Janys Settlement in SanZera | World Anvil

Janys (Jan-iss)

"This isn't like your quaint little hometown up north, foreigner. If you step out of these borders and walk, you know what you'll find? Nothing. Miles and miles of it."
— Amused resident teasing a rude tourist

Tucked on the eastern edge of the Shadow, Janys is the last town of any significant size before the oasis gives way to wasteland. It far smaller and less popular than Respite, but the residents like it that way.


Effectively all of Janys's permanent residents are lilthians that were born in the Eastern Province. The few humans that call the town home are retired merchants or their decendants that sought out Janys as a retreat from the pressures of "normal" society. The community is tightly knit and wary of strangers, but not hostile.


The best way to describe Janys's government is a loose meritocracy. When the town needs to make important decisions, all of the more active members of the community meet together in the town hall to discuss it and come to a conclusion. There is no formal mayor or any kind of central ruler.

Industry & Trade

All industry in Janys revolves around resources obtained from the Oasis Gloom Forest and the Great Desert. The biggest exports are medicinal plants, rare dyes, sand, and glass products.

Merchants in Janys are careful to control access to their products. Trade secrets are fiercely kept. Merchants carry exports from the town on scheduled dates and are not allowed to take any more or any less than they were promised. All imports are thoroughly investigated to be sure they are free from potential parasites or pests that could damage the Gloom Forest.

Alternative Name(s)
Shadow's Edge
Large town
Hovers around 2,000 individuals
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Solar Cover by Aster Blackwell


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