
"Child a devil shall be the source of much of your power, whily and charming, it's deals shall never be for any benifit but its own."

-Kur Maldeh, Master Demonologist, c. 350 DR.
Devil is a collective term for a wide group of planar entities from the lower planes of existence, generally referred to as the hells. They represent the lawful form of evil and are oppressors, deal makers, and manipulators. Their goal on the mortal planes seems to be a matter of exchanging temporary (in the devil's perception) boons in exchange to dragging a mortal soul to the hells upon its death. It is generally unclear to mortals what exactly devils do with souls, but it is doubtful good.   Devils, at least by mortal perception, possess an intense rivalry with the other chief from of evil planar entities known as demons. Mislabeling one planar entity as the other is likely to produce a bout of rage in all but the most collected devils. A devil is always willing to paint itself as the "good guy" in contrast to demons who have no such pretenses.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

While tradition mantains it to be merely a guise they assume to hide thier infernal nature, most devils are said to appear as extremely atractive mortals, who typically bare some physical trait from the lower planes. The more powerful the devil the more appealing they typically appear.


It is well known (at least among demonologists, who are a fringe group at best) that devils, especially in contrast to their rival demons have several distinct intellectual behaviors:
  • Devils are rarely directly confrontational. Although most seem to revel in the though of violence and combat, they prefer to bargin, twist, and charm rather than apply direct force.
  • Devils do not lie. They twist words and leave many deceptive gaps in their statements, but much like Fae seem to find the concept of lies alien.
  • Devils exist in some sort of power structure that is related to but not determined by their actions on the mortal plane. Devils motivations always seem to tie to this power struggle, and the corruption of mortal souls is a means to an end in this regard.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The key benefit devils offer mortals is through the use of contracts. These twisted and infernal documents outline in excruciating detail an exchange of power between a mortal and a devil. Devils pride themselves on contracts be unbreakable, and always in the devil's favor, but they are bound by them as much as the mortal. While a few tales of mortals outwitting a devil and gaining a beneficial deal or escaping from an infernal contract exist they are far from the norm. Some theologians have gone as far to exist that tales of escaping from a contract is a fabrication of the devils themselves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Devils are typically confined to their native lower planes, but much like elementals can be summoned to the material by mortal spell casters. Certain powerful devils are said to have the ability to traverse the planes freely, but these beings rarely seem to appear on the material.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The chief draw of summoning a devil, is that they have access to magics well beyond those of mortals. Those who have peered into the hells speak of forges the size of cities, islands chained to the ground so they do not float away, and massive warmachines. There is something inherently horrible and disturbing in the works of devils, but they are impressive in their own way.


Those that study such monsters talk of a long and unending war between the devils and demons. In this war the devils are few, but powerful and clever. Some go as far to say that it is only through the continued perserenvence of this force of evil, that something far worse is kept from the mortal plane.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The existence and proliferation of tieflings on Sanzeia speaks to the devils' willingness to engage with the various mortal races. Devils are often described as very comely and revel in pleasure of the mortal plane.
Planar entity
Functionally immortal


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