
"The rivers of Balst carry more than just good and currents. They carry secrets, deep and drowning secrets. The River Priest whisper to the currents and learn these secrets. Don't trust them."   -Captain Thomas of The Hellhound
    Balstians (also Balst Halfings, or simply Halfings.) are a race of short humanoids who primarily live in the peninsula of Balst . They are a small, friendly people who enjoy good food and quiet living.     

Society and Culture

  Balstian communities commonly center around river banks and where two rivers join in Balst, where they will form tight knit and loyal communities. The castles of Balst are the oldest examples of this and the The River Keep is the largest Balstian settlement in the world. Much of the culture of Balstians revolves around the many rivers running throughout thier homelands. River markets are common, with small boats and canoes being used to ship goods up and down the waters.    Balstians typically dress in very loose fitting, soft clothing that are dyed bright colors. Many favor blue, yellow or bright red colors. Jewelry is popular in Balst and many of the halfings wear rings, ear rings and other unusual peircings.    Balstian food is rich and hearty. Many of the rivers are fished for the large Balstian Perch, affectionaly nicknamed Halfling Sharks, that live in them. This fish is a staple of Balstian food, along with grains such as lentils.    


  Balstian share a genetic ascestry with the Frost Halflings of Vanna Uri, although scholars have not been able to decide which of the two came first. What is known is that Balstian halflings have inhabited the Balst Peninsula for as long as there have been written records.   Balstian myth states that the Balst people were passengers aboard the Great Serpent as it crawled its way throughout the world, carving the valleys through the mountains of the world. It was then it rested on the peninsula of Balst, becoming the rivers that run through the realm.   


  Balstians primarily speak the common tongue, although they do have their own language called Balstian. Examples of common names for Balstian Halflings are Abioye, Tunde, Ife and Sonubi. Balstian halflings typically take last names in a similar style to Dwarves, with many of the names being water or river themed such as Brightwater, Bankrock, or Riverturn, for example.    


  Balst has an alliance with the sea elves of Nordstrand and quite often will trade for small amounts of Nordwood.   An uneasy truce has existed between Balst and the Empire for generations. The War of the Burning Sea saw some imperial humans settling on the Glittering Coast which has caused conflict with some Balstians on the eastern coast.    The vampire-led-humans to the North are rarely interacted with by the Balstian Halflings, who stay on thier side of the Balstian Mountains. Request for aid have been sent to Balst many times. Unfortunatly these request fall on deaf ears.     

River Keeps

  The grand castles of Balst are architectural wonders. Vast bridges stretch over the rivers and it is on these bridges that the keeps and castles of Balst are built. Many of these were said to have been built by Arnul the Architect , which would make them some of the oldest keeps and castles in Saoirse if true.     

Knights of Balst

  Balstian knights, also called a River Knight , are sworn fighters to the kings and lords of Balst. While most knights of the world primarily wield and revere their swords, River Knights hold great esteem and skill with the spear. This is primarily from the River Wars, when Balstian lords fought on boat and used spears to attack knights in passing boats. Only the The Order of the Sunspear rival the Balstian knights as spearmen.     


  (See The River Faiths )   The River Faiths are the collective term for the many different regional beliefs and spiritual practices of the halfings of Balst. The several hundred settlements that dot the shore of the Balstian rivers each came with their own beliefs and practices. The one thing they all had in common was a reverenace and worship for the rivers themselves. This has evolved over time, and while many practices still have regional differences, a loose coalition of priest and clergy has emerged in Balst. These River Priest educate themselves on the many different practices of Balst.           


The Founding of Balst


The River Wars 


The War of the Burning Sea 



Balstian Halfings are a short people with dark hair and dark brown or black skin.    Balstian Halfings share an average lifespan with their northern cousins, living just a couple decades more than humans on average. The oldest halfling alive today, Ilembar the White , is one-hundred and eleven years old as of the year 145 v5.
120 years
Average Height
2' 8" - 3' 5"
Average Weight
30-40 lbs