
Perhaps one of the most common of the uncommon races on Sanzeia, most people will not be surprised to meet a gnome. Gnomes tend to integrate themselves into the culture of bigger races though bards still tell tales of fantastic Gnomish cities hidden away and filled with treasures and "true Gnomish culture." Gnomes are short, clever, and can often be described as eccentric or manic.   Like the other two "small races" of Sanzeia it is unclear where Gnomes originated from. Some point out similarities between the Forest Gnomes and Elves, while other point to commonalities between Rock Gnome and Dwarves. Some claim that gnomes might be a wholly independent race and exist outside the ordering of the Thirteen; this veiw is consider heretical. Gnomes seem to generally enjoy the mystery and confusion and make no effort to provide any answers if they are known with some going as far as to claim they are born from gems in the ground, scholars consider this information "not helpful."
Genetic Ancestor(s)
350 - 500 years
Average Height
3-4 ft / 0.9 - 1.2 m
Average Weight
40 lbs / 18 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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