
The ArchDevil Hyborim known as The Prime Evil and Embodiment of Chaos is The Lord of Terror, Tyranny, and Domination.

Even during the times before The Night of Chaos, Saol was a very spiritual place. Said to have the strongest connection to the gods of all of Ahmsear's realms. This also meant the strongest connections to the Devil's below. Hyborim is evil manifest, feeding on the power of every nefarious thought or deed. It is thought that Hyborim is responsible for The Night of Chaos in attempt to turn Ahmsear into his own hellish paradise.

Divine Domains

Hyborim rules over the realm of the Endless Hells known as The Nether. The Nether is an sprawling city of flame and ruin housing the worst of humanity. Those who are condemned to the The Nether spend eternity in fear of the raging demons who prowl these ruinous hunting grounds. They tear apart and feast on the condemned sould only to have them appear beneath the rubble once again.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are many unholy symbols that connect to the Archdevil Hyborim, however the most prominent is that of a crowned skull.
Divine Classification


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