Daeos, the God of Despair Character in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Daeos, the God of Despair (day-e-os)

Daeos, the God of Despair, is one of the Dark Gods, whose sole purpose is to raise his followers by bringing down those who oppose him. He is worshipped in many countries and cities however most of these follows are underground or hidden because of the evil nature associated with him. The Disciples of Despair are the main followers of Daeos and reside in Tutendorf in the country of Enzkland where his followers say Daeos most recently appeared in his true form. It is also rumored by many in Tutendorf that Daeos himself wanders Enzkland in a human form, slowly recruiting more lost souls to join his cause. 


The most coveted and feared artifact attributed to Daeos is the "Eclipse Blade " This wicked weapon is said to be forged from a shard of the very first blood moon, imbued with the essence of Daeos himself. The blade possesses a crimson hue, and its edges shimmer with a malevolent aura. When wielded by a true devotee of Daeos, the Eclipse Blade is said to instill overwhelming despair in its victims, sapping their will to fight and driving them to the brink of madness. Another powerful artifact linked to Daeos is the "Amulet of Lamentation" The amulet is crafted from black obsidian and bears the symbol of the bleeding crescent moon. When worn by a follower of Daeos, the amulet grants heightened resistance to pain and suffering. It is believed that the amulet allows its wearer to endure even the most excruciating torments, strengthening their devotion to their malevolent god. The "Cursed Veil" is a mysterious artifact said to be woven from the shadows of despair itself. When placed upon the face of a worshipper during rituals, it is said to grant them visions of the impending chaos and destruction they must unleash upon the world. The veil is believed to be a direct conduit to Daeos, allowing his dark whispers to seep into the minds of his followers, guiding their actions and shaping their malevolent purpose.

Holy Books & Codes

The central sacred text of the Disciples of Despair is the "Book of Eternal Misery." It is said to be written in blood-red ink, bound in leather. The book is filled with dark prophecies, tales of sorrow, and instructions on performing sinister rituals to invoke the power of Daeos. Within the "Book of Eternal Misery," there are strict codes of conduct that guide the followers' actions. These codes dictate the meticulous planning and execution of acts of chaos and despair. The disciples believe that adhering to these codes brings them closer to the favor of their malevolent deity.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Daeos is Symbolized by a simple bleeding Crescent-Moon. 

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Daeos believe that the world is meant to be in anarchy and chaos and it is their purpose to realize that. They also believe that a slow death is something that very few deserve.


The followers of Daeos, known as the Disciples of Despair, observe several dark and somber holidays to honor their malevolent deity. One such occasion is the "Night of the Bleeding Crescent," which falls on the eve of a new moon. During this night, the disciples gather in secluded places and engage in gruesome rituals, offering sacrifices to appease their god and draw upon his dark powers. Another significant holiday is the "Harvest of Sorrow," held during the autumn equinox. This day marks the culmination of a season of chaos and destruction brought forth by the disciples in the name of Daeos. They believe that the malevolent energies released during this time are at their peak, and thus they offer elaborate ceremonies and sacrifices to amplify their divine connection.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Daeos seeks to plunge all into chaos and death, it is fabled that ones who accomplish this, either in his name or not, are greatly rewarded by him.
Divine Classification
600' tall

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