
Lilith known as the Queen of the Succubi and the Demon of Desire is the Lady of Lust, Lies, Hedonism and Greed.   Lilith is the embodiment of desire both in a material sense and of the flesh. Any who put their own wants over the wellbeing of others pay an unknown tribute to The Queen. She also has her sights set on any who would dominate their will over others and will reward them in the afterlife with an eternity of brutal submission.

Divine Domains

Lilith rules over the domain of Hell known as The Scarlet Empire. Home of the Succubi, the Scarlet Empire is one of the few realms of Hell with a sense of structure. The succubi and incubi are intelligent creatures who are poignant and efficient in theirvisceral brutality. The empire consists of brutal red spires floating above hellish depths. The spires and floating islands are connected by massive barbed chains. The entire realm of a whirlwind of desire and horrific violence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Like the others, Lilith is often represented by a skull, hers with massive shattered eye sockets.
Divine Classification


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