Ciuna's Deferment

Yes, it's magical birth control. This was prompted out of a discussion pointing out that the major impediment to a large female working/fighting/adventuring class in history would have been pregnancy and that historically greater access to contraceptives have lead to increased female empowerment; and what's more empowering that cleaving your enemies in twain?
Ciuna is, among other things, the goddess of lovers and trysts, thus it was considered natural that her followers would develop a ritual for the protection against the most dangerous consequences of such action: children.  While often considered socially gauche to speak of this spell has seen widespread popularity among those who for whatever reason are neither abstinent nor wanting of children - it very popular among adventurers, soldiers, entertainers, and bards. It can be cast on males and females alike, and, while performed in secret, is the single largest service performed by wandering Ciunite clerics.


For the duration of the spell the target is rendered infertile and cannot conceive. It can be cast on both male and female targets. When cast on a woman already pregnant the pregnancy is suspended for the duration of the spell, though the physical changes caused by the pregnancy remain.   The spell's duration is somewhat variable and not fully reliable for more than 30 days, it's effects always end before 60 days, and thus best practice is to reapply monthly.

Side/Secondary Effects

In rare cases the spell has been known to fail, resulting in no protection for the target.


The actual ritual is performed in private and is considered if not taboo, gauche, to speak of. Generally, a magical signal appears temporarily on the skin.


Originally gifted by the divine of the dawn, Ciuna, overtime similar effects have been developed by arcane or alchemical means. These alternatives have been known to have side effects, but are an option for those that do not wish to seek out a temple for whatever reason.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Material Components
A small egg, plant bud, or vial of blood, consumed in the process
Related School
Effect Duration
30-60 days
Effect Casting Time
1 minute (ritual)
1st Level


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