
Life is Sanzeia is dangerous for a newborn, most every form of monster find mortal children a delicacy, but none are quite as malicious as hags.  Hags practicing a form of magic both powerful and primitive, are known to kidnap children -- traditionally it is said they prefer the naughty ones -- and while no sane person knows what horrors they subject the child to are said to devour the child soul and all. For most monsters that would be were the story ends, but hags are even more malicious, as legends say that under the right circumstances a hag will then give birth to an exact duplicate of the child she murdered.   Not wanting to be bothered with the raising of children, only the eating and twisting to evil of them, the hag will then return the child to its parents to be raised by its unsuspecting kin.  A hagborn child will forever be drawn to evil and chaos, but if left alone, with enough good influence may become a proper person; however, should the hag express an interest in the child, she will continue to influence it over time, until, through unknown rituals, it will shed its mortal guise and emerge as another full grown hag.   If the mother hag has lost interest or is slain before the child fully comes of age, then the hagborn child will continue to grow as a mortal, though not untouched by the dark magics of its wicked mother. Most hagborn express some physical trait relating to the hag that birthed them, and have some ability to draw on similar magics.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Hagborn are able to reproduce normally, and their children rarely show any traces of the hag's courruption.

Growth Rate & Stages

It is generally considered that the ritual to progress a hagborn to a full hag must be performed sometime in the child's teenage years, though the significance of the age is unknown.  This causes some scholars to consider the hagborn as immature hags or hags that never full delveloped.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Fae touched mortal


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