See Rekhal Kingdom and Rekhal Kaizereich
- Reguila - the capital of Rekhal Kingdom and later Rekhal Kaizereich.
- Eugarila - The city build in honor of Kaizer Eugenez I Rekhal by his son Kaizer Markuz I the Brute. Serves as capital during the reign of the last and was destroyed during the uprising against him. Later it was rebuilt.
- ??? - Third and current capital of Rekhal Kaizereich.
- Rekhalian Jägerkorps - Elite faction of archer in the Rekhalian army. Found by Kaizer Eugenez I Rekhal.
- Kaizerjägers - Top-rank of Jägerkorps. Have guard, parade and demonstration duties over the regular jägers
- HexenJäger - unrelated to the Jägerkorps. Special unit of Rekhala Church, trained to hunt and destroy (Waksomian) witches. Later part of the Army.
- Rekhala Church - Autocephaly church under the Holy Church. Much more open-minded and liberal.
- South-east - Onoguria
- West - Spine Mountain (eastern sloops)
- North - TODO Country, where Eleonore flee
- South - Waksomia, later - Onoguria
- …
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Notable Members