Free Cities Accord

A loose confederation of independent cities united against the common threat of the the Yvalian Empire. They are currently ruled from the city of Dreadmouth by a political council with each member-state given a vote according to its political power; thus the leader of the Accord is seen to be Dreadcaptain Wavethrush.


The origins of the government of the Free Cities is derived from that of (pirate) sailors and follows a very complex form of representative democracy. While every citizen of the Accord has an equal vote, considerable trust and power is congregated in the hands of relatively few ballot masters who effectively handle the politics of the accord via an extremely complex pyramidal voting structure.

Public Agenda

The Accord was formed with the express intention that each city-state within should have the aid of the others against an future Yvalian attacks. Although they bicker among themselves, the cities will unite when pushed by outside influences.


The Accord was formed in response to the Yvalian invasion in the year of 1473 DR, when Yvalian forces crossed the straight of Gualbenzihl and conquered the city of Amitron. The independent cities, unable to stand alone against the superior elven armies, sought out the only remaining local power, the pirate fleets of the Sheer Coast. By mapping pirate ideology onto a series of cities, a wholly new sort of state was formed to survive the war.


The Accord employs a sizable mercenary ground force to repel threats from the north. Their original military might was created out of pirate fleets which harassed and captured shipping through the straight of Gualbenzihl; actions that may have prompted the Yvalian invasion in the first place.

Foreign Relations

At war with: the Yvalian Empire   Allied with: the Grand Duchy of Che
  • This alliance has effectively stopped all of Yval's seaborne expansion eastward, although scholars debate if the Sheer Coast was ever a goal of the elven empire.
  Offering political support to: Hagsfall

"Stand Free"

Founding Date
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
The Free Cities, the Accord
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles

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