Fair Maiden

The Fair Maiden is the privately owned vessel of the captain Argre Vox of the Free Cities Accord. It is a smaller ship built for speed, maneuverability, and has a shallow draft which allows it to travel in water much more shallow then larger naval vessels.   It currently is anchored in the Loshogue River outside of Ardrest on a diplomatic mission.


The Fair Maiden possesses oar slots for when its primary means of propulsion, its sails, are not enough.

Weapons & Armament

The ship possesses a total of 10 cannon and 2 ballistae. This is less than most ships its size, and the Fair Maiden instead relies on its superior speed and maneuverability in conflicts.
Owning Organization
Current location
20 ft / 6.1 m
75 ft / 22.9 m
70 ft / 21.3 m
Complement / Crew
30 crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Up to 20 passengers / 100 t / 91 mt of cargo


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