
Naz’real also known as The Fallen is the Lord of Treachery, Betrayal, Corruption and Genocide.   Ancient scriptures tell of cruel devil and The Lord of The Corrupt known as Naz'real. He visited the heavens as a human who fell vailiantly defending his village. An angel took a liking to the devil in disguise and was convinced to abandon its wings to live together as immortals on the material plane. The angel was decieved and tethered to the Ollpheist Throne, becoming Naz'real. He know achieves solace only in inflicting the same horror to those in Ahmsear who would name themselves betrayer.

Divine Domains

The Ollphiest, like the Plane of Shadow is a horrific reflection of the Material Plane. It is a toxic yellow wasteland, basted in a cloud of poisonous miasma and populated by wretched creatures. Those banished to the Ollpheist maniifest the memories of those they have wronged as horrible shadow demons tho torment them for eternity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol for Naz'real is a withered, rotting skull.
Divine Classification


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