
Covered in misty rainforest, the Cloudridge is a low mountain range on the western edge of the Sanori Gulf. It divides the Avrodian peninsula from the rest of the continent.


While the Cloudridge seems tiny compared to the jagged peaks of the Brink or the Bloodpeaks, it still reaches altitudes exceeding 6,500 feet. From a distance, the mountains look like gentle rolling hills, their edges softened by a blanket of trees. Up close, however, they are eager to remind you that they are truly mountains.

Cliffs, ravines, and unstable boulders hide between the trees. The ever-present mist combined with the thick plantlife makes visibility difficult. Those who are not familiar with the area must be exceedingly careful in orer to avoid a nasty fall.

The reward of reaching the peaks is a breathtaking view. The canopy of the forest rolls gently into the foothills, white mist lacing between the branches. Looking out, the sea of clouds seems to stretch forever.

The Cloudridge's tallest peak is Mount Cleo at 6,754 feet high. Cleo's bare peak can be easily identified from the rest of the mountains.

Alternative Name(s)
Avrodian Mountains, Sanori Gulf Mountains
Mountain Range
Location under
Contested By

Cover image: SanZera world cover by Aster Blackwell


Author's Notes

These mountains were inspired in part by the Appalachian Mountains just a few hours from my home! Cloudridge is special because it feels like a little piece of my home <3

The Appalachians are often overlooked because they are much smaller than the Rockies. They indeed look more like giant, rolling hills from a distance, but once you get close they are full of switchbacks and cliffs! Mountains like them are underrepresented in fiction. I think we incorrectly assume that a mountain range must be tall in order to be interesting or epic, but it's not true! The Appalachians are majestic in their own way.

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Jul 5, 2024 15:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that the trees hide just how deadly and rugged the terrain actually is. I would definitely not go for a hike there.

Jul 7, 2024 22:49 by Aster Blackwell

Well if you stick to the trail you'd (probably) be fine!