DretKag's Horde Military Formation in Sarazi | World Anvil
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DretKag's Horde

DretKag's Horde is comprised of both new recruits obtained through tributes from Narian townships and harder veterans from DretKag's original reading parties. Most of the veteran members are respected with high military positions to reflect their status. While the newer members are often used in the front lines of battle as fodder and as a way to prove themselves.



DretKags Horde has a vast supply of manpower and is over tens of thousands strong.


DretKag's Horde utilizes a wide range of equipment suited to its diverse composition. The front-line recruits are armed with basic swords, hammers, staves, and axes. They wear simple leather or cloth armor to provide minimal protection in battle. The more experienced veterans and leaders wield specialty equipment, which may include enchanted weapons, reinforced armor, or exotic weaponry acquired through conquests or looted from fallen enemies.


Most fighters use basic swords, hammers, staves, and other commonly seen weaponry. However, the high-up veteran troops and leaders wield specialty equipment, either specially made or looted from fallen corpses.


DretKag's Horde follows a hierarchical command structure, with DretKag at the top as the supreme leader. Beneath him are a select group of high-ranking chieftains and warlords who lead their own divisions within the Horde. These seasoned veterans hold key military positions and are respected for their combat prowess and loyalty. Each chieftain oversees a certain number of warriors, forming smaller units within the larger Horde.


DretKags horde commonly tries to overwhelm their enemy and avoids any real tactics during so, mainly just overpowering through sheer numbers and brute force.


All recruits new to DretKags horde are expected to be trained in combat and the horde itself offers no real training besides skirmishes between members in between raiding.


Logistical Support

The logistical support for DretKag's Horde is managed through a combination of forced labor and voluntary offerings from the villages and cities in Naria. The Horde extracts tributes in the form of food, supplies, gold, and recruits from the population. These resources are then distributed to sustain the vast horde and its military campaigns. The logistics section ensures the distribution of supplies and provisions, while the raiding parties maintain a constant stream of resources through raids on neighboring territories.


Volunteers and Tributes from villages and cities throughout all of Naria.


DretKag's Horde has a notorious history of conquest and terror in Naria. It was formed by DretKag himself, who rose through the ranks of a small raiding tribe to become a powerful warlord. His military brilliance and brutal tactics enabled him to unite various tribes and villages, forging them into a formidable force under his rule. The Horde's relentless raids and conquests have left a trail of destruction and fear across Naria.

Historical loyalties

DretKag's Horde is fiercely loyal to its self-appointed ruler, DretKag. The Horde's loyalty is not rooted in any allegiance to a specific kingdom, country, or deity. Instead, their loyalty stems from fear and respect for DretKag's power and dominance. The Narians view him as a formidable leader who has brought unity and strength to their once-fractured land. His rule is marked by a combination of admiration and fear, making any dissent or betrayal a perilous endeavor. DretKag's Horde is a formidable and relentless force, made up of both battle-hardened veterans and new recruits eager to prove themselves. The Horde's vast numbers and lack of sophisticated tactics are compensated by sheer brute force and overwhelming power. Naria's turbulent history has been shaped by the rise of DretKag and his Horde, leaving neighboring countries wary of their territorial ambitions and constant raids.
Raiding parties
Overall training Level
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