
"Now announcing his Grace, The King Babble Mourningclaw, second of his name, Lord of King's Perch, Lord of Chirpton, The Winged King, Champion of the Black Oaks, and Protector of the Realm of the Diretrees. Long may he reign!"   -royal announcer at The Perching of the year 140 v5.
    Birdfolk (also called The Winged Folk or Feathered folk) are a race of bipedal bird-like people who live in the giant trees of The Winged Woods.   Birdfolk are an old and proud race, being able to accurately trace bloodlines back to the late years of the Second Verse, an impressive feat for any society in the world. They are highly monarchistic, having kings, lords and nobles.    

Society & Culture

  Birdfolk society is spread throughout the Winged Woods, and the Realm of Diretrees is the only place in the world that birdfolk are thought to be native to. The towering trees provide ample space to build cities within their branches. These cities can stretch for miles upwards through the branches. Typically, those of lower class live near the lower branches, closer to the dangers of the forest floor. The great castles and holdfast of the Winged Woods tent to be near the tops of the trees, where watchtowers can jut out from the canopy and keep a watchful eye on approaching flyers. These cities and lands are ruled by many barons, dukes and lords who all serve and swear loyalty (usually) to the Winged King.   Birdfolk tend to dress in a very modest and traditional style consisting of fine tunics and pants. Birdfolk do not wear shoes, as their feet are scaled and taloned. Birdfolk royalty dress more wealthily with fine silks, masterwork chainmails and beautiful dresses. Jewelry is rare amongst birdfolk as their biology doesn't allow for many peircings or rings.   The diet of an average birdfolk varies little from the diet of the average bird, simply on a larger scale. Grain, seeds, fruit and insects are staples for most birdfolk save for the carnivorous ones, who primarily hunt for their meat. Birdfolk from Coldwall, who tend to resemble penguins and puffins, eat a diet of raw fish.      


  Birdfolk are one of the very few races that has record and can trace their bloodlines back to the Second Verse during the Sunfire Crusades. Record of the origins of the Birdfolk, however, are lost and forgotten. Scholars theroize that the Birdfolk are some sort of guardians, left behind by the god Annor to protect the Winged Woods. Some of the oldest Houses and families in the Winged Woods that can trace their lineage back the Second Verse are House Godsflight, House Mourningclaw, House Gray, House Icebeak and House Waterwing.   Birdfolk mythos points towards Annor as the origin of their people. It is said that the Birdfolk were born of Annor's clutch, with their first king being the first born of Annor's eggs. House Godsflight claims to be descended from this king, although there is no proof to support this claim.      


  Birdfolk speak their own language consisting of whistles, chirps, and song. This language is indistinguishable from birdsong to the untrained ear. Most Birdfolk also can speak and understand common, although some words are difficult due to the difference between speaking with a mouth and a beak.   Birdfolk first names tend to mimic bird sounds when spoken in common, such as Twill, Bugok, Tweelee, etc. Surnames are only used in important families of great Houses.  


  The Birdfolk of the Winged Woods are vassals of the The Empire of Avarend in all but name. They provide aid to the Imperial armies fighting the The Second Valkan Crusade and pay the Empire a tithe every year. Some Winged Kings have set plans in motion to break away from the Empire, yet few have been successful.   The Birdfolk have a good relationship with the remaining humans in the Ashen Hills, who they see as displaced Imperial citizens who they are honor-bound to assist.   The Birdfolk of the Northern Winged Woods interact with Dragonfolk more than the rest of the Kingdom. The birds of Coldwall and The Singing Keep do well to maintain good relationships with the Dragonfolk of Abyssnia Pass or Drakza.    

The Courts

  The Birdfolk are unified under one monarch who sits on the Sky Throne in King's Perch. The Birdfolk of Saoirse are an old and storied race, having many generations of history. Throughout these generations, inheritance by bloodline, royal positions, and noble houses have formed within the society. These Courts tend to be organized by the general appearance and type of Birdfolk, with those looking more raven-like falling into the Court of Corvids, for example. The Courts are further broken down into noble houses with each Court containing multiple families and houses. These houses and these ties to nobility are a driving force behind Birdfolk culture and society. While the common bird may live a simple life of farming and flying, the upper branches of the royal trees teem with politics, cloak and dagger tactics and great games of influence.   The Courts of the Birdfolk are separated by different subtypes. These Courts are further divided into Houses which act as the family structure and the means by which titles and land passes.   The Court of Corvids are one of the most varied and powerful Courts in the Winged Woods. The current monarchy is of the Court of Corvids. This Court contains a wide variety of people and demeanors. Knights, spies, politicians and farmers all make up the Court of Corvids. Those in the Court of Corvids typically resemble crows, ravens, bluejays, cardinals, and magpies.   Houses in the Court of Corvids include House Mourningclaw, House Blackfeather, House Bravejay and House Godsflight.   The current head of this Court is Queen Twilltwill Mourningclaw. Queen Mourningclaw is also the acting Queen of the Winged Woods. House Mourningclaw's seat of power is in Chirpton, but House Blackfeather has taken regency over the region since the Mourningclaw's are residing in King's Perch.   Court of Ice is a rough and strong Court that lives in Coldwall, the area tucked between the Meadowlands and the southern stretch of the Onguuls. The Court of Ice has had to fight and survive in the cold climate of Coldwall, making them strong warriors. Those in the Court of Ice typically resemble penguins, puffins and other arctic birds.   Houses in the Court of Ice include House Icebeak, House Puff, and House Frostglide   The current head of this Court is Lord Oodleloo Icebeak. The Court of Ice rules Coldwall from the great castle of Waddle's Keep.   Court of Water are faithful and smart, and boast one of the leading populations of spellcasters in the Winged Woods. They and the Court of Ice used to be one Court, but a recent separation of the two Courts has caused tension in the Winged Woods. Those in the Court of Water typically resemble seagulls, swans, ducks, and other aquatic birds.   Houses in this Court include House Waterwing, House Stork, and House Oceansglide.   The current head of this Court is Lord Quack Waterwing. House Waterwing rules Waterspear from their city of Swanport.   Hunter's Court are strong and noble in their acts and demeanors. The Hunter's Court at one point ruled the Winged Woods, and for several generations the woods were under the watchful eye of the King Skrell Skyhunter. The Hunter's Court boast proud and capable warriors, and many knights of the land hail from the Hunter's Court. Those in the Hunter's Court typically resemble hawks, falcons, and eagles. There are rumors of a splinter house, one of vultures, that split off from the Hunter's Court and went into hiding many years ago.   Houses in this Court include House Hollowbone , House Skyhunter, and House Proudflock   The current head of this Court is Lord Halstar Hollowbone. Lord Hollowbone and House Hollowbone rules the Griffon Peaks from Stone Perch.   Court of Song are bards and songsmiths, but quite frequently forgotten. Not caring for the politics and plays of the noble courts, many of the Court of Song don't take much part in the greater games of the Courts. Those that do though, are charming and shrewd. Those in the Court of Song resemble songbirds, hummingbirds, and other birds.   Houses in this Court include House Hummingheart, House Chikadeen and House Treble.   The current head of this Court is Lord Bard Swee Chikadeen. The Court of Song has no titles, but do reside in a substantial keep north of Songhome named The Singing Keep.   Court of Sparrows are a large and numerous Court, having hundreds of Houses under its wing. Keeping all the houses straight is a perfect job for the studious and scholarly Sparrows. The Court of Sparrows has never wanted for power nor nobility, simply to serve the realm the best they can. The Court of Sparrows achieves what they do not through the skill or knowledge of the individual, but the power and strength of the flock. You'll be hard pressed to ever find a sparrow alone.   Houses in this court include House Sparrow, House Sparow, House Sparoww , and House Sparerow.   The current head of this court is Cheechip Sparoww. House Spawoww rules the Meadowlands from Songhome.   The Court of Night are mysterious and strange in their ways. The Court of Night operates almost separately from the Winged Woods, yet you'll never find one that will admit it, with most assuring they serve the monarch in King's Perch. The Court of Night has provided more spymasters to the royal family through the decades than any other house, only recently being ousted from the position. Those in the Court of Night resemble owls. It is said the first ever Knight of the Winged Woods was from the Court of Night, a owl birdfolk named Ser Skreech Quietflight .   Houses in this court include House Tyto ,House Gizzard, House Pygmy, House Snowhunter and House Grey. The current head of this court is The Lord Tyto. House Tyto rules the Silent Islands from their castle at Moonstone  


  (See The Church Of Annor )
  Birdfolk primarily follow the teaching and practices of the Church of Annor. Annor is said to be the parent of all birdfolk, who were hatched from Annor's eggs. The Church of Annor is an organized religion that takes an active part in the politics of the Winged Woods. Virtues amongst the church include honor, freedom of flight, bravery and piety. Sins amongst the church and its beliefs include adultery, kinslaying, wing clipping (Both clipping ones own wings and clipping anothers), and oathbreaking.   The Church is heavily involved in the politics of the Winged Woods. It is not uncommon for a monarch to declare themselves close allies and friends with the church, especially to win over the common people. Some of the Great Houses such as House Godsflight or House Stork have maintained close ties with the Church for generations.    


The Pecking Wars

  The era before the crowning of the First Winged King, where independent lords and barons were fighting for territory and control, was known as the Pecking Wars. This era was one of birdfolk-on-birdfolk combat, which included whole battles consisting of talon jousting.  

The First Winged King

    The first recorded King of the Winged Woods was King Whipowhipoware of Godsflight Lake, later shortened to King Whipowhipoware Godsflight. Before his crowning, the realm had been a loose coalition of barons and lords without a leader, torn apart by the Pecking Wars. Once Ethokar the Unlocker was released upon the Ashen Hills, the first Perching was called, and the courts chose Whipowhipoware as their king and ruler. It's said that Whipowhipoware was the finest sky warrior that the world had ever seen and was capable of defeating dragons in a Talon Joust It's said that King Godsflight founded and built King's Perch, the greatest city of the Winged Woods and the capital of the realm. Before it was King's Perch, it was the nest of a great green dragon named Yarthrax The Feathered who terrorized the central settlements of the Winged Woods during this time. King Godsflight was said to have challenged Yarthrax to a Talon Joust. The King won, slaying the dragon and building the birdfolk capital in the same tree that the dragon nested in.  

Imperial Vassalage

  The Winged Woods are a vassal of the Empire of Avarend, although any documentation of this names the birdfolk as allies to the Empire. The Winged Woods provides military support to the legions that are fighting in the Ashen Hills. The Crown also pays a tithe to the Empire once a year.


Birdfolk size tends to vary greatly, with some being only a few feet tall and others being almost as tall as Dragonfolk at six or seven feet tall. They are bipedal humanoid birds with feathers covering most of their bodies. Their arms double as wings, having a layer of feathers that can be expanded and contracted during flight. The only Birdfolk to not have the ability to fly are certain subspecies in the northern regions of the Winged Woods. The subspecies of Birdfolk are many and differences between two Birdfolk from two different regions are enough where some scholars almost classify them as different species entirely. To the common man, however, the Birdfolk are one people and are referred to in such a manner.


  • There is a Birdfolk community in Corinth City called Little Wood.
  • Lifespan
    100 years
    Average Height
    3' - 8'
    Average Weight
    20-100 lbs