Naria Organization in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Country of Naria is located in the middle of the eastern continent and is populated primarily by orcs and half-orcs and is plagued by the Tyrant Warlord DretKag. Naria is predominantly a large rocky desert comprised of many mesas and long sprawling plains with a few large lakes where most of the water in the country is obtained.  

Border Relations

    Naria shares a border with the five countries of Ozinland, Obu, Murgland, Enzkland, and Arnumia. Tensions between Naria and Arnumia are currently high because of Arnumia’s fear of DretKag moving into their land, although currently, DretKag has said he has no interest in Arnumia and its people. Naria and Murgland have had a stable relationship, because of the vast hills and difficult terrain separating the two on the Northeastern border they don't interact with each other very often. Recently however the Mideast section of Murgland has started to have some trouble with raiding parties which DretKag claims he isn’t associated with. The relationship between Naria and Obu is an extremely neutral one. The high mesa’s that separate the two and the short border causes them to rarely interact if ever. Naria and the people that live there tend to keep away from Enzkland because of its rocky wasteland terrain and its lack of many villages or cities. Naria and OzinLand have high tensions because of DretKags' constant attacks on its city of wald, although the rest of OzinLand’s citizens live too deep in the forest to concern themselves with these attacks.  


    The Capital of Naria is the large city of Tum Ventio, with Corvorium being the next most notable location in Naria. Corvorium is where DretKag and his followers live, flat land of mesas and large spiky rock formations jetting out of the ground around it. Also in Naria are the settlements of DetoRaurumSurumMavumDegiomaGistaVistiumLulabi.


Naria is governed under a Kratocracy, with DretKag holding absolute power and ruling with an iron fist. As the self-appointed ruler, he wields authority over every aspect of Narian society. Beneath DretKag, there are various chieftains and warlords who serve as his direct subordinates, ruling over specific regions or tribes within Naria. They enforce DretKag's will, collect tributes from the villages, and lead the armies under his command. These subordinates are often chosen based on their loyalty and military prowess.


The Narian culture revolves around strength, domination, and obedience. They admire martial prowess and view the strong as superior to the weak. The concept of survival of the fittest dominates their beliefs, leading them to believe that only the most powerful should rule. Respect and loyalty towards the ruling warlord are highly valued, and disobedience is met with severe punishment. The culture is built on a foundation of fear and submission, with DretKag's rule being a manifestation of their society's beliefs.

Public Agenda

DretKag's primary agenda is to maintain his control over Naria and expand his dominion further. He seeks to unify all orc and half-orc tribes under his banner, transforming Naria into a formidable force to be reckoned with. The Horde's actions are driven by a desire for conquest and domination, with DretKag using fear and intimidation to ensure that villages and cities submit to his rule and provide the necessary tribute to sustain his power.


Naria's history is fraught with conflict and strife. Before DretKag's ascent to power, Naria was a land divided into warring tribes and villages, each seeking to assert dominance over the others. DretKag's military prowess and cunning allowed him to rise through the ranks, eventually uniting the tribes and establishing the infamous DretKag's Horde. His brutal campaign solidified his rule, and he became the tyrant warlord, ruling through fear and oppression.

Demography and Population

Naria's population is primarily composed of orcs and half-orcs. These fierce and resilient beings are scattered across the rocky desert and plains of the country. The population is divided into various tribes and villages, each answering to the authority of DretKag and his appointed chieftains. The average birth rate is relatively high, given the aggressive nature of Narian society. However, the death rate is equally high due to the constant warfare and harsh living conditions.


Naria's territory consists of a vast rocky desert and sprawling plains. The landscape is harsh and unforgiving, yet it has shaped the resilience and resourcefulness of its inhabitants. The Horde holds forcibly and dominantly on this land, with DretKag's stronghold, Corvorium, acting as the center of his power.


The military might of Naria is epitomized by DretKag's Horde, a formidable force composed of fierce warriors, skilled archers, and powerful spellcasters. The Horde is disciplined and trained to follow DretKag's orders without question. They wield brutal and deadly weapons, including DretKag's infamous long pole arm. The military is used to enforce DretKag's rule, quell rebellions, and expand the Horde's influence through conquest.

Foreign Relations

Naria's foreign relations are tense, especially with neighboring countries like Arnumia and Ozinland. DretKag's relentless expansionist agenda and territorial ambitions have raised concerns among neighboring nations, fearing potential invasions and raids from the Horde. While Naria has a stable relationship with Murgland and Obu, it's largely due to the geographical barriers that separate them. Enzkland, with its rocky wastelands, remains mostly untouched by Naria, but the potential for future conflicts remains.

Agriculture & Industry

Naria's agriculture is limited due to its rocky terrain and harsh climate. The Narians primarily rely on herding and hunting for sustenance. They breed strong and resilient animals, such as dire wolves and other beasts, for use in warfare and as a source of food. The industrial activities in Naria are centered around weapon forging and crafting armaments for the Horde.


Naria's infrastructure is relatively basic and geared toward supporting the military and maintaining control. They have established lookout towers and fortified outposts along their borders to monitor potential threats and secure their territory. The cities, including the capital Tum Ventio and Corvorium, are heavily fortified to withstand attacks. The lack of advanced infrastructure is compensated by the Horde's strength and ability to adapt to their harsh environment.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Neighboring Nations







Non-Aggression Pact





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