Battle of Amitron

In 1473 elven armies from the Yvalian Empire crossed the Strait of Gualbenzihl at Llurheas. Landing relatively unopposed, the mass of the elven armies marched on what was then known as Fairport. In a combined assault, made possible by elven magics, a dark elf fleet sailed from Chaghenath'vha to blockade the harbor.   The defenders fought a desperate, but hopeless battle on the fields outside the city walls, but the city fell in just over a week to the invading dark elves. Reports from within the Republic of Himse tell of barbarism where "every man in the city was put to the sword and every woman and child made a slave." The city does still support a large human population, so these accounts are somewhat suspect.

The Conflict


Largely fought on the fields north of town as well as in the harbor.


Fairport's defenders were lost, much of its fleet was damaged in the conflict. The city was conquered and looted. Reports of civilian causalities vary highly.


Fairport was renamed Amitron, and rebuilt in the Yvalian style. As the forefront of the war with the Free Cities Accord the city is now the cultural, mercantile, and military hub for Moon Elves on Carentress.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Start Date
5th of Yikaed (3), 1473
Ending Date
12th of Yikaed (3), 1473
Conflict Result
Complete victory for Yvalia




Combined land and naval forces
Small defensive force, few armed merchant ships


Heavy. Defensive force wiped out. Over half of fleet damaged. Reports of civilian casualties.


Conquest of Fairport
Homeland defense


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