Chapter 2 Transcript

This article contains the raw transcript of the game. It is minimally edited for readability only, and like all actual play sessions is best considered a "first draft" of the story within. Of particular note at the time of writing this campaign was still sent in the forgotten realms setting.

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

7 Ches, 1491

    A lot had happened in the single day our heroes had been together in Ardrest, culminating with a late night attack on the town by a large group of goblins. The goblins dispatched with the help of adventurers, the town tries to return to normal. Day breaks as a cold end of winter drizzle settles over Ardrest, making it just wet and unpleasant enough to extinguish any fires that might still be smoldering from the attack.   DM WHISPER TO SALEEK: That multicolored stone disk in your bag, think about it. Is it yours? A keepsake? Have it always been there or did you just find it? Does it have significance to Saleek or just pretty?   WHISPER TO ARIS: Also fyi when the goblins set fire to your cart at least something exploded in flames. What might you have been trying to sell? When you first came to town, some burly men with black scarves did try and make you pay a merchant tax for \"the protection of the village\" it was unusual for a village but a fairly normal practice for merchants entering larger cities. Up to you if you paid (it won't come out of your gold total or anything.)   MANDAR: Takes an early walk around town. to see if there is done more damage by the goblins and not only at the marketplace. ",   SALEEK WHISPER TO DM: Perhaps the former government I worked for was using it for something, and my former partner who gave her life for mine, gave it to me for safekeeping. And I've never bothered looking into it, because it brings up bad memories.   In the early morning, it is clear the goblins did some damage to the town, a few buildings are still smoldering in places, several roofs or walls will need repairs, but the buildings of Ardrest look as if they have been patched more than once in the past. Most of the damage seems to be in the marketplace area, as you wander further north the fire damage to the buildings is random as if the fires were set accidentally or with a purpose in mind other than destruction. But it is a new day, and the town seems to be recovering. What do you all want to do   HESKHAX: Heskhax ventures down into the inn's public room. If he finds Saleek there, he quietly asks if he learned anything from the goblin.   SALEEK: Alright goblin, firstly, do you have a name?   GOBLIN: (In a flashback to the previous night:) The goblin gave a little shrug and best it could as it was tied up. "Murg say lots of words at lots of gobs. But only good fighters get name like Murg."   SALEEK: "I see...
Well let's review what you've told me. You were sent here by your boss, noch, to steal gold and valuables from the townspeople and from, us. You were also instructed to abduct us as well...murg is the second in command, he' longer with us. Your camp is a days travel northwest.

Have I covered everything..."   GOBLIN: The goblin looks as if it is taking all of it's ability to process this much at once and think of what to tell. (Scared) "Y- yea! Dat all! Me not see Murg no more! Murg say we take lil big 'uns then big big 'uns give us shinies. Me not know big scary bird man here, if did, me know not to mess with you! Noch says no mess with big big 'uns, but Murg says he smarter! Murg not scared of nothing! Not like most gobs!", The Goblin appears to be babbling desperately.   SALEEK: "Tell me, do a lot of goblins live with you? Many more than the ones that came here today? "   GOBLIN: (Scared) "Yes! Yes! Noch has lots of gobs! Like elevendy-fourty! Bigger gobs too like... monster gobs! Super scary! Let me go and me tell them to go far away! " The goblin refuses to look you in your bird eyes as it speaks.   SALEEK: "'s getting late. Get some rest, and I'll decide what to do with you in the morning. " Saleek secures the rope and makes sure it's tight. And sits next to the goblin, to rest up for the next day.   The goblin squeaks and fidgets like a guilty child for about an hour but eventually grows quiet and lets you sleep. (and now back to the next morning, with Mandar searching out Saleek)   SALEEK: Slaeek drags the goblin into the tavern and surveys the damage done to the establishment. He orders the goblin to a far corner, and looks for the others.   The few townsfolk that are in the tavern this early, as well as any of the guests that are awake by now, eye the goblin uneasily, but given your heroic actions the last evening, no one obviously says anything. Mendra would bring over several mugs of ale to you both, making it very obvious that she was not bringing one to the goblin. The damage to the Decrepit Crab is pretty minor, a window broken as a few stray arrows that will have to be pulled out of the wood.   HESKHAX: (reposting) Heskhax ventures down into the inn's public room. If he finds Saleek there, he quietly asks if he learned anything from the goblin.   It is the next morning, Heskhax and Saleek are in the common room of the tavern. Mandar had gone out for an early morning walk.   SALEEK: "Good morning heskhax, Im glad to see that last night's battle brought you little harm. "   As a reminder, Saleek has news from the goblin and Underbarrel farm. Ansil had mentioned a reward, and there were a couple of other rumors floating around. Saleek would briefly describe how had found the Underbarrel farm, it was about 4 miles to the east of town, and consisted of 3 large buildings: a farmhouse, a barn, and a brewery. There were perhaps half a dozen of the Blacksash men visible. There was a halfling family in the farmhouse, an older male and at least one child, and a large sword over the mantle. There were carts that were partially loaded with barrels. There were several blacksashes in the brewery talking about their boss and a girl before being yelled at to get back to work.   SALEEK: Saleek continues examining his findings, including what he learned from the captive goblin... "...he mentioned some lady too, someone he and the lower ranked goblins all seem to be afraid of. " "Called her the crooked lady..."   HESKHAX: (Serious) "Little I had some heavy strikes from those goblins. But that elf priestess and my faith kept me fighting." (Serious) "I want to talk to this dwarf that has some authority here, and find out where he stands."   SALEEK: "I'm sorry hear about your wounds friend. Ansil should be at his post, additionally, I might have away to end this goblin scourge...I'll need your help as well as the others..."   The goblin is tied up in the corner, looking quite afraid of everything.   HESKHAX: "\"You will have my help, if your plan is just. First, I want to speak to this Ansil.\" Heskhax leaves to seek out the dwarf."   MANDAR: I will have just returned form my moring walk and would like to seach for Ansil too for my reward.   The party would find Ansil bent over a sizable desk in the small stone building next to the townhall that serves as a jail. He is red eyed as he looks up from a pile of papers on his desk as you enter. His armor lies in a pile next to the desk and his tunic is clumped and stained.   HESKHAX: Heskhax gets right to business after lumbering into Ansil's office. \"Where was the town guard?\" He asks, his tone direct, brutish. \"If we were not here, your people would be slaughtered.\""   ANSIL: Ansil rises up in his seat for a moment, his dark eyes locked on the much larger dragon man, fire in his eyes. He reaches down onto his desk and holds up a piece of paper into Heskhax's face. It is covered in small dark dwarven runes, and a large smear fills the center. (Tired) "Look lad, there'd be a time I'd teach you a right thing about respect. But you see this?! This is a report and that mess in the middle is me own drool. Now since I don't recall putting it there, I figure it's from when my head hit the desk somewhere between no sleep and right fucking now. Now look, I had half my men out on patrol last night, but now Jori's got holes in his gut and young Goodson decided not to even fucking show up for work. So if you want to pick a fight, you'll have to bloody well wait until I can fit you in."   HESKHAX: Heskhax allows the paper to be thrust into his face, not reacting, and when Ansil pulls it away, he's still staring at the dwarf. \"I do not care for your excuses! You take up the task of guarding these people. That is a sacred trust. It is duty. Do better,\" he growls, but words are all he has, not action.

He looms there for a few moments, and then adds, \"But it is good to see you take your duty seriously, despite your failure and your excuses. I thought you corrupt and in with these Blacksash, from what a townsperson had to say about you.\"   ANSIL: (Tired) "Do better, eh? Well, lucky for me an my men you and the rest of your troupe was here then, eh? I'll put my four remaining men on double shifts right away. Careful you don't melt that fancy armor when you start spitin'! *His eyes widen as you mention the Blacksash and he seems almost about to laugh* In with that lot!? I'd toss 'em all in my cells if I had anything I could make stick... maybe then some of them would take the pay cut and come back to being proper guards; cut out this vigilante justice shit..."   HESKHAX: (Disgusted) "So they are vigilantes. Sometimes there is no choice...but they have a choice: join your guard. These Blacksash do not care for justice. My friend has seen their farm, and their brewery - they want gold. And men such as that will not do what is right, unless forced." (Suspicious) "We have two problems - these Blacksash and the goblins. This is important, dwarf: are they connected?"   ANSIL: “*Ansil thinks for a second then gives a shrug* Well, I suppose I can't say for sure your wrong. We've always had problems with the damned goblins, but they haven't tried something this big since... well not since before I wound up in... all this. I don't see the Blacksash getting much out of having goblin's torch their own homes, but... *he shrugs*” "Look if you or your lot can find some proof linking them... hells if you you can scare off the local goblins or give me something that'll stick on the Blacksash... I don't have much in the discretionary fund, but I can find something to reward you all I'm sure."   HESKHAX: "\"We will solve it. Torm demands I do it...and there are some good people among those who fought yesterday.\" He glances to Mandar. \"This one will want the reward you promised for each goblin kill.\"

Before leaving, he tells Ansil, \"Keep my share and use it to hire another guard.\" Then he moves to return to the inn."   ANSIL: Ansil watches the dragonborn walk out with a shake of his head, turning to Mandar. "Your friend there, he's certainly awful... dedicated, eh? Reminds me of a young dwarf I used to know. Might want to reign him in 'fore he ends up the next sheriff. Now how can I help ya?"   It probably takes a few stops at various merchants to get that number of darts as there's not a dedicated weapons merchant in town. You get most from the marketplace from a gnomish peddler. All the merchants are leery of the goblin and watch it like a hawk. Heskhax make a perception roll as you leave Ansil's office. Anyone else who went with can make one as well.  

Heskhax rolls [[1d20]] = 10

Heskhax you think Ansil's office is a terrible mess and he is highly disorganized.

DM WHISPER TO MANDAR: Mandar you would have noticed while Ansil and Heskhax were \"talking\" that there are several pieces of paper stuck to the walls of the office behind Ansil covered in dwarvish script. You'll need a perception roll to figure out more.

HESKHAX: Heskhax doesn't have much of an opinion on that. He returns to the inn.

Mandar perception roll [[1d20 + Perception (Wis)]]= 3+3 = 6

DM WHISPER TO MANDAR: You think the writing on the wall is sone sort of list.

SALEEK: "Haskhax, what did you uncover..."

HESKHAX: Heskhax speaks quietly with Saleek, leaning against a wall of the inn. \"The town guard is useless. We cannot count on them to protect these people. I do not think they are corrupt...only incompetent.\"
(Serious) "There are two threats - the goblins and the thugs. We should deal with the goblins first. If we leave town to see about that farm, the goblins may attack while we are gone.",

SALEEK: "I agree, and like I said before I have, the makings of a plan.

*Saleek points to the goblin in the other side of the room*

We let him go, follow him closely, and take out their leadership. Once we do that, im sure the rest of the goblins will fall in line.... What do you say, I'll need your help, and the others too. "

HESKHAX: "Action is needed here. I am in.",

SALEEK: "Saleek flags down Marti, and asks for a piece of parchment, a quill and Ink as well as a wax seal."

MARTI: Grumbles quite petulantly about how that's not her job. But leaves and returns about 20 minutes later with all the supplies. She smiles at Heskhax and then grins impishly at Saleek
"You'll just have to owe me."

HESKHAX: "Service to the cause of justice is its own reward, girl."

MARTI: Smiles and bats her eyelashes at Heskhax, but doesn't say anything.

Heskhax and Saleek and anyone else in the tavern make a perception roll

Heskhax rolls [[1d20]] = 8
Mandar perception roll [[1d20 + Perception (Wis)]] = 3+3 = 6
Saleek [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 14+3 = 17

SALEEK: Saleek begins writing a letter to the adventurers not present, explaining the plan. He instructs them to follow their trail, so that they can meet up. He seals it and instructs mendi to give it to the other adventurers, he that is her and gives her a gold coin for her her troubles.
"We should all leave at dusk, so that we have the cover of night. If anyone needs any supplies, now would be the time. Does anyone object?"

HESKHAX: "I will be ready at dusk. Time to strike a blow."
Heskhax returns to his room to pray and prepare for departure at dusk.

While you both were sitting in the common room of the Crab formulating your plan, you did notice a small woman, small even for a halfling. The crowd seemed to momentarily hush as she entered before someone lead her to a table in the back. Mendra the bartender or Marti the barmaid will take your letter and agree to inform the rest of the adventurers in town.

GM WHISPER TO SALEEK: Your keen ears pick up a bit of conversation in the background as you're making your plans: \"First the blight, then the winter, now these attacks! This place is cursed I tell you! Maybe all those fools with their masks are right; saying we angered the forest spirits and all!\" \"Careful talk like that and they'll take you like they took the Greenvalleys!\"",

SALEEK: *saleek interjects in the overheard conversation*

i couldnt help but overhear...angry forest spirits?"

TOWNSPERSON: "*a middle aged halfling farmhand:* oh, aye, sir hunter! My old grandma always used to tell us there was all sorts if evil ghosties in the woods 'round here. And if anger them you'll disappear just like the Greenvalleys. *his dwarven drinking partner:* don't be silly, woods are woods. Ain't everything gone wrong in your life the fault o' witches and ghosts. "

SALEEK: (Curious) "What are the Greenvalleys..."


MENDRA: Hearing Saleek mention the name, the portly bartender moves over and seats herself at your table handing an ale to Saleek and Heskhax.
(Excited) "Aye, that family is a bit of a local ghost story, lads! I reckon it all started about 30 years back, young girl, Alda, pretty as can be, was madly in love with one if you adventuring types. They said the two go into the woods and pledge their love before the spirits there. Then he goes off to find fame and here's the worst part she up and marries another man! Now the fae they don't take kindly to oath breakers. So the fairies take Alda's baby in the middle of the night."

HESKHAX: Heskhax eyes the ale given him with dour disinterest, making no move to take it, but he doesn't say anything about it.
"\"If they made an oath, they ought to keep it. Oaths are holier than most believe.\"",

MENDRA: "But now it gets worse! Cause whatever deal they made with the spirits to get the baby back had a price! Some folks say that when that little baby- Lendi I think was her name - came of age... poof! The whole family up and vanishes. Taken to the faewild to pay for their crimes. Aye, aye, sir paladin! That's what we tell the children! *she leans in a little* now cause I know you lot are the type to like the juiciest bits, Flyndak Greenvalley just happens to be cousin to the family on the husband's side and one of the local deputies."
Seems to be excited to tell newcomers all the local gossip.


HESKHAX: Heskhax grunts as he listens to Mendra, but he wears a far-off look. He's thinking about the battle ahead. To Saleek, he says, \"That leader of the goblins, the one in chain, had some skill with his sword. If there are more of those, it will be a hard fight.\" He glowers and rubs at the scales of his chin with a hand. \"They may have orcs or worse among them.\"

SALEEK: "Our little goblin friend mentioned that he was the only one...although I don't doubt he was lying through his crooked would do us well to prepare for the battle ahead. Perhaps the townspeople have some healing potions they could part with. "
"Mendra, that's quite the tale, one I would very much like to investigate in due time. Tell me, have you ever heard tales of \"the crooked lady\"?",

MENDRA: "Well, as far as potion goes, some of the peddlers in the market might have some, even \"old mal\" if you're desperate. Now a crooked lady... *she thinks for a long moment* I think I remember a story about a old witch with long twisted arms that snatches naughty children from their beds."

SALEEK: "Interesting..any idea why the goblins would be deathly afraid of her? "

MENDRA: (Curious) "If that one's any indication, I'd say they're pretty much afraid of everything... I'm just a tavern owner, so maybe it ain't my place, but I ain't never seen the goblins attack town like that. You think they did it over a children's horror story?"

HESKHAX: (Disgusted) "They know the town guard is weak. Reason enough."

SALEEK: "Sometimes childrens stories are rooted in real events...

*Saleek chugs his beverage*

Thank you all for your company and hospitality, I think I'll go see old mal about some potions..."

CHAPTER 1: Dealing with Goblins

  Saleek Unties the goblin and let's it go, giving it a 1 hour head start, and then flies above, tracking it's location. [[2d20D1+Survival (Wis)]] = 9,10+3 = 13   You release the goblin, and after of moment of looking at Saleek then back at its bandaged leg it heads off to the northeast. The leg wound still slows the creature enough that tracking it from the air is fairly trivial as the light holds out. On the way out of Ardrest there are several small farms that show some signs of violence possibly associated with last night's attack but it's not really something you can investigate while tracking the lone goblin. The goblin is definately heading in the direction of a large forest you can see to the northeast. With you flying above the scene you can make out that the goblin is following a rough path that was traveled the night before; a good number of goblins, more than a dozen but less than 20, passed through heading towards Ardrest and a much smaller number returned. At this rate you don't think you'll make the forest before actual night. By the time you land to get a really good look at the tracks, you do notice that the goblins typically are barefooted, and there seems to be two separates sets of boot prints in the mud; they are humanoid but seem to belong to someone smaller than the average human. The last rays of sunlight finally fade from the sky, the party can see the outskirts of the thick woods a few hours ahead of you. You're in a area of hills and occasional groups of trees. Given Saleek's skill in tracking and that he's found the trail the goblins have been using, he should probably be able to track them even if he lost the one goblin he is following. Or you can keep tracking through the night.   SALEEK: saleek touches down for a moment to give his wings a rest, and addresses the party. "finding the goblin hideout from this point onward shouldn't be an issue, we definitely shouldnt let the goblin get there first might alert the others and well have lost the element of surprise.

any objections on taking out the target? "   HESKHAX: (Serious) "What did you tell the goblin? Did you tell it to lead us, or did you only release it and track it? What did you tell it while you interrogated it?"   SALEEK: (Remorseful) "i released him so that i may track him, i did not think he would willingly lead us, i rather not kill him, if i can be honest, but hes leading us straight to his horde. i have no doubt hell talk, and when he does theyll all take up arms. we need the element of surprise heskhax..."   HESKHAX: (Detached) "If you bargained with him, if you promised him his life in exchange for should fulfill that promise and spare him. But if you did not promise him mercy, then kill him. He attacked the town with the others. His raiding party set fires to homes, ruined lives...death is fair repayment."   SALEEK: "what would your *god* do."   HESKHAX: Heskhax would lift his brows at Saleek's question, if he had any. \"Torm? He would uphold any promises made to the goblin. But he would also uphold the law...and defend Ardrest, a town that lives under the rule of law. The goblins choose to live under chaos, or a warlord's tyranny.\" He sounds impressed by the question. \"We owe a greater obligation to the town. If you did not promise the goblin his life, slay him. And when we get to the cave, join me in slaying all the others,\" he says. \"They could have chosen to live in peace instead of violence. They've chosen violence. They'll get it.\"   SALEEK: "thank you for your council my friend." and with that, saleek takes off once again. to continue tracking the goblin. The goblin is just ahead of the party, with its leg it cannot move at full speed, and seems to be making no effort to hide. Saleek is tracking the goblin he captured, healed, and set free. The creature is slow moving and easily caught up to for whatever you plan on doing. The time is early evening the sun just having set, the Misty Forest looms as a dark splotch across the horizon several miles away. You are in an area of rolling hills and sparse trees. What do you all do?   HESKHAX: Heskhax continues traveling in the direction Saleek told the group to, lacking any other information. SALEEK: saleek speeds his flight, ahead of the goblin he flies up higher so its easier for him to go unseen. The goblin appears to be heading towards the forest ahead other than that there's no obvious sign the goblin is moving towards anything in particular. You can outpace it easily. As a bonus, although is is dark, other then your group and the one goblin, you don't see anything moving for miles. You left Ardrest at dusk and have been traveling for about 3 hours. Now the sun has set and there is darkness about the land. Saleek indicates that the forest, which you assume is where the goblins headed, is still several miles away. The 4 of you could make it into the forest by perhaps midnight, but the effort would leave you all exhausted. Alternatively, you are in an area of groups of small hills as trees that you think could offer you a safe place to rest for the night.   SALEEK: saleek flies back to the group, making sure he spots the goblin theyre flying on the way back. after which he joins up with the group to give his wings a rest. The goblin is limping down the path towards the distant Misty Forest. Saleek you would know that goblins are typically active at night and it would probably be able to keep going; however, it is both exhausted and wounded.
Are you all (both?) going on or camping for the night?   MANDAR: "It probably better not to get to close to the forest at night. running into a ambush at night would be a bad idea. "   GM WHISPER TO MANDAR: Welcome back. At minimum from the Ansil meeting earlier in the day you would have 90g that you can divide to the party as you want, there were 5 of you that really participated in the attack to get the reward, and one has left the game. Ansil grumbled considerably about ever having said anything about a reward, but keep his word to pay you all, including out of his own pocket. Was there anything else you would have asked Ansil while you were meeting with him? I'm fine to RP it out in whispers if you like.   From what you can tell of the goblin's movements Saleek, you believe it thinks it has totally lost you and is making no attempt to hide. So if you want to track it through the dark it would be just a straight survival roll. So the question before the party is how far do you go through the night. You think you could reach the edge of the woods in 4 hours. Any of the hills between you and the woods would make a suitable camp site. Being that Saleek saw nothing else, you would probably guess that the goblins have a base somewhere in the forest. Not outside it. make a survival check and a perception check then Saleek.   Saleek [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]]= 9+3 = 12 [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 17+3 = 20   Saleek tracking the goblin isn't hard, in fact, either the goblin is totally unaware you're tracking it or it is purposely trying to be found. You can make it to the edge of the forest with no issues. Saleek as you start to follow the goblin again, you catch movement out of the corner of your eye. It appears to be a single humanoid male walking towards you. Varian why don't you introduce yourself?   VARIAN ILIRIS: You see a wood elf emerging from your peripheral. \"Hey, feathered one.. I approach you in peace. I'm alone\". Up close you can see his sunken eyes and gaunt face, with a hoodie and attire that may have been stylish once, but now just looks ragged. The elf keeps his hands up and visible to signal his good intent, and continues with his semi-raspy voice: \"I'm here because I have a stake in this whole goblin thing, and I think I could be of help for your group. Something strange has been going on. I don't have a lot of information, but what I do know I'll be glad to share.\"   MANDAR: The dwarf draws his weapon looking at the elf. (Threatening) "so tell us, my friend."   VARIAN: "*Varian glances at the sword* Tell you all I know? Well... there isn't much. I've seen hooded figures, I've seen some undead creatures, south of Ardrest. As for the help I mentioned, I meant in the form of a helping hand. I have some experience fighting and remaining unseen as needed. I could help you with whatever lies ahead wherever that goblin was headed." "I understand your caution dwarf, but I would appreciate it if you didn't have your weapon drawn. If I had ill intentions, I would've already made my attack."   SALEEK: (Alarmed) "Undead to the South!" "We could certainly use all the help we could get now..." "I am saleek. This is mandar and ylva."   MANDAR: (Alarmed) "how far south are they." as I turn around with my shortsword still drawn.   VARIAN: "I'm Varian. Pleased to meet you all. *Varian gives the dwarf a quick unpleased glance*" "At least a few days south from Ardrest."   YLVA: The elven cleric bows in greeting. (NPC mode)   SALEEK: "We need to focus on one issue at a time. Let's deal with these goblin Invaders first. The longer we wait here, the less a chance we have to catch them with their trousers down. "   HESKHAX: (Confident) "If there are undead, then that is where I must be go! It is my job to smite them in Torm's name! I must leave you all then, the goblins were no match for you before I am sure you will be fine!" Heskhax heads back to town. (Did he have potions? I didn't see any listed on his sheet)   VARIAN: "As a token of good will, here... *Varian pulls out a bunch of healing potions from his pouch and hands everyone one*"   So everyone now has 1 standard healing potion, 2d4+2 healing. The rest of you can continue north after the goblin, its a half moon so even in the dark you can track it. I'd have you all roll a perception check, but I'll say Saleek's 20 still stands. Are you all heading north after the goblin then?   SALEEK: Saleek takes the potion as well as a hearty handshake. And keeps moving after his prey. You reach the edge of the forest shortly before midnight, but you stop just before the treeline. Saleek you can pick out in the moonlight that there are several roughly humanoid figures about 100 feet from edge of the forest. There seem to be two just ahead one standing just off to either side of the goblin path you've been following and you can just barely make out another similar figure about 500 feet further south. The goblin has slowed to almost a crawl, about 30 feet from the figures. There is no movement except for the goblin, in fact the night seems unnaturally quiet.   SALEEK: Saleek alerts the party to what he sees, and flies up coming up behind the goblin grabbing it from behind making sure to cover it's mouth.   The goblin was not expecting you, and seemed entirely focused on the figures ahead of it. Make an athletics check with advantage to grab the creature. Also at this distance you notice the figures have one not moved and two have their backs to you and the party.   Saleek [[2d20D1+Athletics (Str)]]=8,3 + 1 = 9   GM resist grapple [[2d20kl1-1]] = 15,19 – 1 = 14   The goblin is a slippery little creature as it screams out, struggling against you in a panic. It bursts from your grip running in a panic into one of the figures. There is a terrible crashing sound, as the goblin and the figure tumble down a soft incline out of sight.   Saleek [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 9+6 = 15   SALEEK: Saleek mutters a curse under his breath, all these years out of practice have left his skills dulled. He rushes into the shadows and keeps a line of sight on the figures. Readying his longbow should anything go awry. *I hope the rest of them get here soon...*

He thinks to himself.
  You wait for several moments, everything is quiet. You see all the figures except the one that went down the hill with the goblin. None of them seem to have moved.   SALEEK: Saleek finds all of this very strange. He takes out two of his darts and in quick succession throws them to the remaining figure. After he which he quickly moves location. Saleek dart 1 [[1d20+8]] = 14+8 = 22 dart 2 [[1d20+8]] = 2+8 = 10 Saleek [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 17+6 = 23   VARIAN: Varian hears the ruckus and sneaks up next to Saleek Varian rolls [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 11+5 = 16   There had been two figures one to the left of the path and one to the right. In a panic the goblin had run into the one on the left, now saleek's darts fly out striking the other creature in the back and head. Everything is silent for a moment, then the creature's head rolls slowly off it's shoulders, falling to the ground with a dull thump. Other then that there is no reaction. The gaunt elf has moved up to join Saleek unseen for the moment.   MANDAR: I also try to sneak up. with the other two. Mandar rolls sneaking [[1d20 + Stealth (Dex)]] = 3 + 5 = 8   You are also joined by a significantly less quiet dwarf making his way up the hill. Still everything is still. The path continues north to the edge of a dark and foreboding forest, where thin wisps of mist seem to move on their own in and out of the tree line. On a small rise to your right stands a now headless, unmoving, figure. To the left you can hear a faint low whimper from the base of the small hill.   SALEEK: Saleek facepalms..",   There is no cave entrance that you can see. You're on a small rough path that the goblins used to travel back to the forest about a day ago. There were the two figures to either side of the path, the forest itself lies about 100 feet ahead of you.   SALEEK: Saleek motions to party to stay low and quiet while he flies up and scouts the area in case there are any goblins waiting to ambush us.

He then flies up and scouts the area for about 30 minutes before coming back.   As you take to the air, nothing happens. Below you you can see the goblin you were tracking face down at the base of the hill in a pile of debris. With the advantage of your current height, you can just barely make out another of these figures 500 or so feet to the north and one more further beyond that; they seem to be surrounding the woods.   SALEEK: Saleek relays the Information to the party. "Shall we carry on everyone? "   Saleek you can give me a nature check with advantage.   Saleek [[1d20+Nature (Int)]]= 5+2 = 7 Saleek [[1d20+Nature (Int)]]= 1+2 = 3   Saleek stops and thinks a moment about the figures along the path. From his experience hunting goblins or at least hunting in the area, he would know that goblins often mark the edges of their territory with totems but he's never seen goblins use things like this.   VARIAN: "Yeah let us... how strange." "I would like to take a closer look at these figures once we get closer." Varian rolls investigation [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]] = 10+6 = 16   [[RODERICK AND HESKHAX HAVE LEFT THE GAME]] [[KENRIS HAS JOINED THE GAME]]   GM WHISPER TO KENRIS: Hello there and welcome. We're happy to have you. What sort of character were you interested in making? You can use any published 5e materials to make a character, start them at second level, using rolled stats or the standard array. Also roll a 1d100 for a trinket. Let me know if you have any questions I'm happy to help.   Varian you make your way up to the headless figure that is still standing. Thanks to the moonlight and your ability to see in the dark, you can tell what looked like a humanoid at a distance, is actually a series of sticks and bones bound together with irregular strips of leather and hide to make basically humanoid figure about 5 feet tall. The \"head\" of the figure wrapped in some sort of leather sack with irregular black stains. The whole thing smells like it is rotting. Across the path the goblin is lying face down in a pile of what used to be a similar scarecrow like figure.
Also in the dried mud around the base of one of the figures, you find a strange footprint: humanoid with webbed toes.   VARIAN: Varian notes the strange footprint and then moves to investigate the goblin on the ground.   The goblin panicked when it a gripped, ran into one of the scarecrows and toppled to the bottom of the hill. Its currently laying face down, moaning softly but breathing.   SALEEK: ***in hushed tones***

I'm going to go down and grab him, I think we're close. But I don't want him getting in the way. I'm going to tie him up and we can make our way to the goblin base, any objections?   VARIAN: "Sounds like a good plan. Hey Saleek, just so you know, I saw some... footprints of webbed toes around the figures. I don't know what it means, just thought you ought to know." "Now let's deal with this little fella'." "After we've dealt with the goblin, we might also want to investigate if we can figure out in which direction those footprints go.",   SALEEK: (Pensive) "One might be associated with the other..."   The goblin is breathing but unconscious, face down in a pile of wood and bone. Its normally waxy green skin looks pale and sweaty in the moonlight. It offers no resistance to you. The foot print is a single webbed foot print at the base of one of the scarecrows. Saleek it does not look like any footprint you've seen naturally in the forest of this area; something aquatic perhaps, roughly human sized."   SALEEK: saleek ties the goblin to a tree up above, hidden from view. making sure to gag its mouth, so no one can hear it. after which he joins the rest of the party so that they can continue. Using some of your rope you easily secure the unconscious goblin in the branches of a nearby tree at the base of the hill. The edge of the Misty Forrst is just ahead of you, black and foreboding in the moonlight as bits of mist curl between the trees. The time is roughly midnight and you still have the trail of the larger group of goblins.   MANDAR: tries to come close to Saleek and whispers to him (Worried) "we should probably stop for the night, before we get too tired."   You are all beginning to feel the effects of last night's attack, and the long time tracking the goblin. If you go too much further you're potentially risking exhaustion levels.   SALEEK: Saleek nods. "I'll take first watch..."   You all can find a small grove of trees between some hills not far off the path and in sight of the edge of the woods where all of you can make a small fire and take a rest. Anyone who is taking a watch make a perception roll. I can have Ylva take one too. She's still with the group technically   Saleek [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 20+3 = 23   Saleek not only do you keep a precise watch that nothing could have snuck up on you, but while making your rounds you notice a small leather sack stuffed into a fallen log. Inside are 3 finger sized shards of obsidian.   SALEEK: Saleek pockets the shards, curious about what they could be doing around here...   VARIAN: *Varian wakes up from the sound of movement and sees Saleek up*. Hey, you get some rest, I've got the next watch. And don't worry, I'm sure the dwarf will sleep one eye open to make sure I don't leave with the group's belongings." Varian rolls [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] for his watch = 11+5 = 16   For the sake of moving things along, I'll say Mandar or Ylva can take the 3rd watch and Saleek's natural 20 helps them out. The night passes easily, the area is eerily quite but slowly the normal sounds of being outdoors returns. You all get your full rest.  

8 Ches, 1491

  The Misty Forest looms before you, aptly named because even with the rising sun, a thick white mist clings to the species between the trees. In day light it is significantly less menacing however. The path of the goblins is still there and you can make a survival check to follow it. (Saleek has advantage)   VARIAN: Varian sits up and enjoys the early morning mist. Varian rolls [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]] to track the path.   Saleek [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]] = 11+3 = 14 Saleek [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]] = 11+3 = 6   Heading into the Misty Forest, you all follow the trail. As soon as you are within the tree line the normal sounds of the forest resume: birds chirp and there is the sound of a clear stream not far off. Saleek leads the group through what would otherwise have been some tricky trails and you all make good progress. About midday the goblins' trail vanishes where it runs into a clear, shallow stream and does not emerge on the opposite bank. Following the stream north you come upon a strange sight. The woods open out into a small clearing, the stream running through the middle of it and there is a single humanoid figure, seemly unnaturally good looking in the perfectly placed ray of sunlight that falls through the trees. Kenris go ahead and introduce yourself. Also as you look upstream to the north you can just barely make out something unnatural for the woods, it looks like the remains of a wooden building, long since covered over with moss. In the moss at the base there are a clear series of tracks, you think you've found the goblin's trail again leading up a hill to the east.   SALEEK: "Varian, something tells me you might have a better chance of scouting that area than I would. I can cover you..." Saleek notches an arrow.   [[YLVA HAS LEFT THE GAME]]   VARIAN: Varian nods. \"You got it Saleek\". Varian is about to move when he notices the figure. \"Wait, who's that? I don't think that's one of those statues we saw earlier\". Varian gestures towards the figure in the sunlight.   KENRIS: What you see is the following: A all to perfect human male wearing shining chainmail polished to a perfect sheen, the armor has a glow that is not from the light as you cannot see the source of this sheen.
He is bowed down low towards what looks like a make shift grave. you can faintly hear a prayer leaving his lips.   SALEEK: Saleek draws his bow "Who goes there!"   KENRIS: (Amused) "A moment please I am praying here and the soul has not yet departed. introduction will be forthwith." I finish my prayer and hope that the restless soul finds her path. "I am of no threat to you dear wanderer iam just doing what is right for a change. My name is Kenris how may I speak your name."   VARIAN: *Varian draws his rapier and gestures at the grave with it* Who do you have buried there?"   SALEEK: (Threatening) "***saleek aims his bow***

Answer him..."   KENRIS: “It is of no matter to you a lost soul finaly finding peace. And I can asure you i was not the person who did her harm.
I do not even know her name but now all that is left are ashes"   VARIAN: "I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt, but what are you doing here? *Varian doesn't put his rapier away. You see Varian look at the figure's feet*" KENRIS: (Brooding) "Personaly im looking for forgiveness i wont find it but i will keep on looking. " "But none of that i was giving a victim of a religion a little peace of rest. May i ask what bring you to this part of the woods." I stand up. As humans go i am not large but not small either. you see that im carrying A Warhammer and shield .
Both weapons are adorned with silver (no function) the shield has a set of eyes surrounded by 7 stars. As pristine as the armor and weapons are the face looking at you is wearly haggard and heavily creased with worry. A faint glimmer of silver is seen in his eyes when the sun hits it just right.   Saleek [[1d20+Religion (Int)]] = 18+2 = 20   KENRIS: "That depens of why you hail from she is know as She who guides , or even Lucha, but broadly know as Selune , our lady of silver." (Annoyed) "Does this sate your thirst for knowledge. .. Why the hostile stance it is clear i mean you no harm. If i did i would already have done so for disrupting me during my prayer."   VARIAN: "The hostile stance is because we just met you and you are literally next to a dead person. *Varian adjusts his stance to a less threatening one* Although... I suppose if it was a death caused by you, you probably wouldn't have buried them like you did." "We are on a mission... And we could use a helping hand as we're not sure what we're up against. Can you hold your own in a fight?" Varian eyes Kenris, measuring him up   KENRIS: "You are forgiven as i may have done the same." "As your question regarding my capacity to fight yes i can, but you have no information regarding the foe?\\" "But a mission, from who and for what goal? i can lend my shield and prowess, but only when doing things the right way. iam tired of acting in haste without thought.
So i ask what has happened and how can you use my aid?",   The area, for a forest perpetually shrouded in mist is pleasant enough and filled with all the normal animal sounds of a large forest. The shallow stream continues to the north and eventually takes a turn to the east just at the limit of your vision. A short way ahead of you is a ruined wooden building, not much more then a few moss covered boards, and a small footpath that also leads to the east.   KENRIS: "But first of all i have given you my name what can i call you? "   VARIAN: "We are investigating an attack on the town of Ardrest. I'm Varian. We have been following a trail of a goblins, so at least we know we're most likely to encounter some of them. Still, there are some other forces at play, and we're not sure what, yet." "Pleased to meet you.",   KENRIS: "A town attacked by goblin that action is good in my books. I will join but I will not attack defenseless people. That is until their motives are known.   SALEEK: ***Saleek puts down his bow.***

I am saleek. If there are no objections, we should continue. "   KENRIS: "no objections on my end proceed."   SALEEK: Saleek continues walking.   KENRIS: Takes up the rear guard   If you are moving on: there is a large hill to the east, you can travel upstream until it seems to curve around the hill, or take the small path by the ruined building, or go a totally different way. Let me know. And make a perception check everyone for whatever way you're going.   Saleek Tries to discern which way the goblins are most likely to go [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]] = 19+3 = 22   Saleek you find multiple goblin footprints at the base of the ruined building and leading up the path to the top of the hill. It seems like a fairly well traveled area.   SALEEK: "I propose we check out this hut before moving on. "   The hut itself is little more than scraps of rotted wood, covered by moss. Whatever ceiling it had collapsed long ago and the forest has been slowly reclaiming the structure. You kick some of the loose debris and uncover what was probably a mining pick before it was completely covered in rust. You'll need an investigate check if you want to really dig into it.   Saleek asks if any one want to assist? [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]] = 6+4 = 10   VARIAN: (Amused) "Anything interesting in there, Saleek?"   KENRIS: "i doubt i would be much help but if you want my help it is yours."   With Kenris's aid you can roll again. Or kenris can make a roll too.   Kenris [[1d20]]+Investigation (Int) = 14+0 = 14   Kenris while you are digging around you find a small silver and gold brooch dwarven design. It has dwarven runes on it that Mandar could tell you mean \"honor\" and \"family.\" It might be worth a few gold. Other then that you find nothing important in the hut.   SALEEK: "Saleek continues to move, following the goblins trail. "   KENRIS: "kenris follows Saleek "   Traveling up the path leads to a partially overgrown mine entrance built into the hill side. Abandoned building, in only slightly better shape than the shack at the base of the hill flank the path. Saleek can easily pick out several muddy footprints in the ground leading up to a large dark opening of a mine shaft to the party's north. Saleek rolls perception: [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] 9+3 = 12 Mandar rolls perception: [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 19 + 3 = 22 Varian rolls perception: [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 10 + 5 = 15 Kenris rolls perception: [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 7 - 1 = 6   As you all come along the sides of the ruined building, you comes to a halt. There in front of shadowy mine entrance, one of you spots a pair of goblins, both are wearing overly large sets of scalemail armor and have spears. It is midday, and the normally nocturnal goblins seem inattentive. You do not think they have seen you yet.   SALEEK: saleek squats down low. "so, any plans on how we should approach this? " "personally i feel that i can hit them high, while you two hit them low..." "any objections?",   KENRIS: "These goblins are normally nocturnal right maybe someone sneaks up on them and does what needs to be done. If assistance is required I can help
Hopefully there isn't a alarm system in place "   SALEEK: "I wouldnt call them nocturnal. I would call them opportunists. "   VARIAN: "*squatting with the others* \"Well, I do think we should certainly get the jump on them if we act now. I say we go for it\"   KENRIS: "Im ready should i lead the way?"   Everyone is attacking then? You are within a turns movement of the pair. As long as no one is trying anything else: Varian rolls [[1d20 +Initiative ]] = 4+1 = 5 Kenris rolls [[1d20 +Initiative ]] = 6+0 = 6 GM rolls [[1d20 +Initiative ]] = 6 - 1 = 5 Saleek rolls [[1d20 +Initiative ]] = 4+4 = 8 You all burst from around the corner, completely catching the pair completely by surprise, one might even be asleep from the way it's leaning on it's spear. (The goblins both have not seen you and are surprised. So advantage/sneak attacks work for the first round.) You can all give me your attack rolls now if you like.   Varian draws his shortbow and attacks from behind the corner and releases, rolling [[1d20+5]] = 5+5 = 10 for his attack, for [[1d6+1+1d6]] = 2+3+1 = 6 damage on hit   You're attacking unseen you can roll advantage on the attack   Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 19+5 = 24 for advantage   Kenris [[1d20]]+5 with his warhammer [[1d20]]+5 = 19+5 = 24 Kenris The warhammer hits for [[1d8+3]] = 6+3 = 9   Bursting out from behind the building in a masterfully executed attack, Varian's arrow catches the guard on the left, while Kenris covers the distance pummeling the goblin with his hammer. Neither had time to react.   Saleek Let's loose an arrow [[1d20+8]] = 10+8 = 18 advantage [[1d20+8]] = 1+8 = 9 for [[1d8+6]] = 4+6 = 10 on a hit SALEEK: Saleek rushes his form letting loose one quarry, and then taking to the skies.   The left goblin took two arrows and slumped to the ground, the right one met kenris's warhammer. All is silent outside the mine entrance.


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