The Church Of Londhor

"Lord of Bravery, swift be the sword that carries thine will, swift be my sword that I wield for you. Cowardly be mine enemies, so I may show the herertics the burning of your sunfire. Fortes Filii Solis"   -a common prayer before battle
  The Church of Londhor (also known as The Imperial Church), is a religious organization that worhsips the god Londhor. The Church is the dominant religion in regions under the control of the The Empire of Avarend , and therefore has one of the widest areas of influence of any of the other faiths or religions of Saoirse.      


Londhor is the God of Bravery, Fire, and the Sun. The Church of Londhor considers Londhor to be the father and creator of all the other gods and deities except for The Siren. The Church preaches that Londhor was called here by the Siren during the eras when the Gods walked the earth and commanded to unite the world. Londhor is depicted as a large knight in shining gold armor and a helmet adorned with stag antlers. Londhor is one of the two fire gods of Saoirse, the other being Odgen, one of the two Dragon Gods.    



  Priest of the Church of Londhor are called red bishops, or just bishops. Most are taught, trained and ordained at the churchs and cathedrels of Avarend, which are called Sols. Any priest trained in this way will be branded with a shape of deer antlers when they complete their training. Preist usually wear shades of red, yellow or gold,  

High Chervuus

  The highest position of the Church is the position of High Chervuus. They are considered to be the voice of the Godking and carry the will of Londhor. Their attire consist of a large antlered crown and red robes, emblazed with motifs of fire and trimmed with gold. The High Chervuus sits on the council of the Emperor of Avarend.  

Paladin Orders

  As the doctrine of The Church encourages the formation of paladin groups and fighting ranks, many orders have been formed throughout the Empire's history. Individuals who hold land have the right to form holy orders of fighting men, as long as every soldier in the formation is a confirmed member of the Church. Some of these orders have grown to such size that they've been absorbed into the Empire's legions.   The Burning Swords are a church-funded order of warrior monks who swear to wage the church's crusades whenever called upon. They maintain monastaries throughout the Empire.   The Brave Brothers are a mercenary group who claims heritage to an ancient holy order called The Blessed Brave, a famous crusading order from history past.    

Sol of Constantine

  The Sol of Constantine was a sol built by the Emperor Constantine Zastreli, the Emperor during the time of Pertullo the White Stag. The Sol of Constantine was built in Romagus when the previous sol burned to the ground in an accident the previous year. The Sol of Constantine is the largest sol to Londhor in the world, with a stained glass dome that stretches hundreds of meters in diameter.  

Archpaladins & Saints

  Martyrs and blessed members of the Church can be immortalized as Archpaladins or saints, thought to have ascended to such heights of piety that they become recognized by the God King himself. Saint refers to preist, preachers, miracle workers, and generally non-combat focused members of the church. Archpaladin refers to those of paladin and knightly orders. These archpaladins and saints are treated as minor dieties, prayed to in times of need.   Pertullo the White Stag has been named an Archpaladin after he cured the Summer Sister of Dust Sickness     Archpaladin Ezirath is thought to have been the first archpaladin, recorded as a champion of Londhor. It is said that Archpaladin Ezirath imprisoned the orcish god Harcos on Prasidium , the moon of Saoirse.   Archpaladin Zastriel The Burning Sword is the first empress of the Empire and named Archpaladin.   Saint Varin is the patron saint of growth. Saint Varin was Empress Varin Zestreli during the third verse, and was the empress who brought the Avarendi people through The Winged Woods and settled in modern day Avarend. Saint Varin also represents the favor and friendship the birdfolk of the Winged Woods showed the refugee humans in their times of need.   Saint Olympius Calva is a patron saint of arcane magic, knowledge and order. Calva was the founder of The Chaosguard  

Rights & Privileges

The Church of Londhor has several rights within the Empire, including tax exemption, right to hold land within city limits, rights to form paladin orders and right to dispense law.   Individuals who hold land have the right to form holy orders of fighting men, as long as every soldier in the formation is a confirmed member of the Church. These militias and orders must be funded and equipped by the landowner, although spending on this is tax exempt. Some of these orders have grown to such size that they've been absorbed into the Empire's legions. The 10th Legion is an example of one such order that would eventually become a legion of the Empire.  

Right to Crusade

  The Church retains the right to mobilize any fighting force in the name of Londhor for a Crusade. The Imperial Crown cannot by law stop a completely church-funded army, or an army consisting of holy orders, from marching on Crusade. The choice to support a crusade or not by the Imperial Crown is left to the Emperor, though few Emperors have ever refused the call to crusade. This right to crusade is preached as a born right to all, down to the individual.  


  The Church of Londhor is the primary faith of the Empire of Avarend. The church preaches virtrues such as bravery, honesty, martial prowess and loyalty. The church preaches against sins such as cowardice, darkness magic, oathbreaking, deer hunting, and Witchcraft .   Deer and stags are considered holy animals in the Church's eyes, and therefore are banned from hunting in Imperial territory.    


  Worship takes place in a Sol, a large cathedrel like structure usually built with a dome of stained glass. Sols can be found throughout Imperial territory with varying degrees of quality. In areas where little stained glass is available, the Sols might use regular glass, or simply keep the roof open to let the suns rays in.   Meditation is often done with fire, staring into the flames, or on bright sunny days under Lanari's rays.      

Holy Days

    Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, and therefore the longest day that the sun is in the sky. This day is observed outside, under the warmth of the sun. Fires are started.   Sunfire's Eve is said to be the day before Londhor came to the world with Sunfire, giving the world a way to ascend to godhood alongside him. Many of the zealous devout that make the pilgrimage to The Sunfire attempt to ascend to Godhood to be in Londhor's order of Archpaladins, and many choose Sunfire's Eve to make the attempt.    

Marriage Customs

  Marriages are typically during summer when the sun is highest. The two to be married take turns holding a knife over a fire, till the very edge is red hot. They will lightly tap the arm of the other, enough toleave a long thin burn. During this they will recite the words as followes.      
By burning skin I swear to you   To be brave and loyal, for long as with you   Warmth of fire, burns of the sun With this flesh singed   We two become one
      This burn is blessed by the attending bishop and treated with a salve. The marriage is typically followed by a feast that includes fresh fruit, sweet wines and poultry.      


  Fire is thought to be the domain and power of Londhor, therefore cremation is the most common funeral rite in the Church of Annor. Ashes are usually placed in the hearths of the deceased family and rubbed into the brick or stone by the family. The ashes get rubbed into the pores of the hearth and into the skin of the loved ones. The ash will be left on the hands by the family for the rest of the day, and washed off before the evening meal. Before washing off the ash, the family will hold hands in a circle in prayer.      




  When the humans of the Empire were still mainly in the Ashen Hills, the Church looked very different than it does today. The followers of Londhor were more a loose collection of humans who shared some base beliefs of loyalty, bravery, and reverence for the sun and deer. The few remains of holy sites in The Ashen Hills that have been uncovered point scholars to believe that the pre-ethokar churches were nothing but large tents, filled with fire and ash. The remaining settlement of humans in The Ashen Hills, Saylum Ayu , has a site similar to this, a large demon-leather tent is named Zurk Kharahk.  

The Winged Woods

  When the Ethokar was unleashed on the world by the Demon Cults, the people of the Ashen Hills moved south and took refuge in the Winged Woods. The birdfolk there, having just unified under The Winged King , were strong from the previous years of the Pecking Wars. The winged folk took in the human refugees, who were fed, clothed and sheltered until they gathered their strength enough to continue south. During these years spent in the Winged Woods, much of the culture of the birdfolk bleded with that of the humans. The humans left the Winged Woods with a much more rigid and organized church structure, along with the concept of nobility and noble houses of power.    

The Valkan Crusades

  The Valkan Crusades are conflicts in the Ashen Hills and Zunstradia, where Imperial legions attempt to retake the human homeland from demons and vampires alike.    The First Valkan Crusade was launched shortly after the curing of the Summer Sister by Pertullo the White Stag. This crusade reinforced the border of the Winged Woods significantly. Pertullo the White Stag died during the first battle of the Crusade at Castle Kraw, a birdfolk holdfast on the Wet Feather river. He would be named an archpaladin after death.    The Second Valkan Crusade was launched in the year 144 v5.  


These are the bad guys. Please don't take this "crusader militant human" vibe as supporting anything like that. It's a commentary thing. Religion bad sometimes. Crusaders were bad guys irl. Okay thanks.
The banner and symbol of the Imperial Church.