Temple of Ciuna (SEE OUN ITE)

The followers of the goddess of dawn, beauty, and protection, Ciuna, from their monasteries throughout Sanzeia the followers of the goddess offer rest to the weary, succor to the needy, and protection to the destressed. Long has been the tradition for women of all walks of life to sequester themselves within a temple of Ciuna when facing a socially problematic pregnancy. Thus, temples of Ciuna are known to provide both lodging and expert medical care to travelers as well as total confidentiality. Having a Ciunte present for a birth is considered second only to having a cleric of Nyrs in regards to the mother's safety.  Rumors also speak of a secret network of Ciunite temples which will ferry those in destress (slaves, abused spouses, political refuges, etc.) far away from their tormentors.


Ciunite temples are often placed on high ground, where the rising dawnlight can spill through ornate stained glass windows, these locations, as well as housing and caring for both the faithful and those in need mean that Ciunite temples have considerable upkeep costs. While not charging for their services, many are known to donate heavily to the cause.


The first temple to Ciuna was said to a be simple home. When a noblewoman, pregnant with the child of her lover, sought refuge there, the faithful of the goddess secreted her away and turned away her jealous husband. They took the child and raised it as their own, and the noblewoman, upon returning to court, and finding her husband slain in a honor duel by her lover, remarried and funneled a great deal of wealth to the temple. Since then Ciunite temples have arisen close to, but usually slightly removed from, most major settlements.

Demography and Population

While officially Ciunite priestesses, taking after their goddess, are virgin women, the faith places no limits on who may join their temple, why, or for how long. Many "make a pilgrimage at dawn" for a period of only months (generally nine or less) and choose to remain in the faith after receiving services. While many regard the clerics as selfless and pure healers, in some circles, Ciuntes are disparaged as being amoral, indecent, or sex-workers.   Additionally, Ciunite temples serve as both medical centers and orphanages, and many children born within the walls join the faith as they grow. As many in need of Ciuna's blessing travel far from their home, Ciunite orphanages are often home to the most racially diverse collection of children.

Granted Divine Powers

The followers of Ciuna are considered the first to develope the holy ritual spell that bears her name: Ciuna's Deferment. This spell, on the whole, makes up the bulk of most people's interaction with Ciuna. It acts as a monthly blessing by the goddess to delay or prevent pregnancy. This spell is the largest source of monthly donations to the temple and Ciunites are known to travel the land granting blessings and gathering donations.   With so many of the faithful out of the of the protection of their temples each month, it is said the the goddess placed a special blessing over her followers: to forcibly removed a Ciunite's veil is said to bring down a curse of pain, darkness, and impotence. Most Ciunites also possess their own holy magic and as such are far from helpless.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The temples of Ciuna have often been the site of drama owing to their nature of offering refuge to anyone. Most praise their contributions to the wellbeing of the poor and the disenfranchised, but just as many deride them as homes for those with loose morals and their bastard children. The phrase "take a pilgrimage at dawn" has come to cover all manner of interacting with the Ciunites, and while this may provoke a scandal, the temple protects confidentiality to such a degree, those outside can never confirm what if any services were received at the temple.

"Peace by Dawn"

Religious, Monastic Order
Largest temple: Croglen.


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