The Sacred Seven

During the Night of Chaos, when the majority of the Ahmsearan pantheons were lost to history, Seven Saolan gods united to fight The Chaos. As physical entities they rallied the Saolan people and fought back the waves of elemental destruction and the following campaign of demons and beasts. After their victory, they remained on Saol as mortals, helping the Saolans rebuild. Each of the Seven capitals was built in the image of one the Gods. Eventually they drifted from this mortal coil, but their reverence and inspiration remain.


The Golden Father - God of Civilization, Achievement and the Sun


The Silver Mother - Goddess of Life, Death, Renewal and the Moon


The Guardian - God of War, Honor and Justice


The Unifier - Goddess of Community, Cooperation and Endurance


The Orator - God of Commerce, Secrets, Arcana, and History


The Guiding Star - Goddess of Love, Protection and Creation


The Enlightened - God of Adventure, Discovery and the Unknown


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