Forest Gnome

There is a old tale that says when the First Elves were borne from Calowean and Lyndranel, the twin gods essence spilled on the ground and formed a new elf; however, the puddle was not large, and what emerged, half the size of a normal elf, was the first gnome. The main venue for this tale is taverns and brothels so is religious authenticity is suspect. Nevertheless, it explains the forest gnomes.   Small of statue, but large on personality and whimsy, forest gnomes, owing to their love of new experiences and travel, are the most common form of gnome seen on Sanzeia. They have permeated all known cultures and while many (particularly dwarves) find their antics annoying and childish, they is generally no one out there who actually dislikes the diminutive humanoids. The exception is kobolds; they really hate gnomes.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Owing to the gnomish sense of whimsy, Forest gnome names are chosen by the individual based on experience, who they are talking to, or mood. While not strictly true, gnomes do seem to collect more names as they age.


Common Etiquette rules

While not proven, it has been well observed that forest gnomes tend to do whatever they think to be the most fun, cheerful, or lighthearted at any given time. They seem to have little compunction about falsehoods, which has caused considerable annoyence with those that "did not get the joke."
Encompassed species


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