Mire of Souls

Within his lab, the Ilyrian researcher Kuerthyl toiled to save his people from an apocalypse that he knew was coming. Though much of his story is lost to time, sometime before the Fall of the Neatherese he began to work on a way to fuse souls via necromancy in an effort he believed would allow his people to live on. Evidence from his lab suggests that numerous animals and slaves were killed to serve this ambition.   His experiments were successful in the way they they produced a roiling mass of bone, rotted flesh, tortured souls, and necromantic magic. However he planned to help his people with this dark magic never game to fruition, as the creature broke free of its containment. Kuerthyl protected himself (and to a lesser extent his assistants) with lost time magic, while waiting for a rescue that never came. The others left in the lab died centuries before the lab was breached by the Lost Fingers and Frostyear Guardians in turn. The monster's powerful necromantic corruption of the monster spilled out, causing everything within the sealed Ilyrian lab to rise again and again, and once a portal was opened, corrupting the forests of the material plane protected by the Auroral Mistress.   The monster was slain by the Gurdians, and its creator would soon follow suit.

Basic Information


An amorphous black slime, closer examination reveals its mass composed of rotted flesh, with distorted humanoid faces trapped beneath the slimy surface.

Genetics and Reproduction

The mire showed the ability to split into two smaller masses as well as rapidly consume dead flesh to increase its own size.
Conservation Status
The only known representative was slain. Hopefully no one else replicated Kuerthyl's research.


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