The Crooked Lady's Lair Transcript

The Frostyear Guardians, Book I:

The Heroes of Adrest

8 Ches, 1491


SALEEK: (Serious) "Finally..."  

RANDAL: (Amused) "“All th’ best treasure ye say? Could ye possibly be counting th’ treasure ye haven’t even told ye minions about?”"
Randal turns to the panel behind the goblin’s chair. He produces another set of sticks, but he doesn’t throw them. Instead, Randal strikes one sharply against the other, sending a flame towards the wooden panel in the back wall as he casts prestidigitation

  RINI: Rini listens intently, but stays in a defensive mode ready to unleash a fire bolt if things turn sour.  

VARIAN: "We will certainly take the loot... But what might save your life is information.”
"The one we've heard called the Crooked Lady. What do you know about her? What are your dealings with her


Randal's spell causes the door to fly own, clanging loudly enough to make pair of goblins still bound to Noch throne wince. Sure enough the panel was on hinges and carefully (for goblins at least) concealed to look like part of the wall. A small room is just barely visible beyond.
Noch states at the open door a look of hatred on he bloodied face.



(angry) "Fine... all my good stuff is back there... you take. But there lots more loot too... we keep it in lowest cave... that way *he jerks his head to indicate a tunnel in the east wall.*"
(amused) "Ohhh... you know Crooked Lady too? She make you give tribute too? That why you want Noch's loot?"



Saleek draws a shortsword and holds it underneath nochs chin.

  Give me an intimidation roll for that, you with advantage.  

Saleek rolls [[1d20+Intimidation (Cha)]] = 7+0 = 7
Saleek rolls [[1d20+Intimidation (Cha)]] = 18+0 = 18

  NOCH: (tense) "No, no! You said you'd let me live! Crooked Lady is monster... she puts up cursed dolls. Bad magics. Kills many gobs with frog men, take the little ones... "   SALEEK: (angry) "***where*** **is she**"   NOCH: (amused) "Yes, yes. Go to deepest part of cave. Gobs give tribute to Lady there. There she find you and then you wish she didn't! She crush you with big green hands!"   DONNY: (alarmed) "Stop! He wants us to get killed!"   NOCH: (amused) "Not me, you want to mess with Crooked Lady than what you get. You go see for yourself!"  

RINI: (confused) "...what's this Crooked Lady?"
(curious) "Goblin. Describe this lady to me."

  RANDAL: (pressing) "“And where do ye keep yer prisoners?”",  

NOCH: (tense) "She like you all... but bigger... with big arms and big claws... you want to die so much you go see her... she come once... many year ago... now just send frog men for tribute..."
(annoyed) "I tells you where the loot is... you want take that one... she shows you where the deep cave is. *he indicates done of the goblin women chained to the \"throne.\"*"
(annoyed) "Noch told you everything... now let me go, you gots too."


Give me a general intelligence check.
Rini rolls [[1d20+4]] = 7+4 =11
Even with your knowledge of goblin mannerisms it's pretty vague. A troll would match the description, but they are not typically know for this sort of behavior. It seems too intelligent.

  RINI: "Hmmm.. peculiar"   Is anyone else doing anything while Noch is being interrogated by saleek, varian and rini?   RANDAL: (angry) "“Ye haven’t told us everything, ye lying trickster! Where are ye keeping the prisoners! Ye and yer goblins kidnapped them from ardest, and ye kidnapped one from me!” "   NOCH: "Already told you... all the best we take in deepest cave.",  

DM WHISPER TO RINI: "I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but have you spoken in goblin to Noch at the point? I can't remember for sure."
RINI WHISPER TO DM: "No, just common"
SALEEK: (angry) "Are we done here..."


RINI: Rini approaches the goblin woman tied up...
(goblin) "Is what this Noch say true? Are there prisoners down below?"


RANDAL: "“Why not? Let’s pay this crook’d lady a visit”"
Watching Noch rolls Perception [[1d20 + Perception (Wis)]] = 6+2 = 8
"“Heck if I know. I’m really just ‘ere t’ find someone.” *His eyes glint greedily for a moment.* “Not that procuring a little extra coin would ‘urt” *Randal heads towards Noch’s secret treasure vault*"

  GOBLIN: (suffering)(goblin) * she cranes her neck against the chain around it to look at Noch * “are you going to kill him?”   DM WHISPER TO DONNY: Being that you are proficient in insight, it's clear to you that while Noch fears for his life, he is certainly trying to make the best of the situation in some way.   RINI: (goblin) "Probably. These people seem to have it out for him."   GOBLIN: (suffering)(goblin) "Good. He's an asshole. The treasure's all up north only bad stuff is in the deep caves."   RINI: (goblin) "And the prisoners? Are they down below?"   GOBLIN: Shakes her head.  

NOCH: Noch glares daggers at the goblin and struggles out of Saleek's grip, raising his hammer and charging the chained goblin. Everyone but Randal can give me a dexterity check.
(angry)(goblin) "I kill you, bitch!

  Randal, the vault is more of a side cave, a false wall in its southern wall connects to Noch's room and there is a similar false wall to the west. The room hold various objects that Noch has clearly taken as first pick of the loot. On a small table is a steel lockbox, and a pair of small wooden boxes.  

Noch rolls [[1d20+2]] = 8+2 = 10
Rini rolls [[1d20+1]] = 18+1 = 19
Kenris rolls [[1d20+0]] = 6
Varian rolls [[1d20+5]] = 22
Saleek rolls [[1d20+6+1d6]] = 4+6+2 = 12
Donny rolls [[1d20+1]] = 19

  RANDAL: Randal opens the two wooden boxes and pools the loot in the room, observing each item and mentally placing its usefulness to him.  

In the larger woden box you find 3 vials of red liquid nestled in straw. In the smaller is a single bottle filled with a bubbling pink liquid. The metal lockbox has a simple lock on it.
The other objects in the room would appear to mostly be of the type of objects that might have sentimental value to the goblin: small animal skulls, dice, bits of fur. You do find a scroll you believe to arcane in nature.


RANDAL: Randal pockets the scroll and bottles, then turns to the locked box
Randal picks up the box, seeing no way to open it and…
Randal comes back out of the goblin’s secret cave, holding a metal box.
"“Varian, ye wouldn’t by chance be able t’ pick th’ lock on this box, would ye?”"

  Varian see Noch begin to move first. Noch grabs his hammer and rushes toward the chained gobliness. How does Varian react?  

VARIAN: Varian immediately takes a shot at Noch when Noch moves
Varian rolls [[1d20+5]]=17+5=22 to hit with his shortbow, for [[1d6+1]]=3+1=4 damage on hit
"Just a second Randal!"

  RANDAL: (alarmed) "\"What on the world--\" *Randal carelessly drops the metal box and draws his rapier, readying himself to continue the battle*"  

Noch charges forward his hammer held high, then Varian's arrow comes from behind piercing into the goblins back. The larger goblin stumbled and collapses onto the cave floor in his own blood as his hammer clatters uselessly to the ground.
You are all in Noch's throne room there are half a dozen goblins bound in various ways and most treated quite poorly. Nothing in the room appears hostile.
To save time, if you search Noch and his guards you find a total of 36 gp and Noch's hammer: a very finely made made dwarven warhammer with copper inlay.

  KENRIS: "Does anyone mind if I take a look at that hammer ??"   Kenris as you take the weapon into you hands you feel there is definately something about it. It somehow seems just a little too well balanced in your hands.  

RANDAL: Randal sheaths his sword once more and picks up the iron box from the floor, passing it over to varian for inspection. He then pulls a rolled up piece of parchment from his pocket and turns towards Rini, holding out the scroll.
"“So... Rini was yer name, wasn’t it? I found these notes back in Noch’s vault, but I can’t fer th’ life of me make sense of it. Ye said ye were a linguist of something sort, I figured ye may ‘ave some use for it, if it were writ in some unknown tongue”"

  RINI: "Yes. I can have a look. Also, Kenris? When we have some time, I can identify that hammer if you like."  

At a quick glance it is easy to tell that it is a scroll containing some sort of minor arcane spell, but you would need time with it to determine the exact spell.
Also whoever was searching the bodies would notice that Noch had a thick iron key on a chain around his neck.

  RANDAL: "“That might prove useful”"   RINI: "Also I should say, that goblin woman said There are no prisoners below. Just bad stuff."   RANDAL: (annoyed) "“Beshaba! Noch has lied again! Does th’ goblin know where th’ prisoners are kept?”"   RINI: (goblin) "Do you know where the prisoners are? Can you lead us to them?"   There is a soft rustling around the walls of the room as perhaps half a dozen small, emaciated goblins poke thier heads out from crevices. In the passage to the east stands a single gobliness, her one shoulder rather crudely bandaged and a small torch in her tiny hand. Kenris you would recognize it as the goblin you spared earlier.   WOUNDED GOBLIN: "Noch dead and sister not. That very good. Make me happy. You no hurt more goblins and I show you other big-uns from Noch's loot."   KENRIS: "Rini that would be great help, only if you have the time and inclination to do so."   DONNY: (kind) "Thank you for your help friend, we'll make sure your brothers and sisters get proper burial. "   The goblin will agree to lead you deeper into the cave, but not before freeing the other bound goblins and taking time to spit on Noch's corpse.  

Varian rolls [[1d20+5]]=14+5=19

  Varian pops the lock on the goblin lockbox with ease. Inside are a wealth of coins and gems (too much to count in the moment) and a golden pendant in the shape of a stylized eye.   VARIAN: "There we go... Hey Saleek, there's a lot in here... Do you want to hold on to it?" Varian picks the pendant up and inspects it.  

All told you would find: 4322 cp, 2259 sp, 153 gp, 1 carnelian, 1 chrysoprase, 2 jasper, 1 moonstone, 1 Moss agate, 1 rhodochrosite, 1 sardonyx, 1 star rose quartz, and 1 zircon
I have a running total of the loot btw, and I can either convert it to gold equivalent back in town or we can keep them as gems


SALEEK: Saleek walks around scavenging arrows from the slain bodies, and comes back to the group, a worried look on his face.
"I'm going to down to the crooked lady..."
"I understand, if no one will join me. You've all been invaluable in this raid. And I'm sure the townspeople will reward you all properly. "
"But I've gotta see this through to the end..."

  VARIAN: "No, I will definitely be joining you. There's something strange going on with the whole area, and I am certain Noch had no important part in any of it. I have a feeling encountering the crooked lady might bring us some more answers. It will, however, also be quite dangerous I'm sure."  

RINI: (worried) "I'll admit this crooked lady has me curious. Probably more so than is good for my well being. Perhaps a rest is in order before we continue though?"
(worried) "There are also prisoners that need to be found?"

  WOUNDED GOBLIN: "Noch would make those that got him angry take offerings to deepest caves. Sometimes they come back... sometimes not. I not want to go there... but I will go if really want..."   SALEEK: "Show us the way, and then you're free to go. I would agree, that we should catch out breath before heading in deeper though.. "   The cave is still full of goblins but none seem inclined to attack. What sort of rest were you taking?   SALEEK: "I appreciate you all deciding to come with seems as if we could use more than a breather. I'll volunteer myself for the first shift. "   [PARTY TAKES A LONG REST]  

Over the rest, Rini you are able to cast identify over all the party's collected items. You have a scroll of thunder wave, a scroll of enhance ability (from the earlier locked room) and...
A searing hammer: one per day this magical hammer can be used to cast searing smite on itself as a first level spell.
A sentinel pendant: while wearing this eye shaped pendant you have advantage on initiative and perception checks.

  SALEEK: (confident) "Varian, kenris. Will you take first watch with me...?"   RANDAL: "“Rini, there’s somethin’ else ye may want t’ ‘ave a look at” *Randal produces two bottles: One a deep shade of red, and the other pink - and bubbling violently* “They were Noch’s as well”"   VARIAN: "*Varian nods* \"Sure thing, Saleek\""   SALEEK: (curious) "What in the 9 hells are in those bottles..."   Using his magic Rini identifies the 3 red potions as healing potions, the pink one as a philter of love, the 2 dark ones from the goblin alchemist as alchemist's fire, and the pale yellow one as a vial of acid.  

Kenris rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=3-1=2
Varian rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=7+5=12   KENRIS: "i do say this hammer gives me the possibility to hinder some evil do-ers. Does anyone take offence by me using it?"  

I'll take watch order in terms of when the roles came in. Kenris nothing unusual happens within the limits of your vision, but you are convinced that you can hear movement in the darkness just beyond your sight. Varian with your elven vision you catch sight of the occasional goblin or rat moving about the tunnels but nothing hostile or dangerous occurs.
The pendant does require attunement by the way.


Saleek rolls perception [[1d20+Perception (Wis)]]=1+4=5

  Like Kenris before him Saleek's watch goes poorly with every sound seeming to echo off the cave wall and promise a threat from the darkness. But no attacks come. You all get your long rest, though in the darkness of the cave it is not immediately clear when time it is. Your hitpoints and spells are restored.   RANDAL: (sleepy) "“Suppose we’re off t’ see th’ crook’d lady, then”"  

RINI: "Rini has handed back all the items but holds onto the thunderwave scroll"
"I think I could make use of the scroll, but this scroll of Enhance Ability can only be used by our cleric or bard"
Rini then snaps his fingers and his owl familiar pops out from its pocket dimension onto Rini's gloved hand.
(embarrassed) "I suppose it's time for you to meet Aspen. My best friend...well my only friend until I met you fellows."


RANDAL: Randal appears shocked by the owl’s mystical method of entry
(nervous) "“That’s... not natural”"
He squints at the symbol emblazoned on Rini’s belt buckle, his eyes widening slightly as something clicks in his mind
(fascinated) "“Mystra...” *he whispers faintly in awe* “I cannae believe I didn’t see it sooner.”
*Randal addresses Rini* “Ye’re a little more than just a researcher, ain’t ye?”"


RINI: Rini begins to look a little more nervous with all the attention and begins to fidgeting a bit with Aspens' feathers.
"I...yes. I studied arcana for years at the Blackstaff Tower Academy. Learning about the weave and its possibilities...I suppose I was naturally drawn to the goddess of magic and the mysteries she weaves..."

  WOUNDED GOBLIN: "Your goblin guide for her part waits silently by the edge of the cave's east side, ready to go on when the party is. She seems to be in awe of the party, particularly Kenris."   SALEEK: saleek looks at the owl and chuckles. "shall we...?"  

RINI: "Yes. Where to?"

WOUNDED GOBLIN: (tense) "I- I take you to place Noch keeps prisoner loot.. or to deep cave... if really want go."

  RANDAL: (kind) "“Yes, we do. Do not fear, ye need not follow us into that forsaken cave. If ye so desire, ye may remain outside”"   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (friendly) "Only bad stuff there... but come, come this way."   The goblin leads you out the eastern tunnel, through a series of twists and turns, and downward deeper into the old mine. The air grows more humid as you go and soon the walls are slick with moisture. She also shows you past several more deadfall traps, before stopping at a the end of the tunnel. It curves around into some sort of opening to the south. The mine is totally silent here, and also the walls are smeared handprints and crudely drawn skulls.   WOUNDED GOBLIN: (scared) "M- maybe bad stuff in there not in there today?"   RINI: "I could send Aspen ahead of us if you like? Unless someone else would like to scout forward?" Rini rolls perception [[2d20k1+3]]=6,3+3 = 23  

DM WHISPER TO RINI: Your owl flits into the chamber beyond. The room itself is a long rectangle, about 20 feet wide and probably at least 100 long. You are unable to tell for certain because the chamber has flooded; dark, still water fills the chamber 10 feet beyond the door forming a narrow beach and extending back until it hits the sloping ceiling of the room. A rusted track for an unseen mine car runs down the center and into the water.
Placed just before the water is another figure, that with Aspens perception you can tell is a curde dummy of sticks, bones, and leather. A large wolf's skull is set up on its shoulders. On the ground before the figure is a large, roughly circular, flat stone and on it is an unmoving, bound human figure. Small bones are scattered about the \"beach\" and more are visible to your owls darkvison beneath the water, along with a few rotting bodies or parts there of.
Aspen can tell the figure is a Male, human teen and does not appear obviously harmed.


RINI: Rini's owl flys forward into the room beyond, the mage performing a check of the room through his familiar's senses.
(alarmed) "There's a young man tied up! Lots of water past him... But seems to be still. I don't see any threats.
"Lots of bones though. On the ground. In the water. We should be careful"

  RANDAL: At the mention of the young boy, Randal forgets stealth and rushes into the cave.  

Randal rushes in. Are the rest of you following?
The room itself is a long rectangle, about 20 feet wide and probably at least 100 long. You are unable to tell for certain because the chamber has flooded; dark, still water fills the chamber 10 feet beyond the door forming a narrow beach and extending back until it hits the sloping ceiling of the room. A rusted track for an unseen mine car runs down the center and into the water
Placed just before the water is another figure, that with you can tell is a curde dummy of sticks, bones, and leather. A large wolf's skull is set up on its shoulders. On the ground before the figure is a large, roughly circular, flat stone and on it is an unmoving, bound human figure. Small bones are scattered about the \"beach.\"
Sure enough, Randal you can recognize the boy. He is bound, seemingly unconscious, but not obviously injured in anyway that would be unusual for being held by goblins.


RANDAL: Randal gives a cry of delight, scrambling through the sand over to where the boy is tied up and starting to work at the bonds around him
(relieved) "“By th’ Gods, Edward, ye had me worrying.”"

  RINI: Rini will follow in and have his owl perch up along the wall of the room (if there's a place for her) and telepathically asks her to keep a look out for any movement.  

EDWARD: (confused) "M- Mister Randal? I- I wouldn't... let them... take the children first, Mister Randal."
While not obviously hurt, the boy clearly has been through a lot. The room is lit by a faint natural glow to the walls, giving dim light, but to make out much more than basic shapes you will need Rini's lights.

  RANDAL: "“Very honourable of ye, Edward. Ye might just do all right once we finally get ye back ‘ome”"   Rini's glowing orbs fan out along the edge of the water shedding light beneath. In the water are multiple bodies, arranged to face the shore, each seemingly standing up in the still water. Many of them were once goblins, though some look distinctly more human. They are all in various states of decomposition and most look as if they have been fed on by something.   RANDAL: (serious) “Do ye know where the others who got abducted are?”  

Randal rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=18+1=19
Rini rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=3+0=3
Saleek rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=13+4=17
Donny rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=14+5=19
Varian rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=17+5=22
Kenris rolls [[1d20+ Perception (Wis)]]=13-1=12

    As you all look out into the still waters, you are greeted by the return stares of dead eyeless faces. You look back and forth from wall to wall and suddenly where there had been a white face with cold black eyes, there is nothing but empty water. Randal, Rini (thanks to Aspen's warning), Donny, and Varian you have just enough time to either look towards the water or look away, what do you do?   KENRIS: (desperate) "Rini you mentioned a goddess which one??"   DONNY: Donny has been silent this whole time, he looks away from the lake.  

RANDAL: Randal does the same, turning Edward’s head likewise
(tense) "“Don’t look, lad. Something evil’s afoot”"


RINI: Rini continues to look towards the water, searching for the missing face.
(curious) "Her name is Mystra. Also known as the Lady of Mysteries... which seems to me we have one here..."


There is a ripple in the water and suddenly it explodes, out of it emerges a monstrous parody of a woman. Her torso is that of a bloated, drowned halfling, the flesh puffy and white, her limbs impossibly long and near skeletal. Her hair is dark, wet and also greasy at the same time. Her eyes uneven, overly large, blood red fish-like lenses. Her jaw extends unnaturally low, unhinging revealing long, snakelike needle fangs. With a roar full of inhuman pain she charges the party.
Randal and Donny averted thier eyes as the creature emerged, the rest need to make a wisdom save. Edward and the goblin, scream out, their eyes wide with panic. They scrabble backwards pressing their backs to the wall of the cave, trying to get away.


Rini rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=3+2=5
Saleek rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=5+1=6
Varian rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=19+1=20
Kenris rolls [[1d20+WIS Save]]=15+1=16

Rini rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=18+1=19
Saleek rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=10+4=14
Varian rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=3+1=4
Kenris rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=20+0=20
Donny rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=16+1=17
Randal rolls [[1d20+Initiative]]=8+2=10


Okay, Rini and Saleek you are terrified by the monster's sudden appearance. Your attacks and ability checks have disadvantage. You cannot move closer to the target of your fear. You can repeat the save each turn.
Randal and Donny, as you have not looked your are not effected by its fear until you do, but disadvantage on attacks as long as you're looking away.
Well to make this easy, the order will be Kenris, Rini, Donny, Saleek, Randal, Variann and then the monsters.
Since that's the order you can all post your turns in any order and I'll make sure they're resolved right.


Saleek rolls Wisdom save [[1d20+1]]=15+1=16 disadvantage [[1d20+1]]=9+1=10
Saleek moves back as far as he can, a cold sweat creeping up around the back of his neck. He casts hunters Mark upon the horrid visage of this new for and notches an arrow, his hands shaking.
Saleek Let's the arrow loose [[1d20+8]]=5+8=13 [[1d20+8]]=17+8=25 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]]=7+2+6=15 on a hit.


Rini rolls [[3d4+3]]=3+2+3+3=11 force damage
Rini casts magic missiles at the creature
Rini rolls [[1d20+ Wis SAVE]]=18+2=20


RANDAL: "“Everyone put out yer torches! We may not be able t’ look it in the eye, but let’s make sure it can’t do the same!” *Randal extinguishes his*"
He then casts vicious mockery
"“Hey, ye ugly witch! Ye have to use this pond t’ look at yer own reflection because ye broke all th’ mirrors”"
*Randal shouts a bardic inspiration to Kenris* “Come on, Kenris! Get that witch!”",
Randal rolls [[1d4]]=2 psychic damage

  Monstrous Woman saves vs Randal [[1d20+1]]=8+1=9  

Saleek's hands are shaking just a little too much to get a solid shot off and the arrow flies just by the creature's oddly small torso. Rini's spell goes off darts if light streaking thought the air. The creature trying to bat them away with is boney clawlike hand. It does not work and the darts pierce into her pale hide.
Randal calls out his magic laced words and the monster flinches and roars back in anger.
Rini as you feel your magic impact it's target you realize that this foe is still a flesh and blood creature and it can be hurt. You shake off the fear effect.

  MONSTROUS WOMAN: (Hagspeak) "Pretty... things! Bad tribute! Destroy! Rend and tear!"   Varian mutters \"Lord have mercy\" as he quickly takes an arrow from his quiver, readies it in his shortbow and attacks the creature [[1d20+5]]=9+5=14 for [[1d6+1]]=6+1=7 damage on hit (not sure if it's flanked, if so, [[1d6]]=4 damage on top   Varian's arrow just barely catches one of the creature's overly long arms, cutting the pale flesh and leaving it bleeding black blood.   DONNY: Donny points the shovel at the creature and casts sacred flame at it. DC 14 Dex Save Donny rolls [[1d8]]=6   Monstrous Woman rolls [[1d20+1]]=5+1=6  

The creature screams out as the holy light flashes before her unblinking red eyes.
The woman leaps into the air charging towards the frightened Saleek, taking at him with long boney claws.
Monstrous Woman attacks [[1d20+5]]=11+5=12 [[1d20+5]]=3+5=8
Monstrous Woman deals [[2d6]] = 5+3+3 = 11 damage


One of the long claws rakes along the wall just above Saleek's head barely missing, while the other slices into his chest armor for 11 points of slashing damage.
That brings us to round 2, you can all post in any order for simplicity.


RINI: Seeing those deadly claws, Rini backs away as far as possible and waves his staff overhead and with each circle a flame builds. Striking forward with the staff the fire bolt launches at the monstrous woman...
Rini rolls [[1d20+6]]=4+6=10 to hit causing [[1d10]]=8 fire damage

  The fire bolt smacks into the creature's slick hair and fizzles with a hiss.  

RANDAL: As the creature draws nearer, Randal’s petty insults transform into shrill whispers filled with malice. Despite being quiet, the sound of them is piercing to the ear. Randal casts dissonant whispers.
"if you listen to the whispers, they seem to say *”!hctiw ,gninnur ekil uoy woh ees s’teL”* - whatever that means"
Randal deals [[3d6]]=2+4+6=12 damage if she fails the wisdom save

  Monstrous Woman rolls [[1d20+1]]=10   The creature screams out, its huge claws batting at something unseen as it backs to the edge of the water, giving Saleek and Kenris opportunity attacks on her as she flails.  

Saleek rolls wisdom save [[1d20+1]]=19+1=20 disadvantage [[1d20+1]]=16+1=17
Saleek waits for her to run far enough, and quickly takes the *opportunity* to notch an arrow to shoot at her. [[1d20+8]]=15+8=23 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]]=2+1+6=9
Saleek quickly notches another arrow and follows up his previous shot [[1d20+8]]=12+8=20 dealing [[1d8+1d6+6]]=7+2+6=15


KENRIS: Kenris will take his opportunity attack as well
Kenris rolls [[1d20+5]]=1+5=6


Even as Kenris's hammer goes wide, both of Saleek's arrows fly towards the monster in rapid succession, the first striking it in it's bloated stomach, the second more deadly arrow striking the creature's large blood-red fish eye. It's head rears back from the impact, but then snaps forward. Her mouth opening into a horrible grin. Saleek you know your shots should have been deadly to a humanoid, but this creature seems to be still moving.
The strange creature leaps forward again, it's claws madly reaching for Saleek again as it seems to ignore all other targets.
Also Saleek you are free of the fear effects.


Monstrous Woman rolls [[1d20+5]]=4+5=9
Monstrous Woman rolls [[1d20+5]]=13+5=9
Monstrous Woman rolls [[2d6+3]]=1+4+3=8


The monster's long claws slash out for Saleek again, he manages to twist out of the way of first attack, but that leaves him open for the creature's second. It rakes it's long nails down the birdman's back, the claws catching for a moment in Saleek's pack. There is a tearing sound and then the sound of something heavy hitting the bone littered ground.
On the ground at your feet Saleek is the fist-sized stone disk you had been given by your longtime companion. The monstrous female creature rears back from it as if it were a live snake. She backs away from you back to the edge of the water, trying to shield her one good eye with her clawed hands.
With a last roar, sending foul spittle flying, the creature turns diving back into the water and moving with surprising speed and grace underwater as it weaves easily through the display of bodies.


RINI: Not wanting the creature to get away, Rini waves his hand to which the glowing days form and fly towards the woman underwater...
Rini rolls [[3d4+3]]=1+1+1+3=6

  The strange creature is quite agile in the water, but not magically so. The glowing darts pass through the water, avoiding the bodies and strike the pale body. Black blood fills the water, making it even more murky.  

DONNY: Donny goes over to Saleek and places his hand on him casting cure wounds.
Donny rolls [[1d8+3+Proficiency Bonus]]=5+2+3=10


Saleek your wounds are mended. The attack was all over in a manner of seconds. The waters again return to stillness and quiet descends on the room. Only to eventually be broken by the timid voice of your goblin companion, offering to take you to the prisoners and leave this place.
When you are ready your goblin guide would lead you back through the cave to where the goblins have been keeping the prisoners. In a locked room off the goblin's storeroom are a half dozen children, ages 3 to 9. They have been trapped here since they where taken on the attack on Ardrest. They are happy to be rescued and reunited with Edward. From that room you can scavenge about 50 gold of trade goods from goblin's storeroom. From there with the goblin tribe decimated, and showing no further inclination to attack Ardrest, you are free to return with the rescued children, and whatever reward and further trials might await you all there, if you choose to remain in town.
From the trials you faced in the cave, and the rescue of the children, you've all become experienced enough to advance to level 3.


SALEEK: Saleek nods in thanks for the healing and slowly walks over to the disk. Not having looked at it in a very long time, his shoulders slump, like the weight of the world is in his shoulders.

\"I'll see you soon my friend\"

He whispers to himself.

He then turns to the group."
(tired) "We should get these kids home..."
His knee gives out momentarily, prompting him to hold on to the rock surface.
(tired) "Maybe after a ***long, long rest***"
Saleek sits down, running his fingers over the scars on his chest.
He brings out the smooth stone disc that scared the creature away.

  RANDAL: "\"So, Saleek. Ye've done all that ye came 'ere t' do. Ye slew Noch and found th' captured children. What now?\""  

SALEEK: (tired) "Well, to be perfectly honest. I would like to track down the crooked lady again. Just kowing she's out there makes me uneasy. There's also a situation with some thugs back in ardrest.
Also something about the Greenvalleys curse. When Varian and met kenris here, he was talking about zombies too...I'm sure we could use all the help we could get. "
(friendly) "After all is said and done, we can finally have a drink at the tavern..."

  RANDAL: (pensive) "\"That sounds like a plan. Originally me intention was fer me and Edward t' be heading off after I got 'im back, but I've been thinking... Th' only reason fer us t' *not* continue on with ye is t' avoid trouble, but we've managed t' get ourselves into trouble even without th' help of ye other adventurers. And if we're going t' be running ourselves into trouble either way, then the safest place for Edward is with other people who can handle themselves in a fight. D' ye know what I'm saying?\""   SALEEK: (friendly) "Don't I know it friend..."   KENRIS: “That talk of zombies has me miffed, i have never fought one. But surely i can regain favor by slaying. Even though killing was my downfall."  

SALEEK: "The undead, are not to be underestimated..."
"I would suggest we tread carefully. I have never fought them myself, but I imagine something as unnatural as a living corpse, is surely going to give us *some* trouble. "

  RINI: (curious) “Kenris... How.. or why... or who have you lost favour with?"   KENRIS: "I have done things that went against my goddess whishes., i have slain more in my own name than in hers. All that is left is some divine gift that she cannot take back.. if you wish to know she is know as Our lady of Silver, The moon lady, or just Selûne. "   SALEEK: "The gods and their servants, don't always see eye to eye. "   KENRIS: (annoyed) "No they do not, i was left wondering if this is not a test? but if it is a test it is a cruel one."   SALEEK: (confident) "My friend, if the gods mean to test you, they should know. After all we've been through, We've got your back. "


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