Elemental, greater

When the the Thirteen first came to Sanzeia, the world was wild and filled with the most powerful elementals. In a vicious Primordial War that nearly shattered the world, and saw the creation of the first forms of life, the gods claimed victory and set about subjugating, imprisoning, or slaying the remaining greater elementals.   The only two know greater elemental that are "free" serve the goddess of disasters, Maredeth and they are said to cause considerable destruction anytime the goddess releases them even slightly. The freeing of a imprisoned greater elemental is a popular goal for doomsday cults.

Basic Information


Beasts of chaos and power, the greater elementals were said to be much larger and to possess a wide variety of shapes and forms. Their appearance generally does not correspond fully to known modern elemental types. Some theorize that these creatures represented entirely alien elements that the gods ordered out of the world, while others argue that these beings represented fusions of known elements.
Elemental, Planar
Conservation Status
Last of their kind


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