The Goblin Mines Transcript

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

8 Ches, 1491


Continued from  Chapter 2 Transcript 

You can't see any visible enemies. The mine entrance is a dark hole in the hill ahead of you. Saleek you can give me either a perception or survival roll your choice.   Saleek [[1d20+Survival (Wis)]] = 19+3 = 22   Saleek, looking at the tracks leading into the mine entrance, you belive this to be the location of the goblin's lair. The tracks are dense and have been coming and going for sometime, but you estimate 25 to 30 individuals; there are also recent humanoid tracks. You also pick up that the two dead goblins had made a patrol of the hill returning from the east sometime in the last 2 hours.   SALEEK: "Let's make quick work of these!"   It is not immediately obvious how recently all of the tracks have been made, a group of goblins and other humanoids passed within the last 24 hours, but beyond that it's murky. Are you all heading into the mine? The tracks generally go in and out of the mine entrance ahead of you. The large group went inside but you do not see signs of them coming back out. (Actually that's the first time you guys looted...) Between the two goblins you find 11 gold and 17 silver, their armor might also be salvageable (it's regular scalemail).   KENRIS: “Right you are Saleek let's get going Ian eager to mettle out justice for these poor volk"   SALEEK: "Saleek presses his back against the wall adjacent to the cave opening, he closes his eyes and tries to listen to any sounds coming from within the cavern.

*Are they waiting for us...*

...He thinks to himself." Saleek [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 16+3 = 19   KENRIS: “You are right Saleek, patience is key let's wait for the rest "   The first thing you perceive ducking your head is the foul smell of unwashed bodies and even worse food. You nose tells you that this mine, regardless of who built it, is definately home to sizable group of goblins. The tunnel goes ahead about 20 feet, the curves up and to the east. You can vaguely hear the high pitched voices of goblins echoing off the tunnel walls, but they neither seem particularly purposeful nor close.   SALEEK: Saleek relays what he perceives in the cavern. "We should go..."   The tunnel carries on for another 30 feet or so, slowly sloping up, there are old, rusted mining tools scattered around the sides of the passage at this point the tunnel forks one path heading north and the other continuing east at the gentle slope.   SALEEK: Saleek nods over to Varian. "You might have better luck scouting in there than I would, I can take up the middle if kenris has our backs. "   VARIAN: *Varian nods* I concur. I'll sneak onward and see what it looks like." Varian sneaks forward, rolling [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]] = 8+6 = 14 to make sure he doesn't trigger any traps, and [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 2+5 = 7 for staying quiet and hidden   Saleek Follows Varian [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 14+6 = 20   Varian as you look to the north, you catch that there is a small wire strung across the tunnel about 4 feet off the ground. By catch it, I mean you almost walk face first into it, letting out a stunned gasp that echos softly down the tunnel. Turning, with your dark vision you can make out that the passage to the east continues on for another 10 feet before becoming partially blocked with rubble.   VARIAN: "\"Damnit\", Varrian mutters under his breath. \"Okay everyone, this way is trapped. And the other way... possibly blocked? Let me see, just a moment\"" Varian goes to investigate the eastern passage to see if there is a way through the rubble, rolling [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]] = 13+6 = 19   SALEEK: "Can you disarm it? ",   With that I'll rule for both. The trap to the north seems to be a simple tripwire, following it you can see that there is a rod and a small shelf filled with rocks and bits of metal that would fall if the wire was pulled and the rod moved. To the east the debris looks like a manufactured cave in, leaving about 3 feet of clearance between the loose pile of stone and other debris, it might be difficult but you could climb over it.   VARIAN: "Alright so I think they set this up just as a sort of noise alarm, which... Well, I already let my guard down and made some noise earlier, so we may have already lost the element of surprise. Maybe. We can just step over it if we so wish I'm sure. On the other hand, if we can make it through the rubble, we might find a way through that would be better at ensuring we can sneak in unseen. I think that's a viable option, shall we try it? "Is everyone alright with doing a bit of crawling? *Varian smirks*"   SALEEK: Saleek ducks down closer to the ground. Let's do this...   you're heading north or east?   VARIAN: "Alright... *Varian leads the way, climbing up through the rubble*"   Saleek rolls [[1d20+DEX Save]] = 19+6 = 25   While there are clear signs that the lightly packed stones and bits of broken wood are a main throughout fair for the goblins, goblins are also much smaller and lighter than the party. The pile shifts under your wieght, exposing jagged edges. Saleek is very nimble with his light avian body and easily avoids stabbing himself.   Varian rolls [[1d20+DEX Save]] = 14+5 = 19   SALEEK: *Be careful*

Saleek whispers   Varian scrambles over as well, there is a slight sound of shifting stones down the corridor. Kenris would no doubt follow after you, making his way over the rubble. Canonically Mandar and Ylva are guarding the entrance until they come back"   Kenris rolls [[1d20+DEX Save]] = 9+0 = 9   Kenris crawls after you guys, his fine chainmail at one point getting caught on the rusted end of a old mining pick, he has to struggle to pull himself free, finally tumbling down on the other side and taking 1 point of pride damage. You all move forward down the tunnel, it curves around to the north again after another 10 feet. Looking around that corner you all can make out a faint rectangle of light at the end of the hall (dark tunnel walls, a thin strips of light, and dark center), you can faintly make out that there is another tunnel to your left, this one sloping sharply down.   KENRIS: "I whisper

These cowardly traps even dare wound me.
I would like to have a word with the makers of these traps

Lead on Saleek Ill follow your lead "   SALEEK: "Well have more than words my friend. " "Let's push forward..."   You can creep up to the glowing rectangle at the end of the hall, and you realize that is it in fact a simple wooden door, that was once of fairly nice construction before being left in a mine for an untold amount of time.   KENRIS: "I want to listen if I hear anything "   Roll a perception check (for the record on the map you are the red circle, the door the tan block. I'm not going to use it for combat, just for your reference as we go) Kenris [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 10-1 = 9 Saleek [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 17 + 3 = 20" There are definitely high pitched goblin voices on the other side of the door. None of you speak goblin, but you think they are either fighting among themselves or having a conversation - it's hard to tell in goblin. There are at least two distinct voices. [[Ylva has left the game]]   SALEEK: "So, only one way in... Now or never. "   So how are you going into the room, guys?   SALEEK: "Saleek smiles and kicks the door down, quickly firing on the first goblin he sees. " (Confident) "EVERYONE MOVE IN!"   KENRIS: "I rush in to give a bit of shielding for those who need it"   You kick the door, sending it flying on it's hinges and slamming into the walls behind it. What you see before you is a large dimly lit room, that probably once served as the barracks for the miners living here. The goblins have re-purposed it into a crude guard post by flipping over bed that seem of solid dwarven make and turning them into barricades. Barricades that you have just come up behind. You can see two doors set into the north wall ahead of you and two goblins int he middle of being distrubed from whatever game they were playing using a set of animal bones.   GM rolls [[1d20+2]] = 1+2 = 3 Varian rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 10+1 = 11   Though I guess I didn't really check if you guys wanted to talk after kicking in the door and saleek shooting... lol   DM rolls [[2d6]]=10 [[2d6]]=6 [[2d6]]=11 [[2d6]]=9   [[Donny Greshell joins the party]]   Saleek rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 6+4 = 10 Saleek gets advantage on initiative rolls [[1d20+4]] = 19+4 = 23 Kenris rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]   SALEEK: As saleek kicks in the door he latches eyes with one of the goblins, and old instincts kick in, he quickly mutters a spell marking that goblin as his quarry. Saleek Let's loose an arrow [[1d20+8]] = 13+8 = 21 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 2+6+6 = 14 damage on a hit   Your arrow embeds itself deep in the goblin before it can even reach for its weapon, pinning its body to the ground. The other goblin has enough time to let out a confused, startled yip s it reaches for the crossbow on the ground at its feet. Varian you'll be up next followed by Kenris then the goblins.   VARIAN: Varian follows up from behind Saleek, quickly readying an arrow from his quiver, and releasing it towards the goblin trying to reach for the crossbow Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 7+5 = 12 with with shortbow for [[1d6]] = 3   Kenris tries to hit the goblin[[1d20 +5]] = 20+5 = 25 Kenris The warhammer damages for [[2d8+3]] = 7+1+3 = 11   DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 5+4 = 9 DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 9+4 = 13 DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 9+4 = 13 DM rolls stealth [[1d20+6]] = 8+6 = 14   Varian's arrow clatters into the stone floor just by the goblin's hand, causing it to draw it's hand back and look up just in time to see Kenris charging. The warhammer connects with the goblin's skull with as sickening crunch, the goblin is smacked backwards and slumps against a flipped over bed. There is a high pitched, guttural sound and a sharp twang from your left as suddenly two bolts fly from the darkness.   DM rolls [[1d8+2]] = 2+2 = 4   One embeds itself harmlessly into the wooden bedframe next to Kenris. The other bolt grazes Varian's should for 4 point of piercing damage. Varian, you are the only one two can make out the shapes of two additional goblins to your left. They are armed with crossbows and attempting to hide between the overturned bunk beds. And that brings us up to the top of the round. The order will be Saleek, Varian, Kenris and then any remaining goblins.   SALEEK: After the bolts fly through the air, saleek quickly ducks back past the doorway. Saleek ...and attempts to **hide** from view. [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 11+6 = 17   Varian's up next his keen elven eyes can pick out the two small goblin faces between their crude barricades, they are currently behind cover from your angle. Kenris will be after that.   VARIAN: Varian winces from the bolt. \"There, more over at the bunk beds!\", Varian yells." Varian shoots at one of the goblins behind cover, [[1d20+5]] = 15+5 = 20 for [[1d6]] = 2 damage on hit, and then gets behind cover himself if possible   There are plenty of beds to duck behind. You fire an arrow into a gap in one and are rewarded with a high pitched yell. Kenris you're up. You cannot directly see the goblins but you have an idea of the general direction. The closest baracade/bed is about 10 feet from you. You're pretty certain the goblin is on the other side and you should be able to reach it.   Kenris Rushes the baracade and walk around to take a strike at the gobln [[1d20+5]] = 15+5 = 20 Kenriss warhammer hits for [[1d8+3]] = 8+3 = 11   You burst around the corner, startling the goblin that was pressed to the mattress of the overturned bed. Your hammer impacts the goblins skull with a resounding thunk, sending it sprawling on the floor where it lies still.   DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 1+4 = 5 DM rolls stealth [[1d20+6]] = 4+6 = 10   From another bunk further ahead of Kenris there is a mechanical twang followed by what you guess from the tone to be cursing in goblin. All of you can clearly see a lone goblin behind the bed, trying to adjust a crossbow. Saleek will be up next, followed by Varian and Kenris.   SALEEK: saleek draws one of his short swords and gets in close to the remaining goblin, he moves his hunters mark from the body of its last target to this one. ", Saleek attacks with is shortsword [[1d20+6]] = 5+6 = 11 dealing [[1d6+1d6+6]] = 2+1+6 = 9 damage on a hit   The goblin hisses at you as it manages to duck at the last minute putting part of the bed frame between your blade and itself. Varian will be up next, followed by Kenris   Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 14+5 = 19 for [[2d6]] = 5+4 = 9 damage on hit with his short bow, intending to do a non fatal blow if possible VARIAN: "\"Let's try to leave one alive for questioning!\", Varian yells to the others"   SALEEK: saleek nods   The goblin screams out in pain, your arrow digging deep into it's shoulder as it fumbles with its crossbow. Its eyes roll back into its head as it blacks out in pain. The room is quiet now. You can see that it is a long barracks room roughly 15 by 70. Set in the north wall are two doors across from where you entered the room (A to west, B to east). In the dim light you can make out another door in the southwest corner (C).   KENRIS: Does anyone here if there is some noise coming from behind those doors?   Passively, you can only hear the general background noise of the mine: somewhere water drips and a rock falls. You can vaguely pick out more goblin voices echoing from somewhere. Also the one goblin in this room is still breathing shallowly. You can make perception checks of you want to specifically investigate the doors.   VARIAN: "*Varian moves to the goblin that is still alive* \"Kenris! Can you help revive this one enough for questioning?\"   KENRIS: "Define questioning, i could heal him a little bit yes just so he can be consious enough to speak.. Do any of us speak goblin?" I lay my hands on the goblin healing him for 1 point bringin it back to consciousness   The goblin sits bolt upright, its large yellow eyes scanning the room and your party. The arrow still protrudes from its shoulder.   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Suffering) "Y- you win."   SALEEK: Saleek walks up to it and sets his hand on the arrow, moving ever so slightly. "How many of your kind are there in here. Who is in charge. " "*saleek gets very close to the goblin*

And who is the crooked lady..."   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Suffering) "Ahhhh... ahhh! It hurts! I'll talk! I'll talk! Noch is boss around here... Ummmm... there's... " The goblin begins to start counting on it's dirty fingers, the proceeds to panic when it realizes its left arm is hanging limply at its side. The goblin's eyes go even winder as you lean in and ask that last question. The creature tries to cower even more pitifully. (Alarmed) "No, no! Don't say it! She knows if you say her name! She'll come and take you away to drown you dead and eat your bones!"   SALEEK: (Threatening) "If I have to ask you again...

*Saleek draws his short sword, letting the goblins imagination do the work*"   KENRIS: (Cheerful) "Dear goblin friend, my partner here is not fond of the things that has happend. i could help you but only when you are truthfully with us. Do NOT listen to your fellows they will meet there end shortly. But i choose you to spare.
So you have a choice.
1. Tell us what we want to know
2. Dont tell us and ill say a prayer to guide your soul if you have one to the after live."   WOUNDED GOBLIN: The small goblin looks back and forth between the birdman and almost glowing human, its eyes wide as it bites its lip with needle like teeth. "Noch is strongest around here... he takes what he wants and who he wants cause he can. He has big cave above sleeping cave... keeps his best gobs... maybe 5? Yes 5!" (Scared) "*it whispers* b- but *she* is stronger even then Noch... I never see her but... bad things come from the water... they eat gobs... or worse cut you up and make your bones watch and hurt others. You strong! Maybe you beat up Noch!? *She* even more scary..."   Saleek rolls [[1d20+Intimidation (Cha)]] = 1+0 = 1
SALEEK: "We can defeat her *for* you. And then you can live in peace...that is, if you would like to live. "   Kenris rolls [[1d20+Persuasion (Cha)]] = 13+5 = 18   WOUNDED GOBLIN: The goblin looks wide eyed at Saleek then back at Kenris, with an almost reverent look it its eyes. (Surprised) "Y- you would really not kill me? I not want to die. Goblin god is - *it pauses looking for the word* - big asshole. There is much hands *it wiggles 5 fingers at you for emphasis* but most not fight... Murg take many fighters days ago, only some come back... with loot."   SALEEK: "Tell us how many goblins are in here and who the crooked lady is, and we'll consider letting you live. "   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Scared) "Eeeee! Don't say the name! Don't say the name! See come many moons ago, kill many! Then Noch gives her loots and littlest gobs and she leaves. Me not see. Was just little but too big to get ate. B- but sends slimy, croaking men to take more loot and gobs. Stay out of water, they snatch you and eat you!"   DM rolls [[1d20]] = 6 The goblin takes several moments ticking off it's small fingers and repeatedly trying to lift its limp arm to help it count. Math clearly not one of its skills.   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Confused) "Murg take... almost 3 hands... 1 and a few come back... Noch... guards... cooking gobs... oh babies! My sister just had little gob! *it holds up five fingers again* a hand of hands!   SALEEK: Saleek stands up and sheaths his blades. "I don't think this one has anything else for us..."   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Relieved) "R- really not gonna kill me!? You much better than Noch! I hope you beat him up real good."   SALEEK: "***I*** won't kill you, not too sure about them though..." Saleek turns his back and heads towards the next area.   The goblin looks to Kenris with wide yellow eyes, somehow both pleading for mercy and expecting none. There are 3 doors in this large room, A in the north wall, B a few feet to the east of that, and C in the southwest corner of the room. Saleek you can passively tell that the air is fresher to the south, and get the feeling that C leads back the way you came (if anyone is looking at the map they're the tan spots)" [[MANDAR and TLC have left the game]]   KENRIS: "Goblin friend, you have my leave but I cannot heal you further
I only ask one thing
Change your ways and diety pray to selune and find me when you have changed your ways.
May she guide you in everything"   The small goblin looks up at the overly handsome human (as far as it can tell), with a look of gratefulness and reluctance as it begins to slink back from the party.   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (Curious) "\"P- pray to *her*? G- girls can be gods too? No one ever told me I could...\" The rest of the creature's mumblings are lost as it vanishes into the darkness of the mine.  

SALEEK: Saleek stands between the north and east doors with his eyes closed, focusing on where he should go next, after which he looks on the ground seeing where the majority of the goblins went off to. [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 9+4 = 13
Saleek stands between the north and east doors with his eyes closed, focusing on where he should go next, after which he looks on the ground seeing where the majority of the goblins went off to.
[[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 16+4 = 20 (advantage)


Looking closer at door A you can see numerous scratches around the handle, and several places where someone tried to attack the door with some sort of weapon. Listening to it, behind the door is total silence. Door B is unimpressive behind it you can hear a faint rhythmic banging sound; though it sounds quite far away. You get the feeling that this entire area is well traveled by goblins, but most of them would come in the door south of you and head through door B.

SALEEK: “my friends, i believe the goblins are through this door, to the east. before going in there, i would like to investigate this door to the north first. varian, would you mind making sure this door isnt trapped?"

  Just using his passive stats, I'll say that Varian can easily tell door A is locked behind a sturdy dwarven lock and does not appear to be trapped. Door B on the other hand appears that it once had a similar locking mechanism but has been broken long ago.   SALEEK: (Friendly) "Varian, Would you mind taking care of that pesky lock. "   Varian uses thieves' tools [[1d20+5]] = 7+5 = 12   Varian fiddles with the lock for a moment, the mechanism eluding him as it clearly eluded the goblins, until suddenly with a resounding click it opens then door swinging freely. Within a small storage closet with various tools on it's dark and dusty shelves. A quick search of it turns up: a hooded lantern, 3 flasks of oil, a scroll, and a small pouch containing 17 gold and 5 small gems. Also on the slain goblins you would find 3 light crossbows, 5 gold and 15 copper Door B opens easily on well used hinges. Before the party is a long corridor and unlike the previous set of tunnels, this one shows clear signs of gobbling occupation. Trash litters the floor and the walls are covered in crude and irregular goblin graffiti. There are two important things about this tunnel: one it is very dark (Saleek you will need some light source as you go deeper) and two ahead of you is strange echoing repeated sound: thump thump thump.   KENRIS: "It is realy dark in here do we want the darkness as our element of suprise. I can see in the dark but can we all?"   With darkvison, Kenris you can tell that this passage goes on for about another 30 feet before coming to a T type junction.   SALEEK: "I cannot see in darkness, although I have torches, I would much rather keep the element of surprise. Perhaps you go ahead and I'll keep my hand to your backside. "   KENRIS: (Affectionate) "I will guide us but I can only see about 30 feet in front of us it then splits 2 ways maybe at that point you can use your better ears to aid us"   You can make your way to the T junction, the tunnel branches out to the east and west. To the east the tunnel begins to slope down, and the air feels faintly humid. To the west the tunnel begins to curve at a level grade. The source of the irregular thumping seems to be coming from the the west.
[[RANDAL joins the game]]   SALEEK: "Kenris, I believe the goblins are to the west...although I would like 5o investigate the east first. What, do you say? "  

DM WHISPER TO RANDAL: So as for how to get you into the game, the goblins do have some hostages that the party hasn't actually figured out yet. We could say you or your ward is one of them, giving you a reason to be inside the goblin lair.
RANDAL WHISPER TO DM: That works. By the way, I didn’t make it explicit in the backstory but the ward is the son of the duke in the backstory, and Randal is protecting him until he can ascend to the position of power
DM WHISPER TO RANDAL: Sounds good, as soon as the party gets moving I can work your character in, perhaps coming in behind the party passing by a good number of dead goblins.


Investigating to the east is fairly trivial with Kenris or Varian aiding you with their dark vision. The passage slopes down and to the north quite steeply, the air growing more humid as you go, after about 20 feet you are stopped by a crude but solid seeming barricade where the goblins (judging by the construction quality) have secured any sort of scrap metal or wood they could find to the support beams of the tunnel.

Varian rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 19+5 = 24
Saleek rolls perception [[2d20kl1+Perception (Wis)]] = 10,13 + 4 = 14

Varian, you can tell looking through the goblin barricade that tunnel continues on downward. What at a quick glance might have been a smooth floor meeting the ceiling of the tunnel in another 15 feet is in fact a sheet of perfectly still glassy water that has flooded part of the cave system.

  KENRIS: "Im guessing we wont be going that way. So the west it is. If any of you need light let me know this is the least i can do.   VARIAN: "Yeah I don't feel like getting wet right now. Let's get moving west. God this place is a mess. And what is that thumping? Can't be someone smithing... Strange."   SALEEK: "I agree, although I would like to investigate these depths further in the future. "   VARIAN: “*Varian nods* Agreed."   SALEEK: "Well, please. Lead on. I am blind under these circumstances. "   KENRIS: "You know what they say about still water right? but agree "   SALEEK: "I don't believe I've ever heard of such a saying. "   KENRIS: "Still water have deep bottoms"   VARIAN: "That may well be true... Nonetheless, I'll take the lead for now. *Varian starts walking westward quietly*" Varian rolls [[1d20+Investigation (Int)]] = 4+6 = 10 to look out for traps as he sneaks onward with [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 17+5 = 22 for being quiet"   Varian makes his way stealthily down the western tunnel, aided by the darkness and the steadily growing noise. Thump. Thump. This tunnel seems more natural than the others as it winds back and forth, finally when it opens out into a larger cavern roughly 15 feet across. In the center are a group of 3 goblins, all of which are small, scrawny, and barely clothed, even by goblin standards. The largest of them, perhaps 2 feet tall, has a crude club, perhaps made of an old chair leg, and is repeatedly banging it against the boulder in the middle of the area.  

DM WHISPER TO RANDAL: In the interest of not waiting too long, I think I'm just going to say you've come up to the entrance of the mine and are following in the parties' footsteps.
It's a little hand waving, but unless you want to make a particular entrance it will get you in fast.
I’m fine being introduced now. I’ll improve
It is dim in the room because there is a door in the north wall and light streams through the cracks in the wood; without darkvision you can only see that there are small moving shapes, you can't make out much detail.
Okay I'm trying to work in one character introduction now, then I'll introduce you as a light coming down the tunnel or something and you can make your reply at your convenience.
Sounds good :)

  Saleek rolls for stealth [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 5+6 = 11 Kenris rolls for stealth [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 13+0 = 13 DM rolls [[1d20]] = 19  

As you approach, the smallest of the goblins, a wretched creature a foot and a half tall, naked with greasy matted hair, looks down the corridor perhaps hearing something faint or seeing a soft light. It chirps something high pitched in its goblin language. The other two goblins throw their hands into the air and bolt for the walls, disappearing into crevices in the stone far too small for anyone normal sized to follow. What the party does notice, is that without that irregular banging of the goblin on the rock, the cavern is filled with the sound of a low groaning as the bolder begins to oh so slowly move in the dim light.

DM WHISPER TO DONNY: Go ahead and make your introduction. And sorry again for the delay! (Your shell is the rock)
Also, would randal be stealthy when moving through tunnels? I assume he would need light at least?

  SALEEK: (Annoyed) "Well, there goes the element of surprise..." Saleek lights two torches and throws them on opposite sides of the room.   With the aid of the light you can see the rock is green, mottled and almost organic in appearance. The trio of goblins are nowhere to be seen.   KENRIS: Kenris uses the Light spell on his shield And readies an attack if one comes close   SALEEK: Saleek, bow drawn strafes around the rock to get a better view. "Cover me!"  

RANDAL WHISPER TO DM: His stealth is pretty good but he needs light to see. He has torches so he'll probably be using those
I'm going to set up an opening for you. As you would have cone to the mine you could either have run into the former pcs (elf cleric and dwarf monk) or not, I can go either way based on how you want to play it.
Since I haven't seen the previous PCs irl, it would probably be easier if my character hadn't either
Saleek as you circle the strange, seemingly groaning boulder, you notice something odd just beyond the light of your torches. There is another light source back down the table you entered form, and it is growing closer around the very last bend of the tunnel before your current room.
Is that my cue?
Go for it :)

  RANDAL: As the light begins to draw nearer, a torch peeks around the corner of the tunnel. Striding in briskly is a short human with an irritated expression on his face and his sword drawn. Upon making eye contact, his irritation clears, and his face displays relief when he realizes that you aren't goblins. He sheaths his sword and waves in good will from across the room (Relieved) "\"Nice t' see a friendly face fer once. Ye chasing goblins?\""   DONNY GREYSHELL, TORTLE GRAVE CLERIC: (Annoyed) "As you can see, I was being chased. "   RANDAL: (Cheerful) "\"Suppose that'll do as well, so long as I get te run 'em through sometime soon\""   SALEEK: Saleek stares at the two. "More goblin hunters eh..."   RANDAL: “Wouldn’t exactly call it me profession, so to speak. Got a vendetta ‘gainst these ones, though.” *he points at the crevices in the walls* “They scarper into there?”"   SALEEK: "I won't argue, we could certainly use all the help we could get. " "They sure did..."   RANDAL: (Annoyed) "*He frowns uncertainly at the wall* “Think they so clever, don’t they? Make all the big’uns take the long way.”" (Disapointed) "“Looks like vengeance’ll be overdue today”"   SALEEK: Saleek turns his attention back to the boulder.   VARIAN: "Yeah, you're welcome to join us. What's your name?" Varian leans in towards Saleek and whispers: \"That rock moved on its own. Did you see that?\"   RANDAL: (Friendly) "\"Randal's what they call me. I'm pretty new around 'ere, and I'm not talkin' 'bout the goblin caves.\" *He extends a hand towards Varian in greeting*"   SALEEK: (Worried) "Yeah, it definitely moved..." Saleek unsheaths his shortsword and and pokes the boulder.  

More than moved, Varian you are relatively certain you heard the rock talk just a moment ago. Upon closer inspection you would notice the rock more closely resembles a large shell, around the base of which are several openings. One of them extending a leathery turtle like head.

DM WHISPER TO DONNY: You can formally introduce yourself if you like

  DONNY: (Annoyed) "Hey! Stop it!" The green boulder says as the giant tortle inside emerges from it. (Relieved) "Ah! That feels much better!" (Friendly) "Greetings everyone, my name is Donny Greyshell, cleric by choice."     SALEEK: (alarmed) "Today's been all sorts of interesting.. "   The party, now reinforced by two more, is in a roughly circular cave about 15 feet across. There is a door in the north wall, through which a dim light can been seen. Also to the west is a smaller passage that is just large enough to fit into one at a time. You entered from a passage to the east. Wherever the small goblins crawled away to, you do not see a way to follow.   SALEEK: (embarrassed) "I...don't feel comfortable in confined apologies. My vote is for the northern door. "  

DM WHISPER TO RANDAL: "Also you should get a language from being human am I not seeing it on your sheet?"
"Yes, it seems that I misunderstood that’s part as well. I thought that the variant human’s traits replaced the language, but upon rereading it appears that they only replace the ability scores. I think I’ll choose elvish for the language, since it’s basically the language of poetry in d&d
Edit: and my character’s a bard"

  RANDAL: (confident) "“And now we’s five. Assumin’ ye lot t’ be likewise adventurers, these goblins are in for a rough one”" (pensive) "“Ye tend t’ find life where there’s light, so I’ll give me blessin for the northern door”"   KENRIS: "A vote has been cast north it is.
And fine to meet you all Randal And Donny these goblins dont stand a chance "   The door swings easily on iron hinges set into the wall. The cave quickly opens out to the largest natural cavern you have seen yet in this mine. There is a stone ledge in front of you, perhaps 30 wide and 10 long. Beyond that the ground drops off suddenly into a small chasm, spanned by a single rope bridge heading north and up about 10 feet to another ledge that opens up to a wider platform to your west. The ceiling right now is perhaps 30 feet above you and from somewhere to the west a large fire casts odd shadows between the stalactites that hang down. The air in this large cavern is heavy with the smells of unwashed bodies and cooking fire. From the higher ledge to your north you can see in the flickering light a single goblin. It points across the rope bridge at the party and barks something high pitched and guttural. It is echoed by the sound of scrabbling to the west and a deep low howl of a canine. I'm going to need you all to roll initiative.  

Kenris rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 13
"Dear GM i think my AC is still not correct. just a heads up"
"I have you in chainmail (base 16) with shield (+2) did you take the defensive fighting style? that would get you to 19."
"That is correct. i took Defensive "


Saleek rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 8+4 = 12
Saleek Advantage on initiative [[1d20+4]] = 9+4 = 13
Randal rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 6+2 = 8
Varian rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 19+1 = 20
Donny rolls [[1d20+Initiative]] = 5+1 = 6

  From your position you can see a single goblin on the ledge above you, there is a narrow rope bridge leading across the gap. There is the sound of movement to the west. With your dark vision you can see that while the chasm in front of the ledge you are on has steep sides, it probably only represents a 20 foot drop from your current position.   VARIAN: Varian draws his shortbow without hesitation and releases an arrow towards the goblin on the ledge.
Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 8+5 = 13 to attack with his shortbow for [[1d6+1]] = 1+1 = 2 damage on hit   Varian's arrow flies up to the goblin, but glances off the stone of the ledge on it's way and impacts into the wall behind. There is a howl from the ledge above as two wolves bound into view, the larger of the two making it part way across the bridge as another smaller one bounds after it. There is shouting from above and to the west as more goblin heads peer out over the ledge. A pair of arrows fly out over the ledge, clattering harmlessly into the ground near Saleek and Kenris, before the goblins quickly duck their heads back below the ledge. Conveniently Kenris and Saleek are up next. You can see the two wolves on the bridge ahead of you, one goblin behind them and you know there are two more goblins somewhere on the above ledge. Randal and Donny will follow after that. The goblins have some due to their elevation, there are enough stalagmites around that you could duck behind one.   SALEEK: Saleek seems one of the wolves around and hunters marks it. He draws his bow and let's loose an arrow.
Saleek Let's an arrow loose [[1d20+8]] = 7+8 = 15 dealing [[1d8+4]] = 6+4 = 10 damage, and [[1d6]] = 4 hunters Mark damage
After which he ducks down behind a stalagmite.   Your arrow catches the larger of the two wolves in its shoulder. It howls out in pain, skidding to a halt on the bridge, the beast looking badly hurt. Kenris is next, you can see the two wolves blocking your way across the bridge in front of you and a goblin behind them brandishing a crude cleaver and shield. There is movement on the ledge above you to the west, but you cannot make out and figures. Randal will go after him followed by Donny.   SALEEK: Saleek focuses, moving his hunters Mark to his next target.   RANDAL: Randal is slow to react. He blinks, seeing Saleek’s arrow hit its mark. He shouts to Saleek. (IMPRESSED) "“Nice shot!”, encouraging him with a bardic inspiration die   SALEEK: Saleek Let's an arrow loose at one if the goblins [[1d20+8]] = 16+8 = 24 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]]= 1+3+6 = 10 damage on a hit" After which he ducks back to his hiding place. Saleek nods at his new ally.   RANDAL: Randal turns to the nearest wolf, casting vicious mockery as he throws insults at it "“Hey, ye mangy mutt! Run back to ye master or die like a dog!”"   DM rolls [[1d20+1]] = 12+1 = 13   The closer, larger, and more injured of the wolves looks towards Randal with a look somehow communicating that it would not know how to die as anything else but a dog. It shrugs off any obvious effects. The largest wolf, wounded as it is by Saleek's first arrow, looks back behind it with a whimper then charges directly at Randal ducking out of the way of everyone it passes. It attempts to leap over him and continue down the passage you all entered from.   DM WHISPER TO SALEEK: Thanks for the coin. I really do appreciate the support.
I like to support good games dude.  

DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 1+4 = 5
DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 13+4 = 17
DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 5+4 = 9
DM rolls [[1d20+4]] = 18+4 = 22
DM rolls [[1d4+4]] = 3+4 = 7

  Kenris has moved up to the base of the bridge, the smaller of the wolves is there, snapping at him but unable to get past his shield. Several more goblin arrows clatter harmlessly off the rocks around the party. From your left a goblin in a strange conical hat peeks over the ledge hurling an old wine bottle at you. The bottle shatters on your armor, coating you in a thick smoldering tar. That's 3 fire damage and make a dexterity check.   DM rolls [[3d6+4]] = 4+4+6+4 = 18   Saleek's arrow flies true, catching the goblin on the bridge in its gut, just below its crude shield. It looks badly hurt.
Randal you still have an actor this turn, the wolf that ran past you is heading out through the cavern you met the party in, the remaining wolf and 4 goblins are visible to your north.   Roll to extinguish the flames
Saleek Dex check [[1d20+Dexterity]] = 10+4 = 14   Okay so took was off, but the roll was enough anyway. Saleek you manage to smother the flames after loosing your arrow.
So what is varian going to do?
The goblins are fairly spread out along the ledge to north and west of you. There is a wolf directly ahead of you, Kenris, and a goblin behind it.
They are about 25 feet from you Randal and 10 to 15 feet from each other.   RANDAL: Randal produces three small sticks from his sleeves and sequentially tosses each one into the air, catching each with his other hand before throwing it back into the air again. As he proceeds in this juggling act, each stick begins sparking with light until they form a ring of fire. Randal throws each sparking stick towards the goblins, where they explode into an intense light that envelopes the area.  

Wolf rolls [[1d20+2]] = 18+2 = 20
Wolf rolls [[1d20+2]] = 3+2 = 5
Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 7+2 = 9

The smaller of the two wovles seems uneffected by the magic, but the two goblins are now glow with their own supernatural light.


VARIAN: Well done Randal, these two look like easy targets!
Varian drops to one knee, steadies his aim and releases an arrow at one of the goblins.
Varian rolls [[2d20k1+5]]= 2,15+5 = 20 to attack for [[2d6+1]] = 3+5+1 = 9 damage on hit with his shortbow


Varian's arrow flies out striking the goblin already reeling from Saleek's attack. The goblin stumbles, looses it footing and tumbles off the bridge into the darkness below. Kenris and Donny will attempt to attack the remaining wolf.


Kenris rolls [[1d20]] = 17
Donny rolls [[1d20]] = 5
Kenris rolls [[1d8+3]] = 7+3 = 10


The wolf howls out in obvious pain as Kenris's warhammer connects with its skull with a resounding thud. It staggers but manages to keep its footing just barely. Donny attempts to attack it as well but his swing goes wide.
That's the end of round 2. Round 3 will start with Varian. There is a faery fired goblin, a normal goblin, and the goblin alchemist on the ledge above. A badly wounded wolf is still alive on the bridge and one is far to the south of you and moving away.
Varian doesn't change his stance, just draws his bow again and aims at the second goblin... waits a second... and releases the arrow.
Varian rolls [[2d20k1+5]] = 3,16 = 21 for [[2d6+1]] = 4+4+1 = 9 damage on hit
Varian's arrow flies out, striking the glowing goblin in the chest. It slumps back into the wall, motionless, its glow fading to match the surrounding stone.


Wolf rolls [[1d20+4]] = 14+4 = 18
Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 11+4 = 15
Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 12+4 = 16
Goblin rolls [[1d6+2]] = 1+2 = 3


The wolf attacks in a mad frenzy, but cannot seem to pierce Kenris's thick armor. Another vial of something foul smashes into the stalagmites by Saleek's head, the chemical hissing angrily against the stone. While a crude goblin arrow sails out and just barely grazes Randal's shoulder for 3 points of damage.
Next up in the order will be Saleek and Kenris.


SALEEK: Saleek quickly notches an arrow and moves his hunters Mark towards the alchemist goblin…
Saleek Shoots the goblin alchemist [[1d20+8]] = 2+8 = 10 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 5+3+6 = 14 damage on a hit.
Saleek shoots, and his arrow goes a little wide. He crouches down and repositions himself.

Yes, the arrow goes wide. You believe the goblin's vial was full of a weak acid. Kenris is up next. The wolf still ahead of you.

KENRIS: Slams his warhammer once more into the wolf [[1d20 +5]] = 15+5 = 20 for [[1d8+3]] = 1+3 = 4 damage

  Randal rolls [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 4+2 = 6   That is more then enough to finish off the wolf as it collapses to the floor of the bridge. Randal you hear the wolf behind you running but cannot tell where it went. It is Randal's turn followed by Donny's. There are 2 goblins visible on the ledge to the northwest, and the bridge is clear.   RANDAL: Randal glares at the potion-throwing goblin which has eluded him so far. He quickly comes up with a few choice words before slandering both the goblin's skill as a brewer, and his dental hygiene. (mocking) "\"Yer potions are feeble, but they're clearly not as flimsy as whatever yer using to clean yer teeth!\"",  

Goblin rolls [[1d20]] = 16
The alchemical goblin shouts something back at you Randal, and although it is in goblin, you doubt it was complementary.
Donny it is your turn. On the ledge above you are 2 goblins, a weak looking normal goblin and one that has been throwing chemical vials at the party. The bridge leading up to that ledge is clear, though the goblins are too far away for you to reach without dashing.

  DONNY: Donny half-sinks his shovel in the ground, a yellow-green energy slowly surges from it and coalesces into a fiery gout of arcane energy. DC14 DEX Save or take 1d8 radiant damage.   Goblin rolls [[1d20+2]] = 13+2 = 15   The closest goblin sees the holy light forming around d its head and just manages to throw itself out of the way before it is burned. (FYI if you want to roll the damage as you cast the spell in the future that's fine.) That will be the end of round 3. Round 4 will start with Varian, you see a regular goblin and the alechmist on the ledge to the west.  

VARIAN: "Ahhh, how many of these little buggers are there?\", Varian exclaims as he prepares for his next shot
Varian gets up and turns his aim toward the alchemist.
Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 19+5 = 24 against the alchemist with his shortbow for [[1d6+1]] = 1+1 = 2 of damage on hit

  Varian's arrow causes the alchemist to fling itself into a nearby stalagmites, taking some of the wind at it as it glares back at him angrily. It will move closer to the ledge and hurl a vial a Randal.  

Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 17+4 = 21
Goblin rolls [[1d4]] = 3
Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 1+4 = 5


The vial arcs overhead and shatters against Randal's chest, exploding in a thick tar that begins to burn as the air touches it. Randal you take 3 points of fire damage and I will need a dexterity check on your turn to put out the flames.
The other goblin's arrow clatters uselessly off Kenris's shield
The rest of the round will be all party actions. Kenris you're close enough to make it across the bridge and into melee with the weaker goblin, but anyone else would have to dash to make it to melee. The order would be Kenris and Saleek, Randal, than Donny. I'll probably be in work for a while, so if you all want to post I'll resolve the actions when I get back.

  KENRIS: walks towards the now weakend goblin, I say i will say a prayer for your soul. And hits him with his warhammer [[1d20+5]] = 4+5 = 9 for [[1d8=3]] = 3+3 = 6 damage   SALEEK: Saleek sees the goblin duck out of the way of kenris Warhammer and notches an arrow. Shoots the arrow at the goblin [[1d20+8]] = 19+8 = 27 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 6+2+6 = 14 damage on a hit.   RANDAL: attempts to put out the fire [[1d20+2]] = 14+2 = 16   Kenris your swing goes wide on the small goblin, but as you recover from your swing the creature's head just explodes from the force of Saleek's arrow. (If I recall correctly Saleek your mark was on the alchemist not the goblin Kenris is fighting, right? Either way the damage is still enough to kill the goblin without it.) Randal you easily pay down your armor and manage to stop the burning. It's your turn (followed by Donny) and the alchemist on the ledge is the only goblin you see.   RANDAL: (mocking) “I suppose ye calls that fire, does ye? I must say, it doesn’t half compare to the burn of shame ye must feel when ye look in the mirror” deals [[1d4]] = 1 psychic damage if the goblin fails it’s wisdom save   Goblin rolls [[1d20]] = 11   We'll say putting out the fire can be done as a reaction. Randal's words this time seem to effect the goblin on some deeper level and it angrily howls something back in the goblin language. That brings Donny up, the alchemist is still out of your movement range on the ledge above; it is the only visible enemy. No one other than Kenris mentioned it, but was anyone going to move this turn or just do a ranged battle? We'll say that will end the 4th round. Donny will have used his turn to move closer so he has the option of melee next round. We'll start round 5. The order will be Varian, the goblin alchemist, Saleek and Kenris, Randal, and then Donny.   VARIAN: "Time for you to go!" draws his shortbow and releases, rolling [[1d20+5]] = 7+5 = 12 for [[1d6+1]] = 1+2 = 3 damage on hit, against the last remaining goblin   KENRIS: raises his hammer once more letting out a sigh towards the goblin [[1d20+5]] = 10+5 = 15 om hit deals [[1d8+3]] = 2+3 = 5 damage   Goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 13+4 = 17   Varian's arrow goes wide, striking a boulder next to the goblin. The goblin sees Kenris barreling down on it and attempts to throw another vial at the paladin, but he is able to brush it aside with his shield as his warhammer connects solidly with the goblin's shoulder. Next up will be Saleek, followed by Randal and then Donny.   SALEEK: moves his hunters mark and notches an arrow, [[1d20+8]] = 6+8 = 14 letting loose and dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 7+2+6 = 15   as the arrow leaves saleeks bow, time seems to slow down, the alchemist goblin barely has time to look up, before the arrow makes a clean hole through the front of its head. as the arrow exits, though, it takes the entirety of the back of its head with it.   SALEEK: seeing all of the enemies having fallen saleek flies up and replenishes his quiver from his enemies arrows

*they wont need them anymore...*

he also investigates the alchemist goblin, seeing if he would have anything they might be able to use.   RANDAL: (impressed)"Must say, they took quite the beating. Ye lot're pretty handy t' be fighting alongside\" *Randal raises his torch to better light his face and looks at the rest of the party* (curious) "So, what're ye lot doin' down in the goblin caves? Ye on some sorta quest or somethin'?\"     The alchemist's body falls with a wet thump. Searching the goblins you can easily find about two dozen goblin arrows. Searching the bodies you find the equivalent of 19gp. The alchemist had a pouch containing 8 platinum, 2 vials of a dark liquid, and one of a pale yellow.   SALEEK: "These goblins attacked a nearby town. We figured we better stop them before they do it again."   RANDAL: (serious) "Ah, yes. Goblins've made 'emselves quite notorious fer their raids. 'ardly pass a town nowadays that isn't vexed by their presence. I meself was ambushed on the road some ways back."   SALEEK: "I theorize that if we take out their leader, it might buy the surrounding area some reprieve. "   With the goblin defenders dead you are free to explore the room. The upper ledge is a large semicircle running starting to the north of the ledge you entered from and running west and then finally south into another smaller cave. There is a large fire in the center of the ledge, shedding bright light throughout the main cave. The walls are covered in goblin graffiti and most of the ground space is covered by piles of straw, crude furs, and garbage. You gather this was the main sleeping area for most of the tribe. Some kind of creature, perhaps a giant rat or medium dog, is roasting over a cooking fire. Looking around the walls, you can see the two doors set into the stone north wall of the cavern. The more easterly one has a heavy beam of wood placed across it, most likely to make it impossible to open from the opposite side. The more westerly one appears unlocked and hangs slightly ajar.   RANDAL: Randal approaches the edge of the cave and squints at the goblin grafitti on the wall - observing the imagery more than trying to decipher any actual message. He shakes his head disapprovingly (detached) "“Pretty primitive, actually. I’m ready to move whenever the rest of ye are”"   There is not so much dirt here as loose dust and gravel. The goblins have piled their trash in the corners. The floor of the small chasm could have possible dirt at the bottom. As far the the graffiti goes it is mostly childish in design, but adult in content. On the walls by the barred eastern door, there are more pictures then elsewhere of what would basically look like a child's nightmare creatures.  

DM WHISPER TO RINI: Good to see your character. It looks good. If you could just add at least the names of your spells that would be great. Any particular idea of how you want your character introduced?
I'll think I'll have to make it rather handwaving just to get you in soon. Can even be you fall through a portal if nothing else.
It could be that I heard about a goblin infestation and went to investigate to add to my research about goblins...or perhaps a colleague was messing around with a teleportation scroll and accidentally sent me into the goblin cave.
Up to you, you would be the third to wander in if you did... perhaps if you were studying them you had some sort of concealment spell.
That works for me. Like a potion of invisibility that I ran out of time with
So if we're saying you were observing the goblins, about how long would you say you've been there? We can have you make an appearance anytime you feel up to it.
I would imagine not much longer than an hour or so? Whatever makes the most sense to you. And you can throw me in whenever you're ready
Okay let me write you an intro and we can get you in.

  As you all are looking around the room, you notice a faint shimmering in the corner of the main cave. Then as you all watch, the transparent blur fades into being in the shape of a rather surprised looking human man. Rini why don't you describe and introduce your character?  

VARIAN: Hey wh.. what is that!? *Varian takes a defensive position*


RINI: Rini is in his early 30's but looks much younger. His baby face is less than average and he looks like he generally doesn't take care of himself as much as he should. He wears a bright blue cloak with red trim over a blue shirt with gold trim. His belt buckle features a circle of seven stars encircling a flowing red mist. A leather glove covers his left hand and on his right hand is a slender wooden staff, with a small light blue crystal a fixed to the top. His spellbook hangs off a shoulder by strap and his components pouch is tied to his waist.
(alarmed) "Oh...uh...please. Do not be alarmed... I..uh... mean you no harm."


RANDAL: “What’s what?” *Randal turns around and notices Rini with a startled jump*
(alarmed) "“Beshaba!” *He curses in shock* “Tis commonplace considered polite t' knock before ye enter”"

  RINI: "Well. To be truthful. You are the ones who entered. I was always here."   RANDAL: (scarcastic) "Well, that's all right then\" (curious) "I don't suppose yer 'ere fer the goblins too?\"   RINI: "Yes. Well I was tasked to study them. Then you killed them. Why are you here?" Rini speaks in an abrupt and short manner. Almost searching for words as he speaks. You probably get the sense he's not used to interacting with others.   RANDAL: (worried) "Me, er...\" *Randal looks around nervously, his eyes suddenly glimmering with suppressed tears* \"Me nephew and I was out lookin' fer firewood. Th' goblins came at us and...\" *he takes a sharp breath* \"They took 'im. I doesn't know where they took 'im but they did take 'im.\" *He kicks a goblin corpse* \"And I don't know what they's done to 'im"   DM WHISPER TO RINI: Having only been there a few hours, you might have heard goblins talking about looting or prisoners, but you wouldn't have seen them being any in.  

SALEEK: (annoyed) "Everyone, calm down!"
(annoyed) "There's more than enough goblins to go around. I'm not here to kill them all, I just want their leader. "
(annoyed) "I'm sure we can all help each other out. "


RANDAL: Randal looks up sharply and quickly regains his composure
(cheerful) "Right ye are, master ranger! We'll have these goblins' heads on pikes before the day is up"
"Which way are we headed?"

  It is a large mostly natural cave, you entered from a door to the south which was on a ledge 10 feet below the one you are all currently standing on. There was a rope bridge between the two ledges. On the upper ledge there are two doors. The one to the east is barred on your side. The one to the west is partial ajar. The ledge also curves around to the south.     SALEEK: "Let's check out that open door...Varian, I'll cover you. "  

VARIAN: Varian mutters to himself \"Colourful\" as his eyes travel up Rini's attire and form. "*looking at Rini* I'm curious to hear more about who assigned you this task. Also, I don't think we caught your name? Mine is Varian. You're welcome to join us, as Saleek says I'm sure we can intertwine our goals."
"*to Saleek* Alright, sounds good."
Varian sneaks towards the door that's ajar.
Varian rolls [[1d20+Stealth (Dex)]] = 1+5 = 6 for sneaking to the door and [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]] = 5+5 = 10 for peeking in through it

  RINI: "Oh. yes. My name.... Rini Daargen. I'd be glad to help. "   The door swings slowly on partially rusted hinges, sending a squeak down a rough stone corridor about ten to fifteen feet long. Varian you can see at the end of the hall is a T intersection lit with a softly glowing mining lamp and covered in random bits of goblin graffiti.  

KENRIS: "Greetings dear Rini, so studying the goblins how does that work??"
"Can you hear what they are saying?"

  DONNY: Donny moves forward to see down the doorway better.   Moving forward to the intersection, you can see that the east leg of of tunnel run for about 10 feet and into another door. To the other side it runs straight west until it vanishes into the darkness.  

RINI: *to Kenris* “...of course. I speak many languages including goblin. You do not?"
Rini will have a closer look at the graffiti, making notes and copying some of the marks. Then, remembering he is no longer invisible, pills out a strap of cured leather from his components pouch, traces some arcane sigils in the air while muttering some words to cast mage Armor on himself.


Rini you would know goblins are well knowing for drawing their graffiti all over the living areas of their caves. The pictures aren't really like road signs, but you do detect a motif of warriors and victory down the eastern side of the passage.
As far as what you might have heard: it would be fairly standard chatter for goblins. Mostly complaining about what the leader makes them do, and how he takes all the best loot. The name \"Noch\" did come up often enough that you're pretty sure that it belongs to the head goblin

  RINI: "If I may...I do not want to over step my place...but the drawings here...they...they show warriors and victory. If you are in search for Noch, he could be past that entryway.   RANDAL: (Curious) "I can't say I've 'eard of this Noch fellow. Is 'e a friend of one of ye?\"   RINI: "No. Of course not. He is the leader of this goblin tribe. Others have complained about him."   RANDAL: (Passionate) "*Randal's eyes harden instantly*
\"Then what are we waitin' fer? Let's go in and give 'im a piece of our minds!\"  

SALEEK: (Alarmed) "Noch!"
(Confident) "Good...were going the right way. Lead on. "

  Okay so the party is heading through the door to the east then? Are you moving in any particular way?   RINI: Rini will stay at the back, pretending to take notes as he lets the rest of the party lead the way.   DONNY: Donny will raise his shovel defensively and take the second to first spot on the line.   RANDAL: Having taken a fair amount of damage, Randal takes the spot just in front of Rini while he quietly nurses his wounds   KENRIS: "Randal, you look a bit beaten would you allow me to mend some of these aches?"   RANDAL: "“If yer some sorta physician, I suppose it couldn’t hurt. Varian ‘ere may need it more than I, though”"  

KENRIS: "ill split it between the two of you then."
A light touch is given to Varian and Randal and a divine energy fills them a few wounds seem to heal

  RANDAL: (Impressed) "Thanks for that, Kenris; the burn of goblin fire isn't me personal favorite, but yer skill worked wonders\"  

The door at the end of the eastern hall swings easily on it, leading to a small, narrow tunnel that winds a short distance to the north and west. It opens out to a larger cavern (though still smaller than the one you left) that is decorated by what you guess to be the finer items of the goblin's thievery.
You have entered the room by the southeast corner. The cave itself is lit by several torches, and is roughly square 25 feet to a side. Across the way in the southwest corner is another door. Along the south wall are 4 goblins, that have all be tied to hooks or cages set into the wall, and they appear to have been beaten badly. They barely stir as you enter.
Along the north edge of the room the goblins have piled up rocks and crates and covered them in stolen fabrics making a throne like couch. Several small malnourished and obviously female goblins are bound by chains to the base of the dias. Around the room are 4 of the largest goblins you've seen in the cave yet. On the dais reclines a goblin even larger still, a heavy hammer across his lap.

  NOCH RATSMASHER: (Confident) "Oh, so you came at last. The stupid big ones that like killing my guards so much. I guess they really were too weak. Why you come here?"   DONNY WHISPERS TO THE PARTY: (Confused) "Why are we here? "   SALEEK: "*in a whispered tone*

were here to take out the goblin leadership..."  

RANDAL: Randal steps out from behind the others, his anger showing plainly on his face. Any ideas of subtlety clearly haven’t occurred to him as he storms into the throne room.
(Angry) "“And this is Noch, the fat, child-stealin’ goblin hedonist! Ye and yer kind‘ve been harassin’ the roads fer too long. We’re ‘ere to reclaim that which ye took, and end the one who took it. Yer reign of terror ends ‘ere!”"

  DONNY: "*In a whispered tone*

Oh ok. "   NOCH: (Confident) "*The goblin sits up a little straighter* Ah, yous want the stuff back and beat up thieves? We already beat them up real good, *he indicates the chained goblins on the back wall.* I tell Murg not to go, he goes and not come back. That your fault too?"   RINI: "*whispers to Saleek*... You have more fight in this than I do...what I mean to say is...less bloodshed — ours and theirs — the better."   SALEEK: (Threatening) "Yes, we were the ones who took out murg, tell noch we want to speak to him." (Threatening) "As my new friend here just said, we want to do this with the least amount of bloodshed..."   The large goblin looks slowly back and forth between every member of the party, showing a wicked smile of crooked teeth.   NOCH: (Confident) "Sure. Sure. You want Noch? You got him. All these gobos listen to me - well, not Murg and he dead now. Yea, we can work something out. We gots lots of good stuff. I gots all the best loot in these woods. What sort you lookin' for?"  

RINI: (Curious) "Mr. Noch... If I may... Do you consider your leadership style as A. Open and trustworthy, B. Ruthless and fearsome, or C. Laissez-Faire?"
Rini opens his notebook and prepares to write his answer.


SALEEK: "varian, kenris. ready the rest of our friends. i apologize, these two know me well by now, im not much for talking..."
quickly, saleek notches an arrow, transfers his hunters mark onto noch, and lets loose.
Saleek lets loose an arrow [[1d20+8]] = 2+8 = 10 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 4+3+6 = 13 damage on a hit


Randal rolls initiative [[1d20+2]] = 5+2 = 7 in case the gem asks for it I’m a minute
Kenris [[1d20+Initiative]] = 19+0 = 19
Saleek Readies himself [[1d20+4]] = 5+4 = 9
Rini [[1d20+Initiative]] = 2+1 = 3
DM rolls [[1d20+2]] = 14+2 = 16
DM rolls [[1d20+2]] = 3+2 = 5
Donny rolls for initiative [[1d20+Initiative]] = 14+1 = 15

  Saleek's arrow embeds itself into the wooden \"throne\" by Noch's head. The goblin rises, hefting a heavy warhammer with bright copper inlay.   NOCH: (Angry) "Oh, you gonna play like that!? Get 'em, boys! We'll sell 'em back like the rest!" Noch is surrounded by his 4 goblin guards, which look to be the best fed goblins of the cave, each brandishing swords, crude shields, and crossbows. We'll start the combat when I get all the initiative rolls.   Varian Iliris rolls for initiative [[1d20+Initiative]] = 6+1 = 7  

Kenris will be up first, there are 4 goblins and Noch in the room.
We'll say Kenris moves into the thickest part of the group of goblins. And he can make his rolls when he returns.


Noch Ratsmasher rolls [[1d20+4]] = 16+4 = 20
Noch Ratsmasher rolls [[1d10+2]] = 2+2 = 4


Seeing Kenris barreling down on him, Noch swings his warhammer with both hands, smashing it into the shield of the charging aasimar, the solid blow leaving his shield arm stinging (4 points of damage).
Next up will be Donny. Followed by Saleek. Then Varian and Randal. The rest of the goblins and then Rini to finish it up.


KENRIS WHISPERS TO DM: "Dear GM is the enemy im fighting undead or a fiend? i need to know for the damage roll, Or you can role a 1d8 for you self if those terms apply"
Kenris raises his warhammer but this time it glows with divine light and hits the goblin Noch [[1d20+5]] = 10+5 = 15 for [[1d8+3]] = 8+3 = 11 bludgeoning damage and [[2d8]] = 5+1 = 6 radiant damage

    Noch manages to place his warhammer between yours at the last second just barely deflecting the blow. It doesn't hit, so you dont use the spell slot for smite.   GM WHISPERS TO KENRIS: Also Noch it a normal living goblin, just a strong one.  

The order is Donny, Saleek, Varian then Randal. I'll get you guys post your turns in any order in that block. Rini will go after the rest of the goblins.
Noch is fighting with Kenris, and there are four strong looking goblins around the room.


DONNY: Donny raises his shovel and points it to the Ratmaster, then, a bolt of blue energy shoots from it.

On impact small.,residual.magic is left over its body giving insight when someone next attacks.
Donny casts guiding bolt! [[1d20+3+Proficiency Bonus]] = 13+3+2 = 18
Donny rolls [[4d6]] = 1+3+1+6 = 11


RANDAL: Seeing Kenris charge into the fray, Randal yells after him encouragingly
(Excited) "“Get ‘im, Kenris!” Expending his second bardic inspiration die to help him hit any further attacks"
Then, seeing that the goblins are clustered together, he produces another small flaming rod, and tosses it towards the goblins, where it explodes on impact into shimmering flames


The bolt from Donny's shovel strikes Noch square in his dented breastplate, the glow spreading out to cover the goblin's entire body. The next attack on him has advantage.
The pair of goblins to the left of Noch begin to glow. In fact Randal give me a perception check.

  Randal attempts to see [[1d20 + Perception (Wis)]] = 12+2 =14  

SALEEK: Saleek notches an arrow and continues his assault on noch.
Saleek Let's loose [[2d20D1+8]] = 13,8+8 = 21 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 5+6+6 = 17

  Seeing Saleek take aim qnd loose his arrow, Noch grabs a nearby goblin and pulls it in front of him. The arrow piercing solidly through the goblins body, which Noch lets slump limply to the floor.   NOCH: (Angry) "Useless gobos! Kill them!"  

Varian is up, Noch and 3 goblins are remaining (2 of the 3 goblins are advantage due to fairy fire). The only target that you wouldn't get sneak attack is the goblin in the corner.
With a 14 Randal, you notice that your faery fire has illuminated a faint outline in the wall of roughly paneled wood behind Noch's \"throne.\"
Rini you can post your turn if you like I'll resolve the order on my part if needed.

A goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 15+4 = 19
A goblin rolls [[1d6+2]] = 4+2 = 6
A goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 17+4 = 21
A goblin rolls [[1d6+2]] = 4+2 = 6
A goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 13+4 = 17
A goblin rolls [[1d6+2]] = 5+2 = 7


The three goblins charge at the party the first circling Kenris and managing to get its scimitar just below the Paladino's shield for 6 slashing damage. The next presses himself to the back wall of the room and fires an arrow at Donny, the point just managing to find a fleshy gap in the tortle's shell (also 6 damage). The last goblin runs to Saleek. His blade catches the birdman crossing the chest for 7 points of damage.
Rini go ahead and take your turn. As far as burning hands, you could hit 3 goblins but only by being in melee with Noch or risking hitting Kenris.

  RINI: Rini runs up about 15 feet away from Noch, holds out his hands with his thumbs touching and a cone of flame shoots forwards, bending around Kenris and blasting the goblins DC 14 Dex save. [[3d6]] = 5+2+5 = 12 fire damage or half on a save  

A goblin rolls [[1d20+2]] = 16+2 = 18
A goblin rolls [[1d20+2]] = 3+2 = 5
A goblin rolls [[1d20+2]] = 8+2 = 10

  The flames wash over the 3 goblins, and while one manages to duck out of the way, Noch and the one with the bow take the full brunt of the magic. The bow wielding goblin screams out, the flames igniting its leather armor as it flails wildly, collapsing against the wall in a smoldering heap.  

VARIAN: Varian Iliris rolls [[1d20+3]] = 9+3 = 12
Varian Iliris rolls [[1d20+3]] = 10+3 = 13
Varian will try and move up and stab the goblin near Saleek but can't seem to land a solid blow.


Order will be kenris, noch, donny, saleek, Randal and varian, the gobs and then rini
As far as the battlefield: noch and another goblin are engaged with kenris to the north of the cave, and one goblin is fighting saleek to the west
It is Kenris's turn first in round 2. There is a goblin and Noch in melee range and one more goblin fighting with Saleek.


KENRIS: Kenris furiously raises his hammer once more, the glow is still there. [[1d20+5]] = 19+5 = 24
Doing [[1d8+3]] = 5+3 = 8 bludgeoning damage and [[2d8]] = 3+4 = 7 radiance damage


Noch sees Kenris's hammer baring down on him and uses his reaction to grab the nearby goblin, putting the unfortunate creature in the way of the blow. There is a sickening thud as the hammer connects with the goblins skull and it falls limp to the ground.
Baring his sharp teeth, Noch raises his hammer, the copper inlay momentary seeming to flare of it's own light as he swings it at Kenris.
Noch Ratsmasher rolls [[1d20+4]] = 6+4 = 10
Noch Ratsmasher rolls [[1d20+4]] = 11+4 = 15
But Noch cannot seem to get past the shield and heavy armor.
The order now will be Donny, Saleek, Varian and Randal. Noch and 1 goblin (fighting Saleek) remain.
If the goblin lives Rini will go after that.

  DONNY: Donny points at Noch with the point of his shovel, then a small gout of greenish fire forms from his shovel and jumps at him, casting sacred flame.  

Noch Ratsmasher rolls [[1d20+2]] = 18+2 = 20
Noch manages to leap to the side of the flame as it lashes out at him. Saleek is next followed by varian and Randal. There is one goblin (effected by faery fire) left fighting Saleek and Noch who is fighting with Kenris.


SALEEK: saleek disregards the goblin currently engaged in combat with him, and continues focusing his hunters mark on noch.
Saleek lets an arrow loose [[1d20+8]] = 20+8 = 28 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]] = 1+3+6 = 10 the arrow flies true! [[1d8]] = 5 crit damage

  Noch screams out in pain, an arrow embedded in his shoulder. He is looking pretty badly hurt. Varian and Randal you are up. Rini too after thr last goblin.  

RANDAL: Randal approaches the final faerie fired goblin, unsheathing his rapier and flicking it like a whip across the goblins body
Randal rolls [[2d20k1 + 4]] = 13,19+4 = 23 to hit, dealing [[1d8+2]] = 2+2 = 4 damage on a hit


VARIAN: Varian waits for a moment until Noch is distracted by being flanked by Kenris, and then takes a shot with his shortbow
Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 1+5 = 6 to attack with his shortbow against Noch for [[2d6+1]] = 5+5+1 = 11 damage on hit

  Randal's rapier stabs deep into the goblin's shoulder and it screams out in pain, loud enough to disturb varian just as he let's his arrow go causing it to go well wide of Noch.   A goblin rolls [[1d20+4]] = 4+4 = 8  

The goblin takes a weak slash at Randal in response, but his wounded shoulder makes the blow too weak to even cut. Seeing that the battle has gone poorly, the goblin will disengage from the melee he is in and attempt to flee down the western exit of the room.
Rini it is your turn now. Noch is still in the center of the room, the fleeing goblin has pushed open a door and fled down the hall, ducking around a corner.


RINI: "I'm sorry it's come to this...",
Rini waves his hands and three glowing magic missiles appear and all three fly towards Noch.
[[3d4+3]] = 3+3+1+3 = 10 force damage to Noch


NOCH: (Panting) "Ahhh... Mercy! Mercy! You strong... Let me live I'll give you all the good loot!"
The magical darts zip through the air, striking Noch hard and he drops to a knee, his hammer at his side, his teeth stained with blood.
Kenris would be up next turn wise, but you're all free to decide what to do.

Continued in  The Crooked Lady's Lair 


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