
Kavadra, also known as The Unifier, is the Goddess of Community, Cooperation and Endurance. Kavadra is the manifestation of togetherness and teamwork. Any who put others over themselves have some sort of connection to the Goddess of Community. Kavadra disgregards kings and monarchs and believes a strong community trumps any other system of civilization.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Kavadra generally reside in the domains of Light, Order and Peace.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kavadra is often dipicted as giantess acting a protector of her peoples. The symbol of Kavadra is metal ring of various metals and materials.

Tenets of Faith

  • Utalitarianism. Actions and attitudes should benefit the majority of humanity.
  • Compassion. Inner peace is achieved when one lives their life in benefit of others.
  • Protection. War and violence are a last resort but swift action must be taken against those who stand against ones community.
Founded Settlements


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