
Ghoram known as The Elder is the Lord of Dark Knowledge, Horror, Plotting and Espionage.

Worshippers of Ghoram are not all necessarily evil incarnate. Ghoram is said to be the manifestion of darkness and The Void, existing before even time itself. As the keeper of Dark Knowledge, he is the eternal enemy to Zevran, the god of Secrets and History. While Zevran promtes responsible discovery and implementation, Ghorman encourages his followers to drink deep of the dark unknown and embrace the powers contained.

Divine Domains

Ghoram is the ruler of the realm known as Nhomakorabea, The Dark Library or the Realm of Madness. An unsettling vast structure containing all of the knowledge ever known and ever to be known. The goal of many treasure hunters and seekers of the arcane. It is said however, that the Realm of Madness is not possible to navigate for even the most powerful of minds for even glimpsing a page from the books of infity will cause even the minds of demigods to crumble.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Like Hyborim, the symbol for Ghorman is a skull, often wearing a band or tiara with tendrils digging into the bone.
Divine Classification


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