
The title Joybringer is one conferred upon venturing priests and priestesses of one of the many incarnations of the serpent goddess, Shivad'ress in any of her forms. In contrast to the darker worship of the golden goddess of desire expressed by hedonists and despots, Joybringers devote themselves to bringing joy and happiness to the world by whatever means availible.   Joybringers believe that the world tends naturally towards evil and selfishness, and seek to balance it though their own actions and by being examples to the people. Sadly, this level of selflessness often means the life of a joybringer is cut tragically short in the world of Sanzeia.


Joybringers are generally self appointed, and require an oath and a worldly sacrifice before the goddess. While many are called to this vocation, some are known to take the oath as a form of penitence.
Religious, Clerical
Equates to
Itinerant priest
Current Holders


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