monster large.)
Give me an inspection roll Rini.

Rini rolls investigation [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]]=12+6=18

Rini, there is no sort of mechanical trap attached to anything on the crude table. In fact, the more you look like it, the less it seems like two figures sitting at a table, so much as two figures guarding an altar with the child's doll at the center.

FLYNDAK: "*Steps up behind Rini as he looks.* What's all this some sort o' tea party? A right creepy one. *She makes sure her crossbow is loaded, as she looks at the doll on the table.* You know... I think I used to have one like that when I was a girl..."

RINI: Using mage hand, Rini lifts the doll off the table and slowly pulls it closer to him and Flyndak.

The spectral hand reaches out, picking up the small doll and floating it back through the air to Rini and the halfling woman. Flyndak seems like she is about to say something, when suddenly the cave echos with a sound like a multitude of twigs snapping all at once. When you look back the effigies have both turned their hooded, skull-heads towards you, a sickly green bioluminescence filling their empty eye sockets. Twigs and bones shift inside, reforming into a jagged maw at the edge of the hood, as the figures rise to their feet. The frogs croak even louder around the rim of the cavern.


RINI: Whoops...

Rini rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=20+1=21
Flyndak [[1d20+Initiative]]=14+3=17
DM [[1d20]]=15
Saleek rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=8+6=14
Randal rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=15+2=17
Kenris rolls for initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=12+0=12
Admoira rolls for initiative [[1d20+Initiative]]=10+2=12

The combat order will then be: Rini, Randal, and the NPC Flyndak, then the monsters, then Saleek, Kenris, and Admoria. So Rini and Randal you can take your turns, there are two large effigies in the center of the hill you are standing on, Saleek is flying around the outside of the room with Admoria, the rest of the party is one the heap that makes up this island.

RINI: How close am I to the effiges?


Within 30 ft, you used mage hand to pull the object off the table so you don't have to be in melee


RINI: Rini takes a few steps away from the creatures to the edge of the island. Speaks the arcane words of fire bolt and points his index finger towards the creature made of wood and bone on the left. to attack: [[1d20+6]]=12+6=18; causing [[1d10]]=8 fire damage on a hit.

RANDAL: (alarmed) “Kenris, smite these unholy tree-people!” *(Randal uses a bardic inspiration die on Kenris)*
He then produces a short rod and lights the tip with his candle, lobbing it up the hill towards the effigies (casts faerie fire)*


SALEEK: Oo! Good move with faerie fire.

Rini's fire leaps out, striking the left figure square in he chest, there is the smell of burning things, not all of them pleasant, but the creature itself does not seem to react. As Randal's magic blankets the crest of the hill, the humanoid effigies glow even more terribly with garish lights.
The halfling woman will back up, much like Rini and raise her crossbow at the monstrous figures.

FLYNDAK: (alarmed) "What in the hells!? Does this kind of thing happen to you lot often?"
fires a bolt [[1d20+5]]=20+5=25 for [[1d8+3]]=6+3=9 damage.
Crit rolls [[1d8]]=3


Well, hopefully it's only the good NPCs that roll well for me!

Flyndak's bolt embeds itself into the figure that Rini did not attack, piercing right into the hood with a solid thunk. The figure does not seem to react other than charging at the halfling woman. It reaches out for her with long arms.

WICKER EFFIGY: attacks with fists and teeth [[1d20+5]]=10+5=15, [[1d20+5]]=11+5=16
Effigy rolls [[1d6+1d8+6]]=2+1+6=9


The monster with a bolt sticking out of its head grabs the halfling woman, pummeling and shaking her savagely, as it's jagged jaws clamp down on her shoulder.
The second figure, smoldering from Rini's magic, bounds towards Randal, using its arms to propel it (like a gorilla, though none of you are likely to have seen such a creature). It attempts to pummel Randal with its massive fists.

Effigy swings with each heavy clublike arm. [[1d20+5]]=17+5=22, [[1d20+5]]=15+5=20
rolls [[2d6+6]]=4+5+6=15


SALEEK: So faerie fire got 1/2 creatures?
DM: Hit them both, all attacks would have advantage on them.
SALEEK: Gotcha.


It does not make a sound as it smashes into Randal with the force of a tree. (That's 15 bludgeoning damage, unless you have something clever up your sleeve).
That brings up Saleek and Admoira who are flying around the outside of the cavern, and Kenris who I assume is on the island in the midst of the fray.
Randal has just taken a pair of nasty blows from one of the effigies, Flyndak, the halfling guard accompanying you, is struggling with another of the creatures, but seems to be faring better than Randal. Rini is unhurt.

SALEEK: Would I be able to swoop in close enough to drop off admoira, and then swoop back up to get off my attacks?
DM: You have a flying speed of 50, so that should be doable (you can basically cross the cavern end to end in one turn)
Saleek notches two arrows and swoops in.
(confident) "Admoira, give em a hand!"
He drops off the druid and flies back into the air, turning around and aiming his arrows at the creature attacking Randal.
Focuses, marking the creature as his target and quickly looses his arrows [[2d20D1+8]]=3,7+8=15 [[2d20D1+8]]=15+8=23
Attack + dread ambusher attack: [[1d8+1d6+4]]=3+3+4=10 [[2d8+1d6+4]]=1+4+6+4=15

Both arrows embed themselves into the effigy with the sound of a target being struck. The figure swings clumsily at the arrows and the bird-man that launched them but its club-like arms connect with nothing. The hooded mouth opens towards Saleek, but emits no sound at all.

ADMOIRA: As Saleek swoops past the effigies, loosing arrows into one, the tiny spider jumps off and floats down towards the effigy engaged with Randal. As it nearly lands on it, the tiny spider is suddenly a Dire Wolf.
(panting) "Bork bork"
Noms the wicker man: bites at the effigy: [[2d20k1+5]]=20,14+5=25, possibly dealing [[2d6+3]]=5+4+3=12 piercing damage.
Admoira rolls more damage: [[2d6]]=2+3=5

The large wolf appears, its fangs digging into the effigy; it is like biting into an old musty basement. Chunks of it comes out in the wolf's jaws, but the creature makes no sound or other reaction to the damage.
That just leaves us with Kenris this round.

KENRIS: Can i make it so im between a effigy and Rini?
And the hammer is it +1 ?

DM: Rini is back away from the combat now, Randal and Flyndak (the npc) are in melee. Your hammer is magical, no attack bonus but a 1 per day spell use.

Ill want to cover Randal then. and do a normal blow
Swings to hit [[1d20 +5]]=2+5=7 With his warhammer for [[1d8 +3]] Bludgeoning damage

You impose yourself between Randal and the hulking construct, your hammer contacts the creature massive branchlike arms but fails to land a meaningful blow.
That will bring us up to round 2: Rini, Randal, and Flyndak are up. Then the monsters, then the rest of the party.

RANDAL: Randal clutches his bruised sides defensively, then pulls free his short-sword and dagger from his belt, slicing the effigy in front of him with both simultaneously.
Randal slices with his shortsword, rolling [[2d20k1+2]]=17,14+2=19 to hit, dealing [[1d6+2]]=5+2=7 slashing damage on a hit, and with his dagger, rolling [[2d20k1+2]]=10,10+2=12 to hit, dealing [[1d4+2]]=4+2=6 slashing damage on a hit.
Holding himself by his injuries again, he uses the moment after his attack to step back, out of range from the foes who attacked him *(he uses defensive flourish)*
Randal deals an extra [[1d6]]=1 to the effigy, and his AC increases by the same amount.
RANDAL WHISPER TO KENRIS: Btw I gave you a bardic inspiration die, you can use it to add 1d6 to an attack roll/saving throw.

RINI: Taking advantage of the faerie lit effigy, Rini takes aim at the same creature as before and let loose another bolt of fire…
To hit: [[2d20k1+6]]=8,20+6=26; dealing [[1d10]]=9 fire damage on a hit.
Critical hit!: dealing an extra [[1d10]]=2 fire damage

Both of Randal's blades dig into the creature, tearing out more chunks of it, though the monster seems to mindlessly ignore the damage to its body. Opposite this, Randal's fire explodes against the other effigy, causing it's wood and leather parts to smolder in places as it continues to savage the halfling woman before it.
Kenris having put himself between Randal and the monster, the monster's glowing empty sockets focus on the aasimar instead as it attempts to pummel him.


RINI: Clarification... Does it appear that the creature is taking damage, just not reacting to the pain? Or does it look like we're not damaging it at all?
DM: Your magic is certainly causing it to ignite, the other's attacks are taking parts of it out, and do appear to be damaging it. The one facing Randal is looking distinctly worse for the wear. It would more seem like these things just do not feel any pain from being hacked apart.

Effigy attacks [[1d20+5]]=18+5=23, [[1d20+5]]=16+5=21
deals [[1d6+3+1d6+3]]=2+3+3+3=11 bludgeoning damage to Kenris
Effigy attacks Flyndak [[1d20+5]]=10+5=15, [[1d20+5]]=18+5=23
deals [[1d6+3]]=4+3=7 bludgeoning and [[1d8+3]]3+3=6 piercing to the halfling.
Flyndak rolls [[2d20k1+1]]=13,1+1=14 to hit for [[1d4+1]]=3+1=4 damage

The effigy batters at Kenris with its massive club-like arms, making solid impacts and leaving bruises even through the paladin's thick armor. Opposite, the other effigy, now beginning to smoke from Rini's fire bolt, continues battering and snapping at the struggling hafling woman. Flyndak, armed only with a crossbow, smashes the butt of the weapon into the creature's "head," there is a resounding thunk, but the monster continues to dig it's teeth into her shoulder. Blood is starting to seep out through he woman's leather armor.
The rest of the party is now free to act.

ADMOIRA: The Dire Wolf snarls and turns her attention to the effigy assaulting the Halfling woman. With a feral growl, the wolf turns and runs at the other effigy, leaping to attack it
Probably take an opportunity attack from Randal's buddy
attacks the other effigy: [[2d20+5]]=7,1+5=12, possibly causing [[2d6+3]]=2+2+3=7 piercing damage and forcing it to make a DC13 STR save or fall prone.


SALEEK: Who can I see that looks the roughest?
DM: Roughest in terms of friendly most hurt or hostile most hurt?
SALEEK: Friendly.
DM: Randal is injured. Fyndak appears badly hurt. Kenris is hurt as well.


Effigy makes an attack of opertunity [[1d20+5]]=14+5=19
Effigy clubs Admoira in passing [[1d6+3]]=6+3=9
Effigy attempts to stay on its feet [[1d20+3]]=2+3=5

The wolf leaps past one of the figures, taking a blow to the side as it does, but tackling the thing to the ground, bits and pieces of debris fly away as the wolf snaps repeatedly into the construct.

DARIAN’S Player Joins the Game, his story will be covered in Chapter 5

Oh, and everyone welcome dropnroll we'll be working them in shortly once we figure out the details.

Admoira, you somehow get the feeling as you tear out parts of this golem like creature that you are not hurting it as much as you would if it were an actual living thing.

SALEEK: Saleek lands drawing his newest blade, he places a hand on kenris.
(confident) "Get up! You're not done yet! Heal *them* if you can."
Places his hands on kenris and heals him for [[1d8+]]=8
He then turns and with a backhanded grip slashes the marked creature [[1d20+7]]=20+7=27 dealing [[1d6+1]]=4+1=5 on a hit
Crit (+1 shortsword): [[1d6+1]]=4+1=5
I forgot the hunters mark damage: [[1d6+1d6]]=6+1=7

KENRIS: Swings to hit with this warhammer for [[1d20+5+1d6]]=6+5+6=17 for [[1d8+3]]=5+3=8 bludgeoning damage and possible [[2d8]]=2+7=9 radiant damage

Saleek's new short sword stabs deep into the effigy, very deep, it seems to stab through bone, wood, and sinew like it was nothing. Then Kenris closes in on the figure, the hammer smashes deep into the thing, bits of debris scatter in all directions. Light seeps out from between cracks in the effigy's crude hide, it twitches, raising its arms up, and then falls apart into a pile of debris, a small humanoid skull bouncing and rolling to a stop at your feet.
It's the start of round 3, 1 effigy is left. Randal, Rini and Flyndak go first

RINI: The effigy is prone correct? And still marked by faerie fire?
DM: Correct


SALEEK: oh shit, are all attacks auto crit when prone? or is that just when paralyzed?
DM: Prone is just advantage on melee attacks.
SALEEK: gotcha.
DM: Disadvantage on ranged as well

RINI: Rini once again mutters his incantation to produce another fire bolt and carefully aims at the glowing creature.
Fire bolt: To hit [[1d20+6]]=9+6=15; dealing [[1d10]]=3 fire damage on a hit.
The faerie fire advantage cancels out the ranged disadvantage right?

RANDAL: Having put some distance between him and the effigies, Randal places both hands on his flank and casts *cure wounds*
Randal regains [[2d8+5]]=7+7+5=19 hit points (using a second level spell slot)
Wow, maybe a first level spell would have sufficed

Rini’s fires continue to burn and crackle within the monster's frame, parts of it burning away and crumbling as it does. Randal manages to fully recover from his beating. Meanwhile, Flyndak, clutching her badly wounded shoulder will limp away from the prone effigy, disengaging her way to safety.

FLYNDAK: (angry) "Fucking A! I was here to visit an old house not get eaten by gods damned trash statues!"

The remaining effigy will stumble to its feet again, leaving a good portion of the parts that made up itself on the ground as it mindlessly attacks the wolf closest to it.

Effigy rolls to attack [[1d20+5]]=11+5=16,[[1d20+5]]=8+5=13
Effigy rolls [[1d6+3]]=1+3=4

The construct beats at Admoira with its fist, but the wolf is just fast enough to dart out of the way of the snapping jaws of the creature. (4 bludgeoning damage.)
That leaves Kenris, Admoira, and Saleek to take their turns.

SALEEK: Saleek holds his orcish shortsword in his main hand and draws his scimitar turning to the final creature.
Stabs down with a backwards grip, using that momentum to slash upwards with his scimitar [[2d20D1+7]]=16,3+7=23 [[2d20D1+6]]=9,10+6=16 dealing [[1d6+5]]=6+5=11 [[1d6]]=1 on a hit
Not sure if it's the hunters marked one: [[1d6]]=3 [[1d6]]=1

Your magical short sword stabs deep into the construct’s body, preternaturally deep, as if seeking something of its own. By comparison your scimitar seems like you're using it to chop down a tree; a chunk of wood flies out of the golem. It makes an awful rattling sound as it moves but continues it mindless assault.

ADMOIRA: The large wolf attacks the construct again.
Bitey time: snaps at the construct: [[2d20+5]]=19,19+5=24, possibly dealing [[2d6+3]]=1+6+3=10 piercing damage and forcing another STR check at DC13 or it's going into the dirt again.

Effigy rolls [[1d20+3]]=18+3=21

The wolf tears a mouthful of musty unmentionables out of the monster's leg. Only though some dark magics does it manage to stay on its feet.

KENRIS [[1d20+5]]=8+5=13 To hit for [[1d8+3]]=7+3=10 damage

Your dwarven warhammer seems to be guided by something, or you just manage to connect with a particularly brittle spot as you strike down on one of the monster's arms. The limb explodes in a shower of dried twigs. Oddly enough, it seems like inside the long effigy arm was a smaller arm made of bone, something smaller than a human.
The effigy reels from the impact of the blow, its arm now mangled but it still remains standing as we move into the 4th round. It looks... hurt? It is hard to tell on a creature that was never alive to begin with. Rini, Randal, and the NPC will go first.

RANDAL: Having recovered from his injuries, Randal charges back towards the effigy, blades outstretched and swinging for its legs.
Randal rolls [[2d20k1+4]]=12,10+4=16 to hit with his shortsword, dealing [[1d6+2]]=2+2=4 slashing damage on a hit, and [[2d20k1+4]]=15,19+4=23 to hit with his dagger, dealing [[1d4+2]]=4+2=6 on a hit.

Although it is hard work, Randal, you do manage to carve out another chunk of the strange figure. It seems much worse for the wear now, with gaping holes in its mangled form and a badly damaged arm.

RINI: Rini aims one more fire bolt at the creature…
Fire bolt: [[2d20+6]]=19,16+6=25 to hit; [[1d10]]=10 fire damage on a hit

The construction is struck square in the chest by Rini's fire, within seconds the sickly green glow from within the being is replaced by smoldering flames. They spread quickly. The beast takes one step forward, leaving most of its leg behind. The hooded mouth seems to open in a wordless scream as the figure topples to the ground. Debris burns away quickly, leaving only the charred bones of a small humanoid on the ground before you all.
The combat is over. The croaking of the frogs slowly dies back down as the cavern returns to stillness.


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