
Tieflings in Sanzeia are a form of planetouched resulting from the influence of the lower planes on a mortal bloodline. Typically this results from the individual or their (possibly distant) ancestor consorting with Devils and demons. This influence is typically fairly easy to spot by eye, and levels of distrust and suspicion have pushed most tieflings to the edge of society; many live their lives without an opportunity to reach any profession more respected than laborer, thief, or prostitute. While certainly some tieflings lean into the stereotype, many feel an inherent need to prove themselves as more than corrupted mortals and are drawn to life as adventurers.  


Tieflings can result from the influence of the lowerplanes on any race of mortal, but those touched by the devilish infernal planes are by far the most common. Also with the exception of certain obvious traits they tend to be the more physically attractive and well received of the negative planetouched. Many find their strange features easy to overlook in context.   Tieflings created by contact with demons are much more rare and much more monstrous and alien in general. The general wisdom of this is that the chaotic nature of demons results in fewer mortals surviving the contact long enough for possible offspring to be a concern.

Basic Information


Those touched by the lower planes are typically the most drastically different from normal mortals. The expression of these traits vary highly, but some common expressions are horns, oddly colored skin, red or yellow eyes, sharp teeth, hooved feet, or tails.  Any mortal race can be corrupted into tiefling (though those of elemental ancestry are exceedingly rare) and tend to resemble their mortal ancestor with planar traits added.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike most other planetouched, tieflings breed true, producing teifling offspring. While the more obvious features of their heritage might be diluted over time, teifling traits tend not to "skip generations" as other planetouched ancestries might.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most tieflings posses common names from their mortal ancestry/the culture they were raised in, these are typically given by their parents at birth.  Additionally many tieflings tend to adopt their own names as suits them. These are often names meant to encourage a particular perception in themselves or others and a generally common words - a tiefling wanting to intimidate others might name themselves after a fearsome creature, while one wanting to be more friendly and social might name themselves after a flower. While a tiefling might change their name over time, to the individual these are their names vice created personas.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While most people on Sanzeia are polite enough not to reach for pitchforks the instant they see a tiefling, many are inherently distrustful, and tieflings in general have been pushed to marginalized, fringes of society. Many live in semi-nomadic caravan communities. Perhaps owing to the corrupting nature of devils, many tieflings are considered quite attractive by most mortal species, this combined with their limited roles in society, have combined to overall give tieflings a reputation for trickery, sensuality, and promiscuity in the eyes of most other races.
Planar influenced mortal
As per mortal race
Average Height
As per mortal race
Average Weight
As per mortal race


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