Amitron (A ME TRON)

Amitron was once the city of Fairport. Founded nearly 1000 years ago, the fishing village grew steadily to become one of the largest human controlled ports on the Shattered Sea. This ended in 1473 when a superior elven force from the Yvalian Empire staged a combined assault blockading the harbor while heavy ground troops attacked from the north. The Battle of Amitron was sort and bloody. The conquering elves renamed the city Amitron and since then have rebuilt and grown the city in their image.


After its conquest in 1473 DR the population has almost doubled, and is one of the few population centers of Moon Elves on the continent.


Formerly the independent city of Fairport, the city was attacked in 1473 DR. Its defenders attempted to repel the invasion by both land and sea, but were overwhelmed by superior Yvalian troops. The was renamed and refortified as Amitron.
Founding Date
673 DR
Alternative Name(s)
f. Fairport
Owning Organization


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