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Tel' Sehan

Tel' Sehan is a religion that almost all elves partake in, most but not all. The religion centres around The Staircase, the idea that years ago only six elves walked the Disc who then climbed the Staircase and when they reached the top they also reached god-hood. These six are unnamed and are simply known as 'The Six' to outsiders. From the top of the mountain, they would then shape the land below them.   The practices of this religion are nowhere near as strict as others, the only known building to celebrate this is a secret kept among elves. Each elf when they reach adolescence will choose a member of 'The Six' to dedicate their lives to and depending on which they choose they change their daily practice.   The elves religion is very secretive and do not often speak about it with others.
Religious, Organised Religion


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