Ilyrinar (EH LEER IN AR)

"When the builders had no more to build, they turned their works to the dead."
-Varis Holimion, "On the Neatherese," 1488.
  Of all the sub-states of the Neatherese Civilization the ruins of Ilyrinar are the most prolific and in many ways the most mysterious. Skilled builders and stoneworkers, they built elaborate cities using techniques that even the most talented Dwarven mason cannot emulate; it is a common expression among those skilled with stone, that Ilyrian cites were not built but grown. Many of these sites, some as large as full cities are underground, and while some were buried in the thousands of years since the civilization's collapse, many seem to have been intentionally built underground.   To add to the mystery of the Ilyrians, almost all of these sites stand completely empty with no signs of ornamentation, furniture, middens, or daily use, simple pristine whitestone structures. While other Neatherese sites show clear signs of disaster or abandonment, Ilyrian sites seem to some to have been completed but never used.

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Little is known about the actual motivations of any of the Neatherese sub-states, but the Ilyrians were clearly prolific builders, and the number of Neatherese ruins in the Ilyrian style exceed those of the other sub-state combined. Later texts reference Ilyrians as those "tending the graves" and there is some debate if this implies a funerary role of their culture or if they were the last of the Neatherese subgroups to collapse.


Ilyrian ruins can be found throughout the Elowean Plateau and Sheer Coast, logically such a wide spanning culture must have accumulated considerable wealth, however, nearly all Ilyrian sites are completely empty. The white stone buildings are pristine in such a way that makes one question if they were ever inhabited at all.


Neatherese states used a form of electrum coinage. The Ilyrian coins where minted in hexagonal, octagonal, or dodecagonal shapes. It is assumed that the larger the number of sides the more value the coin had as compositionally, they all seem to be made of equivalent metal. Ilyrian coins are still considered rare enough to be worth something to collectors.

c -4000 DR - c. -2000 DR

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