
Elijah, called The Enlightened, is the God of Adventure, Discovery and the Unknown. Elijah, since the dawn of his existence is a being of curiosity and the tip of the spear in asking the question - what is the purpose of existence? Elijah and those who follow him feed a never ending desire to learn, explore and discover and use that information for the benfefit of all.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Elijah adhere to the domains of Arcana, Knowledge, Twlight and the Tempest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Elijah is dipicted as young explorer navigating the cosmos. His symbol is the horizon.

Tenets of Faith

  • Disovery. There will always be unknowns, and humanity is on an eternal path of discovering them. One should never stop learning and more importantly should always support curiosity in others
  • Knowledge. Revelations and discovered truths both physical and scientific are meant to be shared. Any knowledge that could benefit humanity must be provided to all.
  • Adventure. When able, one should test the limits of their courage, curiosity and endurance by traveling to new places, meeting new people and reaching new heights.
Founded Settlements


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