
Odyssey is the city of epic adventure. The Pirate Lords (a title from a different time) rule this city with parental encouragement. A sprawling hub for explorers, adventurers, arcane wanderers, and delvers of the unknown. Controlling through their massive fleet most of the Western Seas - it is this city that is leading the campaign to discover the rest of the world and find their lost sister continents.


A blend of many races, they judge only by the mind and the spirit. The city as a whole worships Elijah (The Enlightened) - God of Adventure, Discovery and the Unknown. However, compared to other cities they do not adhere to strict religious practices. An island city, they are close to the element of water.


Odyssey is ruled by a council of three elected official referred to as The Council of Three or sometimes the Pirate Lords. The name comes from a time during the Dark Ages when Odyssey was home to the various pirate clans that plagued Saol. The name has since become near iconic as Odyssey is now a city of virtue and learning. The current Pirate Lords are Luther Lawson, Francesca Royce and Allestar Matchlock. The Council of Three typically also have some sort of connections to an educational or scientific aspect of the city, highlighting the importance of science and learning.

The Island of Odyssey

Odyssey often refers to the large capital city on the West Coast of the island of Ch'ran, on the continent of Ch'Tara, the smallest continent of Saol which is essentially just an island cluster. Many foreigners and even Odyssian's refer to this main island also as Odyssey. The city sprawls along the coast, but the inner island is littered with tropical suburbs. The island is also ripe with ancient forest and ruins, underground castles, underwater cities, and hidden fonts of magic. Despite its location to the main city, to this day much of the island remains unexplored.


With a major focus on defense, Odyssey is famous for the Forward Fleet, the most prominent and dominating Navy among all nations. On the home front, the Odyssian Guard is the formal military of Odyssey, heavy with artificers, arcanists, or magic infused infantry. Odyssey however does not have a true standing army and would like not be able to conquer much, should it ever have a mind to. When excursions or missions lead them into other lands, they usually rely on the infamous Crossbones Mercenaries for security or a specialized task force.


Montgomery Harbor

The center mile of coast along the cities edge, home to the Forward Fleet and many of the colleges and research centers, named after the Odyssian hero Montgomery Montgomery. The sprawling harbor is a dizzying display of innovation and the blend between vessel and land is seamless. Few live in the harbor but the majority of Odyssey works here in one way or another, from the lowly dock worker to the Vice Deans on the floating College of Discovery.

Harbor of the Pirate King

Also known as King's Harbor, the much smaller northern quarter mile of coast is where the elites of Odyssey frequent. It contains higher end shops, restaurants, homes and the location of the capitol building, The Anchor. This district is strictly commercial as the Pirate Lords want to ensure accessibility to all academic institutions.

Harvaard's Bay

The most southern coastal area within city limits is the main housing area for the city. Within this nearly half mile of city, one can witness the quality in housing change with every block ending in the city slums. This area sprawls inwards and is home to a city within a city. Free from academic pressures, Harvaard's Bay is a city for the working man. The headquarters for the Crossbones Mercenaries can be found here, as well any inklings of Thieves' Guild or worse.

The Inner City

Away from the coast, is towards the center of the island lies the inner city. The least populated although the largest stretch of both commercial and residential buildings. Although distant to the highbrow nature of the coastal activity, the inner city is home to traders, farmers, woodsmen etc. who provide all the necessary resources for the City of Learning to thrive the way they do. There have recently been a surge of Hokum worshippers, a dangerous religion from the Southern Jungles appearing amongst the swamp folk of the inner city.

Guilds and Factions

The Explorer's Guild

The Explorer's Guild is an official government organization of Odyssey, and a collective that houses the world's chief explorers, historians, archeologists and those who seek to discover new and lost knowledge. While applications are available to any across Saol, graduates from the College of Discovery are granted automatic membership. This Guild, led by Pirate Lord Allestar Matchlock determines the scientific future of Saol and are often the final world on what this world is and how it works. They, along with the College are also the only know authorities on extra-planar travel, including the elemental planes and even the Celestial Plane, theoretical home of the gods.

The Thieves Guild Presence

Odyssey unfortunately has not entirely escaped its roots as a pirate haven and as such there is a thriving Thieve' Guild presence that lurks in the dark shadows of the city. Smaller than their sister location in Paradise, the Thieves of Odyssey are just as (if not more) ferocious. This is because many of the thieves here are former scientists or researchers who are now turning to nefarious means to fund their work. This level of intellect adds to the power of the guild as whole. Of course, many are just thieves.

Crossbones Mercenaries

While much of the pirate legacy has retreated underground as thieves and assassins, many decided not to hide themselves. The Crossbones Mercenaries are brutes who operate just at the edge of the law. Any mercenaries guilds or even freelancers who operate in Ch'Tara must contract with the Crossbones. Their power also comes from government support, as Odyssey is known only for their defense and naval strength, and any land bound or foreign incursions usually require Crossbone support.

Centers of Learning

The Odyssian Center for Science and Research

The Center for Research and Science houses the most skilled chemists and scientists of the world. The twin Tritons, Crisa and Merro Callide have been bringing the already ground-breaking center to new heights in recent years. The center combines magic with science in fascinating ways, such as the creation of new spells, potions and enchantments. The seek to unlock the dormant abilities of each race and find ways to unlock the dormant magical potential in all living creatures. They lastly seek to understand the inner workings, both atomically and magically of the natural world and have been working with the Atomic Sorcerers of Serenity towards this end.

The College of Discovery

Four centuries ago, the most feared pirate crew in Odyssey was the Farshore Conquerors - the whole of the known world was unsafe against their wrath. They plundered and dismantled their defeated prizes and built the largest fortress in the city, known as Conquerors Hall. Today, it is a center of learning and a training facility for future discoverers and explorers. The College of Discovery focuses on the physical, hands-on aspect of the know world. Many classes occur off the island in distant locations such as the Great North, the Jungles of the Archfey or the Desert of Fortune. The only known Astrophysicists in the world teach here.

The College of Bards

The College of Bards is petitioning to be the third formal arm of learning in Odyssey. Promoting and teaching the arts both mundane and arcane. Before the Times of Chaos ancient texts hint at bards as some of the greatest magic wielders of all time. Their colleges were hubs for intellectual gatherings, exciting trading of ideas, and expression of physical art. Today the bards college, under the leadership of the fey creature, @William Fartide seeks to reconnect to the bards of old and bring forth a new age of magical learning.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Epic Adventure
Inhabitant Demonym
Mostly human with a growing population of elves, gnomes, tritons and fey creatures


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