House Sparoww

"Over three thousand of them, charging across the Canopy of The Middlesfly. Each one flapping his wings as hard as he could. Yet even with their small size, each one stained their talons with birdfolk blood that day. This battle would become known as the Day of The Red Oak."  
  • written account in Tysoo Waterwing's book "The Pecking Wars", written Year 400 v3.
  •     House Sparoww is one of the noble houses of the Winged Woods. They are of the Court of Sparrows and are the head House of the Court. Their words are "We Are Many, We Are Strong", and their crest is three sparrows sitting on a branch, backed by a field of blue and green.            


      House Sparoww, like many in the Court Of Sparrows, number in the hundreds. It's said that only one of the Court of Sparrows can understand the family trees and inner politics of the court. House Sparoww, however, has earned recognition as being a house of commerce, as well as being the hosue that speaks for a vast majority of the population of the Winged Woods.   Sparoww's resemble sparrows, like everyone does in the Court of Sparrows. They prefer wearing simple shades of brown, green and gray. Sparoww Knights fly solid brown banners, as all knights do within the Court Of Sparrows.    



    The Pecking Wars

      House Sparoww was not formed until after the Pecking Wars. Members of the House were said to fight on the side of House Godsflight during the Pecking Wars.   During the Pecking Wars, the entirety of the Court of Sparrows armies descended on The Middlesfly for a battle that would become known as the Day of the Red Oak. This battle would take place around a single, large oak tree. The battle shed blood all over the leaves of the tree and many on both sides lost their lives that day.   

    The First Perching

        When the First Perching was called, many of the sparrows answered the call. A tourney was held soley for the sparrows to decide who would become the head of the houses that King Godsflight intended to form and legitimize as a way to organize the sparrows. A Nestless Knight won the tourney, Ser Teewin "The Large", who was said to be five and a half feet tall. He was named the first of House Sparoww and granted the castle of Songhome.    

    Recent Events


    The Burning of Songhome

        In the year 120 v5, demons broke through the defences on the northern part of the Wet Feather River. The small wooden forts between Farperch Keep and Castle Kraw would fall, and demons and imps would descend upon the town of Songhome and its House. House Sparoww put forth a valiant defence, and Ser Chirpchi Sparoww would earn his title "The Wingwall" when he held off more than a hundred imps at the gates of Songhome Castle. Ser Chirpchi is to this day revered as a hero and one of the finest knights in the realm.    

    The Red War

        (Current Campiagn. Pending)    

    Known members as of 145 v5

    • Lord Cheechip Sparoww, Lord of Songhome, Head of House Sparoww
    • Ser Chipchi "The Wingwall" Sparoww, Eldest son of Lord Cheechip, Heir to House Sparoww
    • Lady Tori Sparoww (formerly Sparerow), Wife of Lord Cheechip
    • Fee Sparoww, youngest son of Lord Cheechip

    Sworn Houses

        House Sparoww has no sworn houses.
    House Sparoww of The Meadowlands  
    Type - Birdfolk   Coat of Arms - Three sparrows sitting on a branch, backed by a four-sectioned pattern of green and blue.   Seat - Songhome Castle   Head - Lord Cheechip Sparoww   Region - The Meadowlands   Overlord - The Winged King   Ancestral Weapon - Skyflame, the Bombing Bow   Founding - The First Perching, Year 415 v3.