Eclipse Blade Item in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Eclipse Blade

The Eclipse Blade is a legendary weapon forged in the heart of a collapsing star. It is said to have been crafted by an ancient race of celestial beings who served the will of Daeos, the God of Despair. The blade's creation was an intricate process that involved channeling the energy of the dying star and infusing it with the essence of darkness. Legends speak of a grand ritual performed by the celestial blacksmiths, and it is believed that the blade was presented to Daeos as a gift of unmatched power. Over the centuries, the Eclipse Blade has passed through the hands of powerful warlords and merciless conquerors. Each wielder sought to harness the blade's immense power to vanquish their enemies and spread fear in the hearts of their foes.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Eclipse Blade is forged from an otherworldly, obsidian-like material that absorbs and harnesses the energy of its surroundings. When exposed to the light of a solar eclipse, the blade resonates with the dark energies of the universe, charging itself with formidable power. As the user swings the blade, it unleashes waves of energy that can disintegrate anything in its path.


The Eclipse Blade is a weapon of devastation, capable of cutting through even the strongest of defenses with ease. It is said that when wielded under a solar eclipse, the blade's true potential is unlocked, allowing the user to unleash cataclysmic strikes that can cleave mountains and tear through entire armies. The blade's dark energies are also said to consume the souls of those it slays, adding to its own malevolent power.

Current Geographic Location:

The current whereabouts of the Eclipse Blade are unknown, as its location is carefully guarded by those who seek to wield its power. Legends tell of a hidden temple in the depths of an ancient forest, where the blade is said to rest under the watchful eyes of powerful guardians.  

Current Holder:

The Eclipse Blade was believed to be in the possession of a mysterious figure known as the "Harbinger of Eclipses." This enigmatic warrior was rumored to be a chosen champion of Daeos, granted the honor of wielding the blade during a total solar eclipse. It was told that this champion was killed, and since then the blade has been sealed away.
Raw materials & Components
The Eclipse Blade is made from a mysterious material known as Celestial Obsidian. This rare substance is said to be a gift from the celestial beings themselves, granted only to those whom they deemed worthy. The blade's hilt is adorned with ornate engravings representing celestial constellations, and its pommel features a black gemstone said to hold the essence of a dying star.
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