The Dark Pantheon

The unholy foil to The Sacred Seven is The Dark Pantheon. Prior to The Night of Chaos, unholy texts speak of legions of devils and demons and hundreds of kings, queens, generals and dark rulers. A place called the Endless Hells, a horrifying world of constant war and violence. The figures in these texts were often mysterious and distant, however it was during The Night of Chaos that the seven abominations of The Dark Pantheon made themselves known. The Chaos, said to be built by The Supreme Archdevil, Hyborim himself was thought to be an extension of his realm. His six generals and countless lieutenants breached the shores of Saol and were fought back by The Sacred Seven. However their influence on the land was to be eternal. Today, The Dark Pantheon is said to be the final thought on what lies below.


The Supreme Archdevil - Lord of Terror, Tyranny, and Domination


The Elder - Lord of Dark Knowledge, Horror, Plotting and Espionage


The Fathomless - Lord of the Abyss, Guilt, and Hopelessness


The Queen of the Succubi - Lady of Lust, Lies, Hedonism and Greed


The Ruiner - Lord of War, Conquest, Destruction and Wrath


The Fallen - Lord Treachery, Betrayal, Corruption and Genocide


The Queen of Bones - Lady of Death, Decay, Dark Prayers, Evil Thoughts and Necromancy

The Endless Hells

A distant, endless, demonic paradise. A caucophony of eternal storms and violence. Most texts and religious persuasions believe the Hells are the destined afterlife for those that have led a life of immorality and sin. When your soul has left this mortal coil, it is sent to the cosmos where the Seven above weigh its worth and a life well led is welcome into the Celestial Kingdoms. Others are banished below, for an eternity of torment in one of the realms the hell. There are seven known realms of The Endless Hells, one for each of The Dark Pantheon.

The Nether

A toxic, ruinous city of the most cruel and wicked beings in The Hells. It is said only the worst of mankind are sent to The Nether, a hollow city of chaotic dismay tormented by shadowy malice. This realm is overseen by Hyborim himself.


Also known as The Dark Library and The Realm of Madness. Rewarding those who sought dark knowledge in life with a mind shattering glimpse into eternity. Ghoram, The Elder relishes in his unique and efficient methods of punishment.

The Scarlet Empire

A brutal red city of towering sharp citadels connected by massive barbed chains. Ruled by the Queen of the Succubi Lilith and reserved for those of paramount lust and greed.

The Fields of Scrios

An unholy, ever lasting, battlefield ruled by the self-proclaimed Devil King Maul. It is said this top general once sought to overthrow Hyborim as ruler of evil and as such his realm was turned into one of eternal conflict with no respite. Those in life who seeked only war and violence will find it here forever more.

The Silent Kingdom

This misty, hallowed graveyard is a place where those who tampered with the dark arts of necromancy spend eternity as mindless ghouls and wraiths. It is here, Serafin, The Queen of Bones dominates her undead subjects.

The Abyss

The Abyss, ruled by the fathomless maw known as Dyur'z is an eternal cosmic blackness said to connect to the far realms themselves. A place of pure emptiness for those that have caused the same.


Naz'real, The Fallen, dominates the twisted plains of Ollpheist. A sickly miasma hangs over this decrepit reflection of our own world, where traitors are tormented by demonic shadows of those they have wronged.


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